TIMES OF ISRAEL – With a projected lifespan of nearly 81 years, Israeli men enjoy one of the highest life expectancies in the world. Some researchers believe the country’s mandatory military service is indirectly responsible for the public health phenomenon.
Surprise, Surprise..Not. In America our Veterans live on the streets, black children without education, Detroit is ghost town … Yet USA military aid to Israel just broke the record; $3.5 Billions – farewell gift from Obama. It provides; Good standard, good healthcare system, clean water… Everything that jew-controlled-Senate won’t give to its own citizens.
maybe regular swapping out of defective jew body parts for healthy palestinian organs. and healthy arab blood, and not having to do labor beyond stealing and lying, and money, money, money, not earned.
Yep and now they are spending 48 million to upgrade schools for Jews in Europe….no problem….just four days of usa money will take care of it. All the while ……schools here are?