ED-NOTE – Trump is not just boosting Palestinian reconciliation efforts: he is boosting the Muslim world reconciliation efforts against the occupying entity.
Until the not so sudden announcement that the US will move their embassy to Jerusalem, we saw more and more Arab leaders coming out of their Judaic closets and openly embracing their long hidden love of the Jews/Israel.
The UEA were hailed as Israel’s brother; the chief of staff of Israel’s military was interviewed by a Saudi newspaper – something which had never ever happened before; a senior Yehudi Arabia official toured Paris Grand Synagogue; Israel and Yehudi Arabia announced they would share “intelligence” on Iran, which we know they always did from behind the scene, but they now feel confident to bring their long alliance in the open etc. And while all this was happening, not a word of condemnation by the Arab League of Traitors, that same Arab League which unanimously agreed to the utter destruction of Syria and the removal of President Bashar Al Assad, that same league which now feigns to be shocked by Trump’s decision.
What was taking shape at an alarmingly fast pace was an Arab/Jewish alliance against Iran and, by extension, Hezbollah and Syria. What Trump has just done with his announcement is put an end to the building of that alliance, forcing Israel/the Jews back to their drawing tables to find yet another strategy on how to destroy Iran/Hezbollah/Syria.
your introduction is logical and your predictions will probably happen. But, I can’t see Trump thinking that deeply. Trump and his team are like beginner chess players, and you are responding to their move like a professional chess player, responding to his move to a much deeper level.
However, the near future in the Middle East would be interesting to watch.
PJ London 2 days ago
Trump is not in the least bit interested in Israel, Palestine or in fact anything outside of the US.
Every one of his ‘Foreign Policy’ actions are idiotic unless you look at his poll figures in USA.
The US needs an enemy, 15 years ago it was decided that ‘Muslims’ fitted the bill and every Muslim in the world suddenly wanted to destroy the US, according to American opinion makers. They are trying to replace them with ‘Russians’ but it does not work as Americans realise that Russians are in fact very like themselves.
Maybe it is a quid pro quo for the tax deal, but I think he is just rubbing their noses in their stupid decisions.
I think that he is going to more and more do what Congress says, but do it literally. They would not support him in any way, so let the voters see just how bad these fools are.
In 6 months, America will not have any ‘allies’, just by Trump doing what congress and the voters want.
He got elected by saying what the voters wanted to hear.
Congress and the courts have stymied any action, so let the people see the outcome, his hands are clean.
What he has done is throw Congress under the bus. You people voted for these idiots, they voted for Jerusalem, so let them handle it.
He has blindsided both Congress and Netanyahoo, ‘OK you got your wish, now what?’
(Edit : For 50 years [1967] Israel has stealthily been stealing, house by house street by street, the Arab land. Trump has exposed this theft to the world. He has made the Arabs and the world recognise the outcome if nothing is done.
Not just the Arab, not just the Muslims but everyone has to take notice of what is happening. He did this by showing the maxim “Be careful of what you wish for, you might just get it.”)
“Under the relentless thrust of accelerating over-population and increasing over-organization, and by means of ever more effective methods of mind-manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the quaint old forms—elections, parliaments, Supreme Courts and all the rest—will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of non-violent totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly what they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial—but Democracy and freedom in a strictly Pickwickian sense. Meanwhile the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite of soldiers, policemen, thought-manufacturers and mind-manipulators will quietly run the show as they see fit.”
– Aldous Huxley, Brave New World Revisited
He is a genius who is brilliantly exposing the oligarchy.
Either that or he is a stupid twat.
Mark, your foreword should have sufficed, the haaretz wasn’t worth reading – this is it in a nutshell
i endlessly repeat, talking to the wind, it seems when i say to my own people, the goyums:
if you are not bright enough or brave enough to think on your own, to read between the lines, to gauge the likely effect rather than the empty words, watch JEW’s reactions (and the arab league are jews, simple as that, no one denies it anymore), so that anything JEW supports, you oppose, anything JEW is smearing, you support – voila! simple as that – support trump’s announcement, not because you love jews and hate palestinians but because of what it represents on the ground.
So when the arab league is shocked! shocked! by trump’s announcement, it means that it messed up their diabolical plans, whatever they were, it set their clock back.
In particular, it destroyed the status quo and the creeping anaconda squeeze they were putting on all the deplorables: iran, palestinians, russia (by way of ukraine and jihadi terrorism) and the rest of us.
Their planned honeymoon with JEW in the beach resort of Sodom and gomorrah has gone on hold and they are cheated, weeping and lamenting in frustrated heat but they cover it up drooling croc tears for the palestinians all of a sudden, while harvesting starving kids organs in Yemen – notice how trump pressures them to lift the embargo on yemen, how pro-zionist is that?
All trump did was to have flipped the rock under which the maggots were squirming and now they run for cover, a brand new situation for them: goy acts, they must react, a goy is a step ahead of them – how weird, how novel, how unacceptable, oy vey, what next!
But trump must fight the battle on 3 fronts: JEW, stupid, blind goyim who judge him solely on his vocabulary rather then results, and the deep state traitors. Not easy, is it.
As to him being stupid, too stupid to do his own thinking, I say, yeah, stupid like claudius was stupid, stutter and a limp that he exaggerated intentionally to keep safe from the court intrigue and caligula’s informers and assassins … this is why assorted goy basket weavers call trump “orange clown”.
No need for the goyim to grow a brain, just kickstart the one they got, seemingly an impossible task with some.
It is basic, i guess: jews are hunters and as such study the prey and orchestrate action in advance.
Goyim are a herd of scared cattle crowding to gether, happy to react in flight, each happy to survive at the expense of his brethren, and as such got no plans.
What a mediocrity does in a herd situation is to blindly follow the one perceived as slightly elevated, a tiniest bit less of a mediocrity, anyone beyond that is mistrusted, such as Trump – too fucking original, creative and bold for Amerikka.
Russians, taught from an early age to think critically, have no problem understanding what Putin is all about, even what Stalin did for them – judge him by results: no more jews in power, no more jews period, they are now our burden – good luck yanks, enjoy the company of Elder Bros! 😀