
TABLET MAG – Otto Warmbier, an American student at the University of Virginia—who was active in Hillel and who went on Birthright, where he received a Hebrew name—died yesterday after being arrested and tortured by North Korea. You’d think that the cluster of handsomely funded Jewish organizations that fly the banner of promoting and protecting Jewish life in America and abroad would notice and acknowledge Warmbier’s murder. So far, though, American Jewish officialdom has been deafeningly silent.

The odious Anne Frank Center, whose disingenuous mission statement blathers on about a kinder and fairer world where Jewish children are safe from the death camps of tyrannical regimes, didn’t bother taking a break from bashing Donald Trump to lament a young Jew put to death by the world’s worst offender of human rights. Nor did the ADL, an organization quick to stand up with Linda Sarsour as she denied Jews their right to self-determination but not so swift when the victim was a young Jewish man whose crime was pulling a silly prank at his hotel while on a college tour of a nation that routinely starves, imprisons, and executes hundreds of thousands of its own citizens. Everywhere you turn today, you hear no one demanding justice for Otto Warmbier.

What you do hear are the howls of the social justice brigades, for whom Warmbier, being white and a man, is mostly to blame for his own murder. When the young college student was arrested last year, the regressive left’s flagships, from Salon to the blessedly defunct Nightly Show, gleefully mocked Warmbier, arguing that white privilege was the real reason for his predicament and suggesting that when it came to oppression, there was really no difference between Portland and Pyongyang. “The hopeless fear Warmbier is now experiencing,” opined a young blogger on the Huffington Post, “is my daily reality living in a country where white men like him are willfully oblivious to my suffering even as they are complicit in maintaining the power structures which ensure their supremacy at my expense.”

This sort of bigoted nonsense is toxic to all Americans, but it’s particularly hazardous to Jews, whose suffering is too often explained away these days as an acceptable byproduct of excessive power and influence. It’s precisely the kind of anti-Semitic bile Jewish organizations were founded to combat. Their silence throughout Warmbier’s ordeal and murder is shameful.

5 thoughts on “Why Have Jewish Organizations Been Silent About Otto Warmbier’s Death?”
  1. This sort of bigoted nonsense is toxic to all Americans, but it’s particularly hazardous to Jews, whose suffering is too often explained away these days as an acceptable byproduct of excessive power and influence. It’s precisely the kind of anti-Semitic bile Jewish organizations were founded to combat. Their silence throughout Warmbier’s ordeal and murder is shameful.
    It’s not ‘shameful’. It’s calculated and naturally, the Tablet knows that.

  2. Former US Jew president Barack Obama spokesman Ned Price (Jewish), and his former White House National Security Council spokesperson in a statement claimed that Obama tried his best to get American student activist Otto Warmbier released from North Korean jail. “During the course of the Obama Administration, we had no higher priority than securing the release of Americans detained overseas,” he said.
    I’m sure Obama must have tried his best to get Warmbier’s released as he did for years to get American Jew spy Allan Gross released from Cuban jail. Incidentally, both Warmbier and Gross were convicted for 15-year in jail for allegedly involved in anti-government activities.
    Warmbier, 22, who spent only 17 months in jail was released in coma last week on humanitarian basis so he can receive proper brain tumor surgery in the US – died on Monday.
    According to Jewish press, Warmbier was an active member of Hillel International at the University of Virginia, an Israeli anti-free speech group at Campuses in the US, Britain, France and Canada. He joined the group after participating in a Birthright trip to Israel in 2014.
    The university’s Hillel director, Zionist Rabbi Jake Rubin, called him “a beloved member of our Hillel community.”
    On November 23, 2015, Batya Ungar-Sargon at the pro-Israel Foreign Policy magazine quoted Gordon Gladstone, a former Hillel director at Berkeley saying that donors are pushing Hillel International to be anti-liberal Zionist and anti-BDS.
    The Birthright trips to Israel are fully paid by Israel’s ministry of information (read US taxpayers) to doctrine young American with the false history of Zionist occupation and its nine million Palestinian victims.
    Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if eventually it’s exposed that Otto Warmbier became a sacrificial goat for Israel to gear-up more pressure on North Korea, a close ally of anti-Israel Iran and Pakistan.
    Jewish media in the West has tried its best to immortalize Warmbier as it did to WSJ investigative reporter Daniel Pearl who was put to death once his captors found out that he was snooping around Pakistan as Israeli Mossad.
    As if that was not enough, Israel First Sen. John McCain accused Pyongyang of the murder of Otto Warmbier as if the dude developed brain tumor in Korean jail. Many Americans consider Sen. John McCain father US Navy Rear-Admiral John S. McCain II a traitor for his major part in the cover-up of Israeli attack on USS Liberty on June 8, 1967 – murdering 34 Americans and wounding another 171 on board (watch below).

  3. Don’t denigrate and demonize the North Koreans and their government without knowing the facts and context. US bombast and belligerence are alive and well on the Korean Peninsula. I’ve just signed a petition letting South Korea’s new President Moon know that Americans like me support peace and reconciliation, not a continuation of the suspended animation of the Korean War….the petition in connection with Moon’s imminent meeting with schoolyard-bully-never-grown-up Trump.
    As for Warmbier, I know all too few details of his case and death, but I do wonder why his parents haven’t allowed an autopsy on his body. Can anyone elucidate?

  4. Because the American military needs to fight the Israeli-construct called “The war on terror”. The greater Israel project (Eretz-Israel) does not include North Korea.

  5. If this guy’s Mother was not jewish, there is the reason for the silence of the JMSM

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