Attacks against Haredi Jews are rising and the media and members of both the Israeli and American governments are refusing to talk about it.
ed note–Despite the obvious disingenuousness of the question being asked–as if the answer to this GREAT MYSTERY somehow eludes explanation or understanding–rather than going into an elongated, verbose dissertation dealing with the parasitical and anti-social nature of Judaism and how in every place and in every time period it has gone it has elicited the identical reaction from those Gentile societies finding themselves in the unfortunate circumstance of suffering the ill effects of this parasitical mindset and of its attending behavioral problems, we have elected instead to answer this question with those pictures which render the answer in images that speak a thousand words.
What’s not to hate?
It’s ironic that how “regular” jews look at the ultra-orthodox, humankind views the jews in the same way.
They spread hatred, violence, disgusting behaviours… and they expect to be loved? Wow! Their god is one of hatred and violence and disgusting behaviours and they want us to love him? They say we ~ goyim ~ are their slaves and that we have to crawl in front of them… really???
I think they are a civilisation of perverse narcissist sociopaths and they would have to straighten up their behaviours to be more human and respectful and less psycho… then, we will be able to talk. Don’t expect the world to bow in front of you… you might have a little surprise!
these pictures should be on
billboards along every interstate,
state, county, city road.
these pictures should be on
billboards along every interstate,
state, county, city road.
Yes, I love the one of the Dumpster Diving Jews.
Excellent post Mark
The picture says it all