ed note–Now, let’s put all of this into its proper perspective, ladies and Gentile-men…


The equivalent to the title of this ‘essay’ by our esteemed Hebraic author–if written by anyone OTHER than a Jew and dealing with other racially-pejorative terms would be as follows–


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Kike’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Nigger’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Spic’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Coon’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Gook’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Chink’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Spook’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Haji’…


‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Dago’…


Etc, etc, etc…


There can be no doubt whatsoever concerning the OBLIGATORY wall of screeching that would ensue if some AY-rab, White Nationalist or MOOZLUM were to write an essay entitled ‘Why I Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Kike’ or some other racially pejorative word in describing Jews, or any other group for that matter.


HOWEVER, when it’s someone of the Hebraic persuasion utilizing the same kind of language in ‘defense’ of his or her ‘Jewishness’, why, it’s perfectly Kosher, literally.


But let’s just look at this in the real perspective that it deserves–


1. There has been no ‘sinister appropriation’ of the term ‘Goy’ by ‘anti-Semitic groups’ as our Hebraic author claims. ‘Goy’ has always been a pejorative word in the Judaic lexicon, despite the pathetic attempt on the part of this lying Judah-ite at sanitizing the term and making it appear harmless, specifically describing/equating it with the term ‘foreigner’. Within the Judaic lexicon and paradigm, the ‘goyim’ are not just ‘foreigners’ in the same sense that an Irishman, Englishman, German, or Frenchman visiting the United States is–in the strictest legal sense–a ‘foreigner.’


Rather, as CLEARLY AND UNEQUIVOCALLY discussed, described, debated, delineated, and differentiated in various discourses by various Judaic ‘experts’, the difference is like that between man and beast, or have we already forgotten the infamous words of the late, great Rabbi Ovadiah Yosef, who rendered from his poisoned lips the following religious opinion right before he died and went to hell–


‘With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant…That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for the Jew. Gentiles were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel’.


And lest some make the ridiculous, baseless, and irrational charge that Yosef was only giving his own opinion that had no basis in Torah Judah-ism or in Jewish thought, or that it was somehow some ‘recent’ theory conjured up out of that book of hate known as the Talmud, rather than just accepting the fact that indeed this is/has been/always will be Judah-ism from its infancy, allow the ‘prophet’ Isaiah whose writings are thousands of years old provide a little bit of historical perspective on the matter, to wit–


‘The Gentiles shall come to your light,

And their kings to the brightness of your rising…
You shall drink the milk of the Gentiles,
And draw milk from the breasts of their kings…
Strangers shall stand and feed your flocks,
And the sons of the foreigner shall be your plowmen and your vinedressers.
You shall be named the priests of the Lord and the Gentiles shall call you the servants of God…
You shall eat the riches of the Gentiles, and in their glory you shall boast as they surrender unto you their gold and incense…
The children of those who afflicted you shall come bowing down to you,
And all those who despised you shall fall prostrate at the soles of your feet…
The sons of foreigners shall build up your walls,
And their kings shall minister to you, as your gates remain open, day and night,
So that men may bring to you the wealth of the Gentiles,
And their kings led in humble procession before you,
For the nation which will not serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…Book of Isaiah


But let’s just reveal the ugly truth for what it really is here ladies and Gentile-men…


Jews are no more likely to abandon the term ‘Goy’ than a drug addict is likely to abandon his or her needles, because Judah-ism is indeed a ‘jrug’, highly addictive to its users, and the only way that this ‘jrug’ will render the desired effect that the addict has come to love is for there to be this 2-tiered status of superiority and inferiority, because to do away with the term ‘Goy’ is to completely deny the superiority and ‘betterness’ (or, if you will, ‘chosenness’) of the Jews, something which they cannot, have not, and never will be able to accept, because to do so is the equivalent of simultaneously slitting both the jugular vein and carotid artery of Judah-ism itself.



Dan Friedman for The Jewish Daily Forward


There’s been a lot of talk about the term ‘Goy’ in the news with its crass use by HuffPo following the sinister appropriation of the term by anti-Semitic groups.


Some have suggested that we stop using it either because it’s offensive or because its use will ’empower white supremacists.’


Well, both of those arguments are absurd and I’m not stopping using a perfectly good word.


The word literally means nation. So the ‘Goyim’ are the ‘nations.’ And, in the Jewish vernacular, a ‘Goy’ is someone from ‘the nations’ i.e. not Jewish.


White supremacists, for their twisted part, use the term to refer to non-Jews who, according to the racist world view, are tools of some imagined Jewish conspiracy.


So should we stop using a term because a group who are sworn ideological opponents have offensively appropriated it?


No way.


To those who argue that the term is offensive, I’d actually agree that you have a point. It can be used as an insult. But it’s not an offensive word.


Linguistically, the world is divided into Jews and Goyim, just as, linguistically, the world is divided into Americans and foreigners. It’s slightly more complicated than that, but let’s say that these are exclusive and complementary categories. They don’t overlap and there are no other humans.


So, just as Americans can use the word ‘foreigner’ dismissively (or Japanese the term ‘gaijin’), Jews — insiders — can use the term deprecatingly. But no one is suggesting that we stop using the term foreigners. It’s not loaded like the tiny slivers of foreigners that are labeled illegals or undocumenteds. It’s an exclusive term that is used accurately by Americans who love foreigners.


The alternatives we have are ‘gentile’ or the inelegant ‘non-Jew.’ We could use ‘non-Jew,’ it’s ok. My objection to it is its scientific flatness and reduction of goyishness to lack of Jewishness.


The former is a Latin word ‘gentilis’ meaning ‘of the same family.’ But it can’t be the Jewish word because it’s doubly alien. Linguistically it’s Latin. And in usage it’s an internal word. Originally used by the Romans to mean Roman and not Christian, it came to mean not Jewish as Latin speakers considered themselves part of the Christian family. It’s a word designed for use by insiders of the goyish world.


There are offensive terms that our community should stop using, immediately. The two that spring to mind are shiksa and shvartze. The latter is a term for black people anywhere (i.e. not just African Americans) that, though it just means black, is inextricably caught up in global racial discourse and is now always at least a little racist.


‘Shiksa’ (or the masculine shaygets) is also used to refer to a non-Jew. Most often these days seen in the phrase ‘Shiksa goddess’ to denote a very attractive non-Jewish woman, usually with blond hair. The word, however, as Christine Benvenuto pointed out clearly in her book ‘Shiksa: The Gentile Woman In The Jewish World’ comes from the Biblical Hebrew word meaning ‘abomination.’ It is, at its heart, offensive.


But ‘goy’ is neither at its heart offensive nor has it become offensive through usage. For those Jews who believe that being the Chosen people makes us better than others, it’s easy to see how the term could easily slip to insult. But we should fight that tendency toward ethnic supremacism wherever we find it, and in the particular, offensive usage of the term, not its blanket use.

4 thoughts on “The Jewish Brain– ‘Why I as a Jew Won’t Stop Using The Term ‘Goy’”
  1. Mark, brilliant editorial. I might…. er… borrow it later! I just left a frivolous comment at the last article I just read which was concerning the use of the word goy. As I wrote that flippancy i was more than aware that the million thoughts roaming around my head in reaction were more than I could pull together.
    You did it for me with this editorial comment. Thanks.
    I do like the part where he more or less discards the “gentile” description due to its Latin (Roman) origins! That does indeed reinforce the historical aspect of this ancient struggle of, basically, “us” VS “them”. (good and evil, etc etc etc)

  2. They are Anti Christ, as the perverted jews do not believe in Jesus. Damn right they’re kikes.

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