ed note–again, in the interests of getting our notes straight and on cue, the popular, often-stated but completely erroneous notion espoused by a great number of ‘experts’ these days vis modern day Judaism and how the Torah plays no role whatsoever in the beliefs and behaviors of today’s Judah-oids simply has no basis in fact or reality.
Please note the following–
‘It was not until the Talmudic era, around the 6th century C.E., that the Jews in the Land of Israel began reading the entire Torah in public and would do so until all the Five Books of Moses were completed.’
In other words, according to our unesteemed rebbe, Jews had/have no problem recognizing both the Talmud and the Torah, and why should they, since the one (former) is merely a ‘how-to’ guide for the latter.
“….The need to read the Torah publicly intensified after the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE;..”
OF COURSE it did…it was all the more important to keep the tribe of psychopaths corralled and in the pharisaical shetl.
From what I have gathered, that the word Jew was not in the bible prior to the 18th century. Also Benjamin Freedman also has made that comment. What have you learned?
ed note–it is of no consequence vis the ‘bigger picture’ at all. The fact that the word ‘Judean’ may have been shortened to ‘jew’ is something which certain types of people seize upon as ‘proof’ of something but which in the final analysis means nothing. Whether we are talking about judeans, jews, hebrews, israelites, khazars, schmay-zars or whatever, a Rosenberg by any other name is still a Rosenberg, with as much differentiating them as do words such as ‘mafia’ and ‘the mob’.