ed note–doubtless those on the left will swoon and shriek with barely contained glee over this, showcasing yet again another ‘good Jew’ who is ‘speaking with conscience’ about the utter barbarity that is every facet of ‘the Jewish state’.
The problem with such expositions however is that it’s akin to ringing the fire alarm after the house has burned down. Israel’s ugliness is nothing new. In 1948, as marauding Jews went from village to village murdering thousands of innocent men, women, and children, using guns, bombs, molotov coctails, and in some cases, literally cutting open the bellies of pregnant Palestinian women and ripping their unborn children out–the script for the rest of the screenplay had been written in stone.
The only reason for all of this ‘coming to Jesus’ theatricism on the part of ‘good Jews’ such as this is that the smarter elements within Jewry know what is coming and want it noted for the record that they ‘opposed’ this brutality when it comes time for hunting down these people and giving them the justice they richly deserve.
Remember, the motto of Israel’s Mossad ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’ can take on all sorts of interesting manifestations.
Israel is “a failure,” the Zionist dream has curdled into Jewish selfishness, a major Jewish leader writes in an important article published yesterday. “After a life and career devoted to Jewish community and Israel, I conclude that in every important way Israel has failed to realize its promise for me,” David Gordis states.
‘Israel is “a failure,” the Zionist dream has curdled into Jewish selfishness’
I disagree completely. Israel is the odious fruit of the ‘zionist dream’– to create a “Jewish state” on stolen land by ANY means: stated by many “forefathers” of zionism and accomplished to the letter.
“Jewish selfishness” is a silly pleonasm. Once you believe you are ‘chosen’ and entitled to everything owned by those you trample upon, “selfishness” is a nonsense concept, because there is no “Other.”
“I conclude that in every important way Israel has failed to realize its promise for me.”
That’s most likely a thoroughly sincere sentiment. The broken promise is that Israel has failed to get away with it.
Israel has achieved all this grandiosity thanks to the money taken from us to give it to Israel. They have accomplished all they have by stealing the land from the natives and the money from the US and the UK.