Growing concern in Israel that Trump could include ‘East Jerusalem’ as capital of Palestinian state in peace proposal.
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Thank GOD the Trumpster is doing something right,, At least he is becoming LESS of a pimp to the slithering sneaky zios…
The writer of this article is dreaming. Even if Trump does suggest such a thing it would only be to win votes before the election. He would never follow through with it and even if Nutty yippee Yahoo refused to go along with it no one would do a single thing about it.
ed note–but what if it isn’t just to ‘get votes’ LB, and if it is, whose votes? The Christian Zionist evangelicals, the largest voting block in America? They have already gotten their orders from Israel to screech and holler till hades boils over once it is unveiled. The lefties? They wouldn’t change their opinion on Trump if he performed a 3rd term abortion on live TV.
I understand the emotion involved in all of this but what we have to keep in mind is that there are many, many more layers to all of this than what meets the eye. Do I want to see a ‘Jewish state’? Yes, where it belongs, on Jewpiter. But do I want to see the Jews achieve their ultimate wet (as in blood) dream of murdering every single Semite in the Middle East (which they will indeed do) if something unconventional is not done?
Give the Jews their Goddamned (literally) ‘state’ and then sit back and watch as they devour each other like the feral dogs that they are, and in the meantime give the true Semites and the peaceable oppressed a place to lay their weary heads, to rest, and to build their lives anew.
Whenever I read that , I always think “Idiot Are You Not.
he never was a pimp, don’t fall for the window dressing.
here is another proof of TRUMP-EFFECT in action.
Jordan Cancels Key Part Of Historic Treaty With Israel, Refusing To Renew Land Annexes.
just tell me that jordan would have dared cancel it under any other potus to date.
Trump and Putin continue to win.
“just tell me that jordan would have dared cancel it under any other potus to date.”—Lobro
Hmm… could it be fat boy king is finally growing a set of balls? Ah well. If he is they will most likely shrivel back up and vanish when our jew ass kissing government threatens to pull the protection money for israel they call “foreign aid” out of his fat boy hands.
The Arab leaders are all the same. As long as they get to stay seated in their little golden palaces welding power over their citizens they will do what ever the Jews and their American cohorts in crime tell them to do.
Palestine should have been left with the Turks. Look at Turkey’s current leader…. now there is a leader in the region with some real balls. If he is not murdered by the Jews and their American partners first… he’s the one that I’m placing my bet on.
start of a hopefully mutually informative discussion, ladybat …
seems to me that men’s balls are like balls of the dogs:
a correlative function of the size of the pack and the assertiveness of the alpha leader, they grow in tandem and looking at the recent history since trump taking possession of the oval office, you will have no doubt seen erdogan’s shift from “assad must go” and his proclaimed friendship with jews, hostility to russia, downing of their jet, antagonism to iran while licking the saudis, right across to the opposite side of the spectrum … ask yourself why, what prompted such switches in attitude.
because one thing erdogan is not, is stupid, by no means, he is a champion survivor, never will be caught out in the open without plan-b, like saddam or gaddafi.
the answer to the “mystery” should be plain: putin+trump are a good bet to throw an existential monkey wrench into the millennia-old plan of judaic world rule and they are well on their way to wreck the works on all fronts.
of course, jew is not resting either, mixing his shots as best he can, consider for example the honduran rabble caravan marching to the southern us border timed to coincide with the midterm election, especially in light of this revealing interview with the ousted honduran president zelaya (the last democratically elected honduran president, just like yanukovich in ukraine, same formula):
Honduras and Israel form a new special relationship.
worldwide chessboard, game on!
I still got a good feeling about Erdogan. But really Lobro….. I don’t give a crap who finally puts an end to the con game these demons from hell who call themselves jew and who have been scamming the world for thousands of years. Just so long as someone finally ends it once and for all so our world can survive and finally know peace.
Two little nephews of mine age 3 and 6 came from Gaza with their mom after the last slaughter the “israeli’s” call a war. It was summer time. The 4th of July coming soon so there were fire crackers going off all around our neighborhood then.
My terrified little 3 year old nephew hid in the closet scared to death of the noise whispering…..
Yahudie Yahudie
(Jews Jews)
I told him no its only toys. Where he comes from things that make a sound like that are not toys. They are the sound before the blood and death.
I can’t stand when they (jews) talk about their “holocaust”. Their “holocaust did not last even half as long as the one they have inflicted on the innocent people of Palestine.