Most Diaspora Jews don’t believe current government is sincere in quest for peace; feel entitled to a say in country’s security policy, new JPPI research highlights
ed note–in order to understand the secret to ‘their’ success viz a viz their ability as a statistically-insignificant group to marshal incredible amounts of influence over the world’s 7 billion Gentiles, one must understand above all one particular word–solidarity. The leaders of the Jewish community understand this, which is why they are CONSTANTLY taking polls and testing the waters to see where trends may be headed that threaten this solidarity.
This in large explains the current rift taking place within organized Jewish interests, and particularly over the person of Benjamin Netanyahu. It really is a matter of salesmanship, as organized Jewish interests (OJI) understand that the disproportionately-effective hold they have over world affairs is totally dependent upon their ability to ‘sell’ certain ideas to Gentile consumers, as they know that the moment their ‘product’ becomes unattractive is the moment Gentiles vote with their feet by walking away and spending their political capital somewhere else.
And so, what we are witnessing here is a board meeting of sorts, where various officers making up this corporation known as ‘Judea, Inc’ bump heads and come up with new ideas in solving what are certain marketing challenges in an age where the world is becoming increasingly wary of investing anything further in this apocalyptic venture.
Jews barely see the tip of the iceberg. They believe that the IDF acts in accordance with high moral standards; attempts to minimalize civilian casualties. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LIARS! FOOLS! Jew supremacists! SCUM! TERRORISTS! MURDERERS! DEVILS! I hope Israel gets itself NUKED!! And SOON! I will buy the drinks and lead the dancing in the streets! What unmitigated JOY that would bring!
MG: your comments led me to thinking about another Israeli leader – Yitzhak Rabin – who dared to possibly exhibit placability. As I recall, Netanyahu was accused of extremely aggressive public comments directed against Rabin prior to the assassination, and I also recall how “slack” were Rabin’s bodyguards on the mortal occasion. Do that mob do slackness? I don’t think so. Anyway my train of thought wandered into the “might is right” issue, and there is a fair bit of that in the Protocols.
Below are relevant quotes from The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion quickly assembled by locating the word “might” (as a noun!) in the text of that work. Page numbers refer to the Martino Publishing 2010 reprint of the English translation published in 1920 by Eyre & Spottiswoode of the 1905 Russian original publication.
For the information and records of anyone interested.
“What restrained the wild beasts of prey which we call men? What has ruled them up to now? In the first stages of social life they submitted to brute and blind force, then to law, which in reality is the same force, only masked. From this I am led to deduct that by the law of nature, right lies in might. Political freedom is not a fact, but an idea. This idea one must know how to apply when it is necessary, in order to use the same as a bait to attract the power of the populace to one’s party, if such party has decided to usurp the power of a rival. The problem is simplified if the said rival becomes infected with ideas of freedom, so-called liberalism, and for the sake of this idea yields some of his power.
In this the triumph of our idea will become apparent. The relinquished reins of government by the law of life are immediately seized by a new hand, because the blind strength of the populace cannot exist for a single day without a leader, and the new government only fills the place of the old, which has been weakened by its liberalism.
Nowadays the power of gold has superseded liberal rulers. There was a time when religion ruled. The idea of freedom is not realisable, because no one knows how to use it with discretion.
It suffices to give the populace self-government for a short period for this populace to become a disorganised rabble. From that very moment dissensions start which soon develop into social battles; the States are set in flames and their total significance vanishes. Whether the state is exhausted by its own internal convulsions, or whether civil wars hand it over to an external foe, it can in any case be considered as definitely and finally destroyed – it will be in our power. The despotism of capital, which is entirely in our hands, will hold out to it a straw, to which the state will be unavoidably compelled to cling; if it does not do so, it will inevitably fall into the abyss.” pp1-2
“Our right lies in might. The word “right” is an abstract idea established by nothing. This word signifies no more than “give me what I want in order to enable me to prove thereby that I am stronger than you are.”
Where does “right” begin? Where does it end? In a state where power is badly organised, where the laws and the personality of the ruler are rendered inefficacious by the continual encroaching of liberalism, I take up a new line of attack, making use of the right of might to destroy the existing rules and regulations, seize the laws, reorganise all the institutions, and thus become the dictator of those who, of their own free will, liberally renounced their power and conferred it on us. Our strength under the present shaky condition of the civil powers will be stronger than any other, because it will be invisible till the moment when it becomes so strong that no cunning designs will undermine it.” pp3-4
“One must understand that the might of the crowd is blind and void of reason in discrimination, and that it lends its ear right and left. If the blind lead the blind, they will both fall together into the ditch. Consequently those members of the crowd who are upstarts from the people, even were they geniuses, cannot come forward as leaders of the mass without ruining the nation.” p4
“We will organise a strong centralised government, so as to gain social powers for ourselves. By new laws we will regulate the political life of our subjects, as though they were so many parts of a machine. Such laws will gradually restrict all freedom and liberties allowed by the Gentiles. Thus our reign will develop into such a mighty despotism, that it will be able at any time or place to squash discontented or recalcitrant Gentiles.” p18
“Our government must be surrounded by all the powers of civilisation among which it will have to act. It will draw to itself publicists, lawyers, practitioners, administrators, diplomats, and finally people prepared in our special advanced schools. These people will know the secrets of social life; they will master all languages put together by political letters and words; they will be well acquainted with the inner side of human nature, with all its most sensitive strings, on which they will have to play. These strings form the construction of the Gentile brain, their good and bad qualities, their tendencies and vices, the peculiarity of castes and classes. Of course these wise counsellors of our might to whom I allude will not be selected from amongst the Gentiles, who are used to carry on their administrative work without bearing in mind the results which they have to achieve, and without knowing for what purpose these results are required. The administrators of the Gentiles sign papers without reading them, and serve for love of money or ambition.” pp25-6
“We rule by mighty force, because in our hands remain the fragments of a once powerful party, now under our subjection. We possess boundless ambitions, devouring greed, merciless revenge and intense hatred. We are the source of a far-reaching terror. We employ in our service people of all opinions and all parties: men desiring to reestablish monarchies, socialists, communists, and supporters of all kinds of utopias. We have put them all into harness; each one of them in his own way undermines the remnant of power and tries to destroy all existing laws. By this procedure all governments are tormented, they yell for rest and, for the sake of peace, are prepared to make any sacrifice. But we will not give them any peace until they humbly recognise our international super-government.” pp27-8
“It is essential for us that, from the first moment of it’s proclamation, whilst the people will be still suffering from the effects of the sudden change and will be in a state of terror and indecision, that they should realise that we are so powerful, so invulnerable, and so full of might, that we shall in no case take their interests into consideration. We shall want them to understand that we will not only ignore their opinion and wishes, but will be ready at any moment or place to suppress with a strong hand any expression or hint of opposition. We shall want the people to understand that we have taken everything we wanted and that we will not, under any circumstances, allow them to share our power. Then they will close their eyes to everything out of fear and will patiently await further developments.” p38
“The main condition of its stability lies in the strengthening of the prestige of its power, and this prestige can only be obtained by majestic and unshakable might, which should show that it is inviolable and surrounded by a mystic power; for example, that it is by God appointed.” p51
“The grandness of our might will require that suitable punishments should be awarded, that is to say, that they should be harsh, even in the case of the smallest attempt to violate the prestige of our authority for the sake of personal gain. The man who suffers for his faults, even if too severely, will be like a soldier dying on the battlefield of the administration in the cause of power, principle, and law, which admit of no deviation from the public path for the sake of personal interests, even in the case of those who drive the public chariot.” p56
“As regards our secret policy, all nations are children, and their governments also. As you can see for yourselves, I base our despotism on Right and on Duty. The right of the government to insist that people should do their duty is in itself an obligation of the ruler, who is the father of his subjects. Right of might is granted to him in order that he should lead humanity in the direction laid down by the laws of nature, that is to say towards obedience.
Every creature in this world is under subjection, if not under that of a man, then under that of circumstances or under that of its own nature, in any case under something that is more powerful than itself. Therefore let us be more powerful for the sake of the common cause.
We must, without hesitation, sacrifice such individuals as may have violated the existing order, because in exemplary punishment is the solution of the great educational problem.
On the day when the King of Israel places upon his sacred head the crown, presented to him by the whole of Europe, he will become the Patriarch of the world.” pp59-60
“By this act we will penetrate to the very heart of this Court and then no power on earth will expel us from it, until we have destroyed the Papal might. The King of Israel will become the true Pope of the universe, the Patriarch of the International Church.” p65
“In our hands is concentrated the greatest might of the present days, that is to say, gold. In the course of two days we can draw any amount of it from our secret treasure rooms.” p82-3
“Our power will be glorious, because it will be mighty and will rule and guide, but by no means follow leaders of the populace or any kind of orators who shout senseless words which they call high principles, and which are in reality nothing else but utopian ideas. Our power will be the organiser of order in which lies peoples’ happiness. The prestige of this power will bring to it mystic adoration, as well as subjection of all nations. A true power does not yield to any right even to that of God. None will dare to approach it with the object of depriving it even of a thread of its might.” pp83-4
“Nations only submit blindly to a strong power, which is absolutely independent of them and in whose hand they can see a sword, acting as a weapon of defence against all social insurrections. Why should they want their Sovereign to possess the soul of an angel? They must see in him the personification of strength and might.” p84
The Jews understand above all else the power of MONEY.
With that MONEY, they buy Kings,Popes,Clergy, parties, and ideas.
They own the CAPITAL, and this is key.
They work through their Dialectic, of Left/Right/Athiest/Religious, system to acquire power,and keep it.
Jews have no ideology,but are JEWS first.
They discriminate and elevate fellow Jews only.
‘The Chosen People’.
And I will remind you, that being a “Chosen People”, not of any Gentile Universal God, but a Demeruige called Yahweh.
Whatever, or however you might protest,beg,admire, serve Yahweh he/she/it, is in no way,your God !
Get over it ! Jews say so ! Why don’t you believe them ?
Your Sunday School teacher, TV Preachers, and other assorted Christians, and Catholics are dead wrong, and in on the con,or just plain dumb.
Back to finances. If you do,get over the ‘working hard,’ ,’go get a job,’ mindset…..and NO ,I am not supporting sloth.
Don’t think your handsome son,beautiful daughter, and I their talents will get them stardom.
Don’t think your brilliant ones will be captains of industry,get inventions, out there, books published big time, or rise high in academia.
All the plum positions are taken….Yahweh’s Chosen.
Jews see money as instruments of luxury,comfort,advancement, and above all power.
They have worked to make sure they OWN it,and you can’t.
Everytime you morally rage against the poor, welfare ( little exists), Social Security, Food Stamps, pensions, benefits, the Jews laugh.
Because when it goes,you are the next target of Jews…..
‘An era of limits’.
That means YOU,because Jews want,and worked for a world of two classes.
The 1 % them, and YOU !
All the Jews are the same no matter what kind of Jews they are. they can be Hebrew Jews, Khazarian Jews etc… They all have the same evil and no soul for any one. Their God Yahweh and their God Satan of the Babylonian Talmudism are just the same monsters.