3 thoughts on “WOW!!: Raw Story corrects Trump, cites Israelis”
  1. This is SO right along the line of Mark Glenn’s latest take on Trump as discussed with Dante on last night’s radio programme. Highly highly recommended especially if you want to understand what is happening here and what is NOT being said.

    According to Mark,Trump, now seeing his presidential hopes dashed, is playing this card as he is as an opening salvo regarding the truths of 9/11. He intended for people to rush to google his assertions and discover The Five Dancing Israelis. Powerful men with little conscience do tend to seek revenge on a grand scale if possible and the Donald could just be doing that now.

    I say Donald Trump wants to go down as a maker of history and if he cannot do it as President of American he might do it by changing the course of history through his actions.

    It is up to us now to make sure those folks see the videos from Israel where they admit this but I digress.

    Meanwhile, the play must go on.

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