Let’s be brutally honest here. Trump has an allegiance to the Kremlin that is so bizarre that we must wonder if he is even an American patriot. And let’s remember what Russia is doing right now: Allowing Iran to become entrenched in Syria, limiting Israeli intervention against Iran on Syrian soil, and colluding with Iran to evade American sanctions on Iranian oil. Is this really the best time for President Trump to be turning America into a Russian-proxy state?
The bottom line is that Trump is an America Firster, an isolationist, a nativist, and a protectionist. Trump has never really believed in American leadership in the world. And without such leadership, Israel will never be secure.
What Israel needs is an ally in America that is the dominant world power, militarily strong, and committed to prudent globalism. What Trump offers instead is a narrow parochialism that is simply untenable – dangerous for America, dangerous for the world, dangerous for Israel, and dangerous for the Jews. Right-wingers who think only of the embassy move are being bamboozled.
ed note–again, all the ‘Trump is owned by Djooz’ types, pay no mind whatsoever to glaringly important pieces such as this that shed a clearer light on the nature of what is going on behind the scenes between Trump, Inc and Judea, Inc, and ESPECIALLY pay no mind to the words of our unesteemed Hebraic writer that–although directed specifically towards those right-wing Jewish elements who do indeed love Trump due to his embassy move, nevertheless–can be applied to those anti-Trump elements within the pro-Palestinian community as well–
‘Those who think only of the embassy move are being bamboozled.’
Trump is a tool. Stop your nonsense. He has set world on fire and is letting the sayanim take over everywhere
ed note–as we said in the original introductory commentary–‘pay no mind whatsoever…just go on chirping your emotion-based nonsense and do not consider for a moment what the Jews themselves–who are THE dominant factor in it all–are saying about all of this’.
this comment is so typical that it should be articled on its own,let people decide what’s up here.
is this guy THAT brain damaged or is he just diddling us because he thinks that we are THAT brain damaged?
note that they will NEVER, EVER get down into the trenches of logical argument that calls upon the factual evidence, unless they pick on one single window dressing micro-element like the embassy move that never happened, oh yeah, brilliant, tremendous evidence but ask him about syria, about korea, about shutdown of yinon “7-countries-takedown-in-5-years” plan, about destruction of nato, eu, nafta, tpp, sudden worldwide awareness of Lügenpresse (fake-news),war on cnn, nbc, nyt, all the jew media, his excellent relations with putin, xi, dutarte, kim jong-un while terrible relations with confirmed shabbo slaves like may, trudeau, macron, the ongoing, everyday hate-fest with jew neocons, think tanks, celebrity anchors, hollywood whores, antifa, soros, the rothschilds, deranged libtard avademics … and it counts for nothing, absolutely nothing, 8 oz earplugs hanging out of their ears, TRUMP JEW OWNED, TRUMP JEW OWNED, NYAH, NYAH, NYAH.
they start off and end with categorical statements and immovable conclusions, like
BECAUSE HE IS A TOOL, that’s why.
WHICH PROVES THAT HE IS A TOOL. end of argument, yeah, i won, i won.
they’re coming to take him away, haha, they’re coming to take him awaaay! haha, hoho, heehee
I thought that was “G_D”‘s job…
The rest of the article ensures that even if you hated Trump, you’d vote for him/GOP. Treasonous piece of garbage people like this writer are…
Isn’t that what people say about the jews?
ed note–‘Know1’, please email me when you get the chance–[email protected]
WHATEVER it takes to FLUSH “isn’t-real” back unto the sewers of HELL and NEVER RETURN Again… Any war that slithering zios start for the U.S. will be the END of the U.S. as we know it.. The jewish SCAM is OVER.. Our entire world has seen what the zios’ purid greed and selfish lust has done to America and they will fight to the end to keep this zio disease from destroying their own countries… The zios were warned, (and especially about letting pig-boy-benji having any influence what-so-ever), and they failed to clean-up their act and will now pay the price…
First, I’d like to compliment all the commenters above who are so brilliant and not brain damaged by the attempt at zio-brainwashing.
Second, and this may appear off topic, but it really isn’t, I’d like to post for your consideration, the following video regarding the “gay” agenda, and the Catholic Church.