0 thoughts on “Woman protects son from sexual battery, gets arrested”
  1. What was the cry from women in relation to abortion ? -its MY body so does the sexual discrimination act only apply against males ? I realise some states have circumcision built into State Law but would women like it if the same argument was used against them ? Saying its for hygiene reasons in men is totally one-sided -if you didnt know it before a womwn produces via her glands a much larger amount of fluid and whats the point if the woman doesnt clean herself and has sex or are they saying only men get dirty and dont clean themselves ? if so they are not living in the real world. If jews want to keep circumcision then thats up to them but why should NON-jews be forced to get an operation that ,and doctors acknowledge, makes your penis less sensitive.

  2. Maybe she heard about those 6 babies circumcized in NYC who contracted herpes from the rabbis’ sucking their blood. How filthy those mouths were! One other baby contracted the aids virus. I would have the rabbis’ personal hygiene and a complete physical given before they conducted that on a child of mine. Disgusting.

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