Laws not strong enough to police it, say experts
OCDG : What a bunch of total BS. Just a week or two ago, a tweet in the UK directed to a jewish member of parliament, which said “hitler was right” netted the tweeter a jail sentence. In Canada, jewish interests have taken Arthur Topham to court over things far less innocuous and certainly not violent. Not to mention the persecution of Ernst Zundel, who was kidnapped from the US and brought to Canada to face charges… this was decades ago… the laws are much tougher now.
Contrast that with the following anti-Muslim posts straight from the EDL’s facebook page :
“Smash the f**king p4ki c**ts up and burn them alive… Utter pieces of scum… Living off our benefits, our jobs and on our land”
“we should burn ALL the mosque’s down!!!”
“We need to remove our political class as they are merely rolling over and appeasing the muslims, then we can remove the muslims from our nation and demolish the mosques that have been built. Wherever there are plans for a mosque to be built pigs should be buried in the ground.”
“We need to build concentration camps/death camps to put them all in.”
“about time we bumped a few off to hell with you stuff the government and the police all traitors”
“Kick out muslims out of your country, otherwise sooner or later there will be riots targeting innocent White Britishers … DO NOT ALLOW THEM TO TAKEOVER YOUR COUNTRY THROUGH DEMOCRACY, DO NOT LET THEM TO LIVE IN YOUR COUNTRY.”
“What do u expect if u allow babarians to settle in your country. How can your politicians allow such mass immigration where your own race ;culture and norms are replaced with alian norms.”
“Islam out of Europe now!!! Generation Identity!!!”
“Get these ragheads away from our children and out the country!”
“there are no ‘moderate’ muslims !!!!!”
“Those animals are hatching new terror plots each week how long before they successful attack English civilians again even if it’s a lone wolf style attack enough is enough every Muslim is the same some are better lairs then others they all have to go.”
“Yeah and most of them are discusting vile animals!!”
“seriously need to be murdered these muslims”
You should be able to say anything you want. Everyone has a rite to there views and opinions. The only censorship should be, that you sound like a moron when you say stupid stuff. People’s responses would reflect that.
The correct name is ISRAELOBIA. First the Muslims will be falsely persecuted, next, the Christians.
I agree with “serul” (#1). The only possible exception would be speech which actually incites to violence (as most of the quotes “OCDG” presents above in fact do). However even that could be argued, saying that only the actual ACTS of violence should be criminal, not violent SPEECH.
At any rate, it is not incitement to violence for an “anti-Semite” to “deny the Holocaust”, claim the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are real, deny the legitimacy of “the Jewish State of Israel”, etc.. While most of the above quotes from “Islamophobes” do in fact incite to violence, a lot of what is called “Islamophobia” does not. It is not incitement to violence, for instance, for people like Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer, Frank Gaffney, and Pam Geller to string together a bunch of quotes from the Qur’an (ripped from their contexts, of course) and claim that Islam is intrinsically violent and hateful.The correct response to that type of “Islamophobia” is NOT to criminalize it, but to counter it with “truth speech” (showing how Islam has been distorted and misrepresented by the “Islamophobes”).
So my advice is to repudiate the criminalization of “hate speech” – with the possible exception of actual clear “incitement to violence”. Let everyone be completely free to state his/her beliefs and opinions – both pro and con on any issue and concerning any group of people, religion, or State.
Yes exactly.
My point was NOT to criminalize speech, it was to show the double standards of its application.
Many might find it hard to believe, given how history has turned out but free speech is a principle of Islam. Discussion and debate is not only allowed but encouraged.
“organizedcrimedotgov” – You’re absolutely right. The double standards are clear and plain. IF Arthur Topham and Ernst Zundel can be indited and tried in court for what they’ve written and said, then certainly all kinds of “Islamophobic” comments should also be subject to criminal trial as “hate speech” – both the “incitement to violence” of quotes you gave, as well as any slanderous (but not violent) statements. However, as I said, I don’t believe either the “anti-Semitic” statements or the “Islamophobic” statements should be subject to criminal action.
Having read the Qur’an a couple of times, I quite agree that “free speech” is a principle of Islam.
The “Prophet” may have issued some ‘strong’ warnings about future judgment by “Allah”, but there was to be no human judgment for ‘wrong’ belief and speech. “Leave them alone; God will sort out the things in which you differ at the Last Day” is the attitude of the Qur’an.