Seven decades after a report documented executions by Israel’s pre-state army of Poles and Arabs – as well as incidents of torture and looting – the authorities are still censoring the documents
Judaism, Zionism and the Toxic Effect of Apocalyptic Religious Delusions on World [email protected]
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“To begin with, it’s not clear how state security could be compromised by the publication of a document dating from the pre-state period.”
If by “state security” is meant the exposing of criminal activity that has always been part of Judaism’s core tenets, then I think it’s perfectly clear how ‘state security’ would be compromised.
The jews were “forced” to kill the men. They were only protecting other jews along with their future state for jews only. And anyway, they were Goyim, so what does it matter? Jews chose to eliminate them, so that makes it legal in Yahweh’s eyes. Who knows if it’s even true? Stop persecuting innocent jews! I’m beginning to think that Mark Glenn is an anti-Semite! He’s against white, European jew converts who don’t have a drop of DNA from the Mideast. But that’s OK; us jews are still the Chosen people to rule this earth and bring the savage Gentiles to heel!
“us jews are still the Chosen people to rule this earth and bring the savage Gentiles to heel!” – Oh no deceptive sperm of satan Jon Avi – Not by deception, manipulation, and pure lies. Those are the pillars that will bring all the Baby Dick Nibbling Kike Suckers down. The jew lies and manipulation won’t outdo love and truth. No Jew has ever been able to battle love and truth, that’s why they resort to slander, lies, and manipulation. They’ve invented nothing, but theft and murder of innocence. We shall see Jon Avi the juden whore, we shall see… who floats, and who drowns. Satan’s air is almost gone. Soon the world will easily see the pig with no more lipstick on it’s face.