It comes down to one word: sunset.
Days before Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial address to Congress, Israeli officials are citing a little-understood element of the Iran nuclear talks as their chief concern about a potential deal.
Concerns that a final deal restricting Iran’s nuclear program will “sunset” any agreement as early as 2025 have thrown a new jolt into Israeli officials who had grown resigned to the idea that Obama will allow Iran a greater uranium enrichment capability than they would like.
“Ten years is nothing. It’s tomorrow from our point of view,” said Yaakov Amidror, who served as national security adviser to Netanyahu from 2011 to 2013. “It’s a license for Iran to be a threshold nuclear state.”
A former Obama Pentagon and State Department official who met with Israeli officials this week said he heard “resigned acceptance” on some aspects of the nuclear talks.
But not on the question of a nuclear deal’s duration.
“This sunset clause is probably the most difficult piece” of the emerging agreement for Israel, said Ilan Goldenberg, director of the Middle East security program at the Center for a New American Security.
The expiration date of the nuclear deal could be a focus of Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on March 3.
Critics say that after the expiration of any deal’s natural life, Iran would be free to use the reactors it was allowed to keep operational for peaceful purposes like producing electricity and instead use them to produce as much fuel for nuclear weapons as it likes. Once it had a large stockpile of highly enriched uranium or plutonium, Iran could fashion nuclear weapons in a matter of weeks, perhaps faster than the international community would be able to react.
It’s not just the Israelis who are upset. Citing reports of a 10- to 15-year sunset period at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing Tuesday, the panel’s top Democrat, Robert Menendez, called that “a matter of time that is far less than anyone envisioned.”
Obama officials deny that any specific sunset clause has been agreed to in the talks. “Don’t believe what you read,” Secretary of State John Kerry, who spoke at Tuesday’s hearing, told Menendez.
One person who talks regularly with members of Congress about Iran says that until recently, many were unaware a nuclear deal would have any sunset clause at all.
But no one close to the talks has ever denied that a comprehensive agreement which extends a temporary deal now in effect will also be of finite duration. Speaking at the Aspen Institute on Monday, Deputy Secretary of State Antony Blinken — while insisting that a final deal hasn’t been reached — defended the idea of a time limit.
“At some point in the future, having demonstrated that it’s making good on its commitments, Iran will be treated as a non-nuclear weapons state,” Blinken said.
As one senior administration official put it in a September 2014 briefing, the goal is to encourage Iran to become a “normal” nuclear state: “What choices [the Iranians] make after they get to normal… will, of course, be their choice.”
Blinken noted that the idea of a sunset clause does not bear Obama’s signature, and that the concept was first advanced by Obama’s Republican predecessor.
“The Bush administration put on the table the proposition that Iran would be treated as a non-nuclear weapons state after it complied for some period of time with any agreement,” Blinken said. “And that is exactly what we are doing.”
Language to that effect was also included in the first interim agreement struck in November 2013 between Iran and the five other world powers — Russia, China, Great Britain, France and Germany — known as the P5+1.
But Blinken added that that any deal will include “a permanent ban on Iran pursuing nuclear weapons activity.”
Blinken was apparently referring to the fact that, even after the conclusion of any nuclear deal, Iran would still be bound by the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Iran’s pre-revolutionary government ratified that treaty in 1970 and officially still honors it. Its nuclear program would thus be monitored by International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors who could sound alarms if Tehran takes steps towards weaponization.
Some experts fear that Iran could deceive inspectors both during and after the duration of an agreement, however, and fashion a bomb undetected. Iran insists it uses enriched uranium for energy and medical purposes only. Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, has even issued a religious fatwa against the development of nuclear weapons — although many U.S. officials and experts question the edict’s sincerity and durability.
But Khamenei insists that Iran eventually needs a robust nuclear energy program. And other Iranian officials have long said that any nuclear deal — giving Iran relief from harsh economic sanctions in return for limits on the size of its nuclear infrastructure — must be fairly temporary.
“Let’s establish a mechanism for a number of years. Not 10, not 15 — but I’m willing to live with less,” Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif told the Council on Foreign Relations in September.
America’s original proposal was for a deal lasting at least 20 years, according to Gary Samore, who handled the Iran nuclear portfolio in the Obama White House until 2013. “This is a compromise,” Samore said.
A crucial question is whether that compromise will buy enough time for a more moderate Iranian regime to emerge, one perhaps less likely to race to a nuclear weapons capability once it is free of any commitments it makes to the U.S. and its negotiating partners.
Obama has publicly assured Iran that the U.S. is “not seeking regime change.” But even if he is not promoting that change through force or covert action, he is undoubtedly rooting for it. Iran’s government is openly hostile to America and Israel abroad and brutally repressive at home.
And while U.S. officials say that Iran will never surrender its entire nuclear infrastructure or unlearn its technical expertise, it is possible that it’s anti-American, anti-Israel regime will moderate. Before Iran’s 1979 Islamic revolution, Tehran was America’s closest Middle East ally. It even had friendly ties with Israel.
Goldenberg argued that the sunset period on the table is enough time for Iran’s 75-year old fundamentalist Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, to pass from the scene. “I think the Supreme Leader does not last 10 or 15 years. So the question is, who comes after him?”
Rather than a policy of regime change, Goldenberg said, “you could call it regime evolution.”
Samore said that some reformers within Iran are promising that the very achievement of a nuclear deal will give them a boost. “Iranians close to the government are whispering to us that a ‘good’ nuclear deal will empower [Iran’s President Hassan] Rouhani to neutralize Khamenei and overcome hard-liner resistance to reform at home and more moderate foreign policy.”
Samore added that Iran’s hard-liners could also denounce a deal and undermine Rouhani. “In other words, I don’t think we can reliably predict the consequences of an agreement on Iran’s domestic politics, and we certainly can’t know what Iran will look like in 10 to 15 years,” Samore said.
A senior Obama administration official concurred: “The notion that they might someday have a better regime in no way affects our negotiations because we can’t rely on that,” said the official.
Some outside experts were even more skeptical. A 10-year time frame would be a “catastrophic mistake,” said Ray Takeyh of the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of two books about Iran.
Iran is “a system permeated by ideology, so Khamenei dying tomorrow is not likely to change the system dramatically.”
Amidror, the former Netanyahu adviser, dismissed the idea that any predetermined time frame for a nuclear deal could buy enough time for a less dangerous regime to emerge in Tehran.
“I don’t understand the question,” he said. “When do bad people become good people? When a time is over — or when they change?”
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Unless they’re going to build thorium reactors, you cannot have a modern society without fusion technology. Period. That’s like telling someone they have no right electricity or the wheel. The Jewish State might as well tell Iranians they have no right to use steak knives. The Jews know that when Iran achieves fusion success, it will usher in a golden age of true sovreignty That will spread throughout the ME, which will end Israeli hegemony and Israel itself, Since Israel’s existence and expansion depends on Balkanizing the ME. Nothing, aside from Iran’s destruction will appease them. Period.
These bastards shouldn’t even be in Palestine to begin with! These maggots salivated over Europe and the beautiful cities there. They freaking envied it and were also jealous.
After taking over Europe by all ways that they could imagine, they thrn used Europe for further goals. The conquered have given laws to the conquereors as one famous Roman statesman put it. Maybe it was Seneca. Cicero knew the enemy was already behind the gates.
And now here they are having planted their asses in Palestine and demanding such bs. They whole damn history is a pack of lies , butchery, and psychiatric problems. These people are anti human. Oh what a wonderful world it could’ve been without these types of people
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The constant Israeli whining about Iran has nothing to do with Iran. It is about using a manufactured “threat” to control the Israeli masses, and legitimize the Israeli government, and especially to distract the Israeli masses from the ever-widening gap between the rich and the rest.
British PM David Cameron unleashed global austerity mania on 26 and 27 June 2010 at the G-20 summit in Toronto. From there, neo-liberalism and gratuitous austerity spread like a plague, but it did not catch on in the USA and Israel until the middle of the following year. That’s when we saw Obama’s “grand bargain” in which Obama wanted to cut Social Security and so forth.
By late 2011 the resulting pressure on the masses triggered the “occupy” movement in the USA and Israel. In Israel it was called the “social justice protests,” but it was the same thing, with Jews camping out in tents, and occupying parks and whatnot. This went on for months on both nations. The masses protested against numerous things, but it all amounted to a protest against inequality, in which the rich get richer every day and the poor get poorer. We’ve always had that, but it is accelerating dramatically now. In Israel, life for average Israelis is so expensive and so miserable that most Israelis long to move out, but they can’t afford to do so.
Average Israelis can’t legally move to the USA, since the US government has an agreement with the Israeli government that bars Israeli immigrants, unless they are rich. Without this agreement, Israelis would flock to the USA in droves. They only way the Israelis can move to the USA is as illegal aliens (and there are a lot of them in the New York area).
Hence, Israelis dream of moving to Europe. Netanyahu says the only thing waiting for Jews in Europe is another holo-hoax, but the Israeli masses don’t buy it. They are miserable, because of the extremely high costs of living.
Given the economic realities, the only way the Israeli government can get away with continuing to grind the Israeli masses into poverty is to constantly harp on the (non-existent) “Iranian threat,” and sometimes the “Hezbollah threat” and the “Hamas threat.”
This is their “war on terror.”
All these comments work for me. In addition to cloaking the gap between Rich ‘n poor in Israhell the fear mongering aids in building up the Occupation ~ Nuttyahoo hasn’t stopped begging the Euro Jooz to come to Israhell ~ of course there is an advantage to having all the Jooz in one place for whomever gets sick to death of them and sends a nukulor ugly stick.
Adam and Eve were goyim. The Serpent was a Jew! This inhuman(e)beast ethnically cleansed the Garden of Eden.
You’re spot on Darwin…the day of reckoning is coming soon and they knew it all along? Othrwise why would they bother to grow millions of box torn plants almost everywhere in israhell…
How self evident ! good comment Shafar, i’ve always thought of the fantasy story characters Adam & Eve as totally neutral or ‘goyim’ but never placed a Joo value on the snake. i guess i didn’t want to give snakes a bad name. ~ But the fear of snakes may be entangled with your premise …
#4 Konrad; I would like to take this time to say you write some rather astute and insightful comments here on TUT. The above comment exemplifies this. As far as jooz not being able to move to the USA: they are moving to Germany in droves, especially the younger 20-somethings. They see no future in the criminal state but certainly do in Europe. I guess all of the brainwashing about the holohoax since they were old enough to comprehend the spoken word hasn’t worked as well as their brainwashers had hoped. Also, the demographic time bomb is ticking and the zios know it; another reason Satanyahoo is begging for Euro jooz to move to IsraHel.
#5 Darwin26; “an advantage to having all the Jooz in one place for whomever gets sick to death of them and sends a nukulor ugly stick.”
Funny, I’ve thought the same thing many times over the last 20 -25 years. Great minds think alike!