ed note–Despite our being unable to vouch for the accuracy and/or authenticity of the video below, nevertheless, assuming it is both authentic and accurate, what it represents is a clear and unequivocal threat to the life of POTUS DJT on the part of both Zelensky and his Israeli backers who are livid with Trump for having just pulled the lit fuse out of the bomb known as WWIII/Armageddon which the Pirates of Judea have been planning now for the last 3,000 years.


7 thoughts on “Zelensky and Netanyahu have just threatened to assassinate POTUS DJT for his having negotiated with Russian President Putin the necessary protocols for ending WWIII”
  1. And who are the 3 idiots?

    ed note–anyone’s guess. Could be Mossad setting Ukraine up as the patsy for their planned assassination of POTUS DJT or it could be real Ukraine soldiers, but I am betting on the first possibility.

  2. well they did JFK /911 and billions in theft,,beleive them they mean to kill our potus and anyone else around him any way they can.

  3. Both of these delusional POS bastards need to be dealt with ASAP, MAKE THEM AN OFFER THEY CAN’T REFUSE, THEN DO IT. TAKE THEM OUT ASAP. DC/Lex

  4. What about that lunatic Anarcho-Capitalist, Israeli-Firster, Javier Milei. I wonder what side he chooses?

  5. The fact Trump appears to hold “all the cards” domestically, including complete control over the Secret Service, the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ, the NSA and all other cabinets of his executive branch of the US government, reasonably assures that any threat against his life within the next four years is doomed to fail. Trump is simply not dogged by the vulnerabilities and security lapses of the JFK administration of 1963. Ukraine and Israel will encounter a steel wall in any effort to assassinate the current, sitting American president.

  6. DJT should of cuffed Nutjobyahoo last time he visited, and Zelensky and wife should get the Nicolae Ceaușescu treatment – put up against the wall and shot by his own army.
    Just wondering where Ms. Zelensky got the 1.2 million she spent at Cartier’s. And isn’t Zelensky a gay disco dancer who plays the piano with his johnson? How is it he’s married to a woman when he is gay.

  7. I agree with Ed Note… Who stands to gain most… Who’s staff is packed with wall to wall Zio’s… Who already said if anything happens to me… Then there was the previous golf course incident with that patsy who was pro what… Yeah if it does happen they got both angles covered… Blame it on Ukraine with a follow up war on Iran because DJT 4547 already said… ^^^

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