3 thoughts on “Will Mideast Allies Drag Us Into War?”
  1. Take note ; The Wall Street journal was ” quick ” to endorse Saudi Arabia.
    Rothschild’s nefarious agent Rupert Murdoch owns that once esteemed paper.
    The Saudis are the principle stockholders in Newscorp /FOX ,and allied with International Jewish Finance .

  2. The writer forgot to mention one tiny nation in the ME: Israel, which is probably the main driving force behind all the wars in this region.
    Now Israeli is “allied” with Saudi Arabia- but for how long? According to the Od-Yinon plan they want to have a big piece of SA for herselves.- The Saudis falling out of their former good position now seems to be the preparation for regime change and partition like it is planned for Irak and Syria in favor of the jewish state.
    But after all I don’t pity Saudi Arabia.

  3. USA did not take part in European wars till WW II. Yes sure, because they were busy with genocide at home . Many millions of indigenous people had to be slaughtered according to their scedule. That’s the reason why.

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