3 thoughts on “Why Russia is Serious About Fighting Terrorism and the US Isn’t”
  1. Remember…….

    Russia is in Syria by invitation, as they are allies.
    Iran is in Syria by invitation, as they are allies.
    The US, on the other hand, has never been asked by Syria to invade its airspace or to put her boots on the ground.

    Syria has not asked the US for help.
    The US Congress has not declared war on Syria.
    The UN has not given authorization to the US to invade Syria. So, it is clear that the US is in violation of international law.

  2. Serious about fighting terrorism? That’s all relative. The Russian rulers have had over a decade to cancel grand terrorism by teaching Russians the essence of 9/11. Yet they have not even discreetly notified Russian architects & engineers that they would face no retaliation if they signed a certain online petition for a thorough technical investigation into the Twin Towers and Building 7’s structural failures.


  3. That is the reason I am not voting for any one of those clowns any more. Remember Obunga, he told us that he would finish all the wars and bring our soldiers back home, close Guantanamo, stop torturing people, stop spying on the US citizens and all those lies that every one believed. No more, there is not even one clown who is not aligned to Israel, all of them have been In Tel Aviv and praying at the wailing wall for all the Jews to see. They are a bunch of detractors, liars, traitors to America and Jew ass kissing.

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