YNET – Op-ed: Israel set clear red lines in Syria, stopping numerous Iranian arms convoys from reaching Hezbollah. But what is Israel going to do when the Russians and Americans finalize an agreement to end the war in Syria, which would allow Tehran to establish itself in the Golan and put its soldiers right on our border?
Prime Minister Netanyahu often boasts about his close relationship with his friends Russian President Putin and US President Trump—but what do we actually get from the close ties with these friends, whom Netanyahu is mostly trying not to anger?
Good, I hope its true
Syria is not a “Civil War” you lying jew! The Golan was stolen and is occupied by the Zionist jews. The writer left that out too. Israel worked hard to create this problem that’s now staring them in the face, stupid, supremacist, arrogant jews! Is that redundant?
I’d love it if Syria took back the Golan from the thieving Israelis, killing scores of IDF in the process. Problem is, if that was done, the jews would Nuke Tehran. But then, Israel would take a thousand real missiles. Maybe in the ensuing chaos, Russia could send in a few cruise missiles as well. The jews have been cruisin’ for a major bruisin’ for a long time.
Maybe, just maybe, the US & Europe would sit on the sidelines and allow Israel to be wrecked for good, its surviving citizens fleeing to all four corners of the globe. Let them go to the JAO; Jewish Autonomous Oblast.
We can dream, no? If there was no Rothschilds, there’d be no Israel. Default on the Rothschild debt & kill the Rothschilds; they’re certainly guilty of hundreds of crimes punishable by death! Cut off the head of the snake!