For over 3 weeks now as Israel has been engaged in a full-throttle/pedal-to-the-metal/’round-the-clock celebration of religiously-inspired/state-sanctioned violence against 2 million Gentiles in Gaza resulting in the mass murder of over 8,000 human beings, many in the ‘civilized’ world have weighed in with a few adjectives they found fitting and apropo such as–










…And a dozen or so others conveying the same idea…


All accurate, without a doubt…Every letter, word, syllable and punctuation mark…


And, truth be told, how could such words not have found their way into any such discussions?


The Jewish state’s latest masterpiece in Halachic holy war is so over-the-top in terms of its malice aforethought and deliberate violence against defenseless women and children that many are still left wondering whether Netanyahu’s real objective here was to have his name remembered alongside other famed butchers of men throughout history such as Herod, Nero, or even U.S. President Harry S. Truman, who–as Ariel Sharon once admiringly quipped–‘snuffed out half a million Japanese with two fine bombs’.


The truth however, and despite it being an assault on the mind’s imaginative senses, is that characterizing Israel’s latest militarily-induced-late-term-abortion-on-a-mass-scale as merely ‘a bloodbath’ barely scratches the surface in terms of its size and scale, in many respects similar to describing Godzilla as merely ‘a lizard’ but then going no further…


Rather, Operation ‘Swords of Iron’–as it’s been worshipfully anointed and adorned by Zionist acolytes the world over–has been nothing less than a feeding frenzy of sorts, where sharks, barracudas, piranhas, or other creatures ‘long in the tooth’ and with an acquired taste for human flesh are set loose upon helpless, hapless victims while spectators ogle at the slow-motion ‘death by a thousand bites’ spectacle as if it were political snuff porn and they its devoted and devout addicts.


Sadly however, as generous as the ‘civilized’ world may be with various words dropped into the adjective collection plate in describing the black mass that is occurring in real time, the one word that (up to this point) has remained as silent as death in fleshing out (no pun intended) the real life hell taking place is the one word that–were the world right in the head–should have come spilling out of the mouths of ‘civilized’ people the world over, namely–




As well as its various sibling synonyms containing the same kind of definitional DNA, such as–










And, just as it was with the previously-listed adjectives used in describing the manner by which thousands of innocent human beings were fed to vicious, voracious hyenas clad in IDF uniforms for the purpose of pleasing and appeasing the Judaic god Yahweh–all are true, without a doubt…


…Every letter, word, syllable and punctuation mark…


The problem however is that words like ‘unavoidable’–biting, cutting words, razor-sharp in their accuracy–are as likely to be used in characterizing what is taking place place in Gaza as Lady Gaga is ‘likely’ to don a nun’s habit, take a vow of celibacy and devote the rest of her life to repairing all the damage that her semi-nude antics have inflicted upon the civilized world in recent years.


And the reason that words such as these–the verbal equivalents of shark’s teeth when it comes to cutting through the cartilage known as confusion and thus chew into the meat of the matter–are unlikely to see the light of day during discussions involving Israel’s ‘genocidal’, ‘bloodthirsty’, barbaric,’ and ‘inhuman’ behavior is because as soon as ‘spicy’ adjectives like ‘unavoidable’ are added to the dialogue stew, things become uncomfortably warm…


People start clearing their throats and loosening their collars…Eyes begin darting back and forth and everyone within earshot of that dreaded word starts looking for the exit sign so they can get the hell out of there and thus avoid going where such a discussion must inevitably go.


And the reason for this is simple–Words such as ‘unavoidable’ carry problematic baggage with them, meaning connotations and implications that are quarantined from being discussed out loud when certain topics are involved, and especially when the topic happens to deal with ‘the Jewish question’.


While Islam, Christianity and just about every other dish on the religious buffet table is open for exploration, critique, and criticism, even to the extent that they are unfairly maligned and libeled in making a sow’s ear out of a silk purse, when it comes to that other Middle Eastern religion however–Judah-ism–no such license is given.


It is kept locked away, concealed from prying eyes, closed for business, out of town, out to lunch and everything in between, unless of course all commentary remains in the safe zone–meaning affectionate, prostrate, complimentary, fawning, deferential and on the positive side of the number line.


And it is this ‘blind spot’ within the Gentile psyche, meaning its poorly-constructed understanding of Judah-ism as the primal, primordial, primitive electrical current powering the machinery of the Jewish state, which has helped produce massacres such as ‘Swords of Iron’.


The Gentile world, in embracing the generally-virtuous virtues of ‘tolerance’ and ‘non-judgmentalism’ when it comes to ‘another man’s religion’ has to its own detriment generously (but foolishly) given Judah-ism an undeserved place of honor at the table of faiths alongside other philosophies where ‘love they neighbor’ and ‘do unto others’ are considered necessary components to that religion’s identity.


With Judah-ism however, no such provisions exist…


Like no other religion (the lone possible exception being those practiced by those brutal empires of the past that made the barbaric business of human sacrifice the centerpiece of their religious and cultural identity) Judah-ism is by definition a two-tiered caste system of predator and prey whose sole purpose is the support, advancement, empowerment and enrichment of Jews at the expense of Gentile untouchables.


Like no other religion, Judah-ism openly and without ambiguity commands and commends violence–including in the extreme–against those who dare transgress its objectives. Like ice-cream in Hell, within Judah-ism there are no such commodities as ‘tolerance’ and ‘non-judgmentalism’ when it comes to ‘another man’s religion’, nor any creatures such as ‘live and let live’.


No, in Mundus Judaicus there is only Yahweh, his commandments, and the people he ‘chose’ as the enforcers of this two-tiered, predator/prey caste system, a system that could not spell the word ‘mercy’ if the letters making up that word were the only letters in existence, and which is simply referred to as ‘the law’.


Yes, that’s correct–‘Jihad’, ‘terror’, ‘conversion by the sword’ and other terminology with which virtually all people these days are intimately acquainted do indeed exist, but not as Islamic concepts, but rather Judaic ones.


In fact, if one really wanted to get ‘historical’ about it, Judah-ism was/is the ‘big bang’ from which these types of extremism originated, where backwards, unenlightened people–driven by particular and peculiar religious ideas–justify violence, theft, and any other mechanism deemed necessary for the group under the guise that their ‘god’ has commanded them to do it.


In other words, not ‘jihad’ as everyone has been told in recent decades, but rather ‘Ju-had’


Therefore, as crazy as it indeed sounds, in the case of Israel and her people, they truly are–as they are fond of lecturing the world on a regular basis–blameless, not only with regards to this latest massacre, but as well, all those preceding and all those that will inevitably follow.


Not in the sense that innocent people weren’t killed (deliberately and horrifically) nor that it was someone other than the Jewish state and her people who committed these crimes, but rather ‘blameless’ in the sense that all of this was/is the direct result of religious teachings thousands of years along in their germination process that only now are circumstantially permitted to be put into practical, political, real-time use.


Since it is indeed within the Judaic religious paradigm–discussed often by Judah-ism’s long-bearded ‘doctors of the law’, meaning the Rabbinate–that Gentiles are (technically speaking) not human beings per se but rather ‘animals’ created in human form so as to better serve the Jewish people, ergo no such crime as ‘murder’ has been committed by the Jewish state–in Gaza or wherever–and therefore she, through her various spokespersons and supporters, can indeed say with a straight face that she remains ‘blameless’ in the matter.


Truly, it is a case of ‘not guilty by reason of insanity’ and puts Jesus Christ’s entire ‘Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do’ commentary in a completely new light.


Having said that then, what the rest of the ‘civilized’ world needs to understand when wrapping its sane, collective mind around the insanity typified by massacres such as ‘Swords of Iron’ is that while Israel’s latest opus magnus in state-sponsored religious terrorism may indeed be over-the-top in its malice aforethought against defenseless women and children, the truth is that there certainly wasn’t anything unusual, abnormal or out of place about any of it, not by a molecule, a microbe or a millimeter.


No, as far as Operation ‘Swords of Iron’ is concerned, it–like all the ‘Oldie-Goldie’ warm-up acts preceding it with titles such as Cast Lead, Summer Rain, Pillar of Cloud, Jenin, Sabra & Shatilla, etc–it is a case of ‘situation normal’ and ‘steady as she goes.’


Rather than Israel’s recent behavior being seen as some sort of aberration, anomaly or abnormality, the proper context with which the sane world should view this unspeakable tragedy is that she–the Jewish state–is functioning almost flawlessly throughout the entire black mass/ritualistic Kosher slaughter.


Everything she was/is programmed as ‘the Jewish state’ to do, she is indeed doing…


Everything that encompasses and defines her nature, everything indelibly written into her social, religious, and political DNA is expressing itself like a flower coming into full bloom…Her mass murder of over 8,000 innocent men, women, and children–with a smile on her face, laughter in her throat and a psalm on her lips–is as extraordinary to her political/psychological disposition and as contradictory to her ‘Judaic ethics’ as is a school of sharks frenzy-feeding on a group of swimmers at the beach.


Indeed, all those involved with ‘Swords of Iron’–be they Israel’s supporters around the globe, her politicians, religious leaders, citizens, etc, can sleep soundly at night knowing that what is taking place, and, just as importantly–WHAT IS SURE TO TAKE PLACE–is indeed what the god of Israel demands be done and that–as stated on many occasions–the same IDF personnel responsible for pulling the triggers, lighting the fuses and pushing the launch buttons are doing so as members of ‘the world’s most moral army’.


The truth–and it’s an ugly one indeed–is the fact that the only ‘sin’ Israel has committed so far during this 4-weeks long ‘Director’s Cut’ version of the Tel Aviv Chainsaw Massacre is that she has not (YET) killed everyone and everything in Gaza in accordance with the rules and regs outlined in her Torah–the ‘holy’ book’ upon which the Jewish state’s entire existence is foundationed and supported–and which explicitly commands in stark, unequivocal, black and white language that–


‘When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’


As outrageous as this may sound to those living in the civilized and enlightened world of the here and now, what must be understood is that within the Judaic paradigm, the ‘here and now’ is only an illusion of sorts. Whereas the majority of those walking, talking, living, and breathing on God’s green earth do so with their clocks and calendars set to the 21st century A.D., Israel and her people remain fixed and fixated on the yesterday of the 21st century B.C., where an angry, violent, vengeful god known as ‘Yahweh’ has just bestowed his preference upon one tiny, numerically and culturally insignificant group of nomads, while at the same time has given them the nod to plunder the peoples and civilizations with whom they come into contact and to do so either through outright violence or chicanery.


The proof that indeed total extermination and annihilation are what is expected and required on the part of Judah-ism’s more devout adherents the world over comes right out of the mouths of the aggrieved and disaffected themselves.


Not only is all talk of a ‘cease-fire’ from the Gaza massacre considered ‘sinful’ by the majority of those worldwide proud to call themselves ‘Jews’, but also considered blasphemous and heretical as well. As news reports are indicating with shocking clarity, the reaction to the idea of Israel staying her hand in the present carnage being waged by the IDF Kill-harmonic orchestra and leaving the concert hall known as Gaza, the chorus of booing, hissing, screeching and gnashing of teeth taking place at the moment is loud and raucous enough to be heard from deep space…Whether it is young Israelites gathered at the border with Gaza–watching the shock and awe while guzzling down rivers of alcohol or whether it is those who stayed glued to their computer screens in a state of paralyzed hypnosis like dirty old men leering at young women taking off their clothes–those presently watching the Gentile-cide taking place in real time are reacting with the same kind of furious disappointment at the possibility that the bombs may soon stop falling that ravenous sharks experience while in the midst of a feeding frenzy when they suddenly find themselves deprived of their prey.


And, as stated earlier but which the rest of the Gentile world fails to understand, those involved with all this bloody business were/are able to do so with a clean conscience. As far as they were/are concerned, the number of butchered could have been 2,000, 20,000, 2,000,000 or even 2 billion for that matter, and nothing would change except the placement of the decimal point, because the fundamentals of the situation remain static, which is that killing Gentiles is as intrinsic to the foundational underpinnings of Judah-ism as sacraments are to virtually all confessions of Christianity.


Anyone doubting this fact need look no further than the various religious feasts celebrated yearly within the Judaic calendar where Gentiles dying in large numbers feature as the nucleus around which the entire celebration itself revolves. From Passover (the celebration of Egyptian Gentile-cide) to Purim (the celebration of Persian Gentile-cide) to Hanukkah (the celebration of Syrian/Greek Gentile-cide) there is no divorcing the inherently violent, visceral Judaic hatred of non-Jews from the religion and culture that now serves as the beating heart of the Jewish state today.


This being the case then, it’s not the fault of the Jews (as devout followers of Judah-ism) or ‘their state’ that massacres of this type–past, present and future–occur, anymore so than the fox who is given an empty door into the henhouse and then avails himself of the buffet set before him can be judged and convicted for his actions. As much as it’s in his nature to kill and eat as he pleases, likewise is it with the Jewish state, as once infamously described by war criminal Ariel Sharon himself, to wit–


‘Tell me, do the evil men of this world have a bad time? They hunt and catch whatever they feel like eating…They don’t suffer from indigestion and are not punished by Heaven. I want Israel to join that club. Maybe the world will then at last begin to fear us instead of feeling sorry. Maybe they will start to tremble, to fear our madness….Let them tremble, let them call us a mad state…Let them understand that we are a savage country, dangerous to our surroundings, not normal, that we might go wild, that we might start World War Three just like that, or that we might one day go crazy and burn all the oil fields in the Middle East…’


Indeed, beginning at the top with creatures such as Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir, the rabbinate, etc, all the way down to all those creatures great and small dwelling in that Tel Aviv West known as Hollywood, and their brutally-honest statements concerning the annihilation of every single Palestinian in Gaza–all those involved can be considered ‘good Jews’ for what they did and the positions they took.


This is what their religion commands, an as such these vampires are in effect ‘keeping the faith’ and remaining true to the teachings of their Torah and their Judah-ism.


By contrast, those ‘Jews’–whether as individuals or as groups–who have come out–loudly or quietly–in opposition to what took place are in the final analysis apostates of the Jewish faith as defined and delineated by the teachings of the Torah. By condemning the horrific violence inflicted upon the people of Gaza they are in effect countermanding and contradicting the very words of Yahweh himself–the god of Israel and of the Jewish people–that appear literally in black and white and which leave no wiggle-room for interpretation–


‘Slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…Save nothing alive that breathes…Make no agreements with them…Show them no mercy…Destroy their places of worship..Break down their images…Cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire…’


etc, etc, etc…


And finally, so that there is no doubt concerning the ‘Kosher’ certification of such grisley, gorey business–


‘For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’


And this–the stark, black and white commands on the part of Yahweh to ‘His’ people to ‘slaughter,’ to ‘leave nothing alive that breathes ‘ and ‘show no mercy’ found within Judah-ism–is precisely why all the bloodshed that has taken place was as predetermined and as ‘unavoidable’ as the arrival of the seasons at fixed times of the year.


As illustrated alongside other invariables, it goes thus–




‘For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…’


‘What goes up, must come down…’


and finally,


‘Judah-ism kills…’


Simply stated, it could not have been any other way, and for anyone of any stripe–religious, political or whatever–to have expected differently is a clear case of maniacal thinking not rooted in reason and rationality.


It is precisely because of this fact–the mathematical certainty of Judaically-sanctioned genocide in places such as Gaza–that the rest of the Gentile world watches with shock and horror at what transpires but yet refuses to employ words such as ‘unavoidable’, as words such as this convey foreknowledge of an impending event suggesting that those ‘in the know’ have a moral duty in preventing it.


More than this though, the reason why words such as ‘unavoidable’ will never be used is because what words such as this convey is the presence of an intrinsic, unchangeable nature that makes massacres such as ‘Swords of Iron’ inescapable.


In other words, those within the ‘civilized’ world displaying shock and horror over what took place might be forced to conclude that somewhere along the way, the ‘civilized’ world blundered BIG TIME in practicing the generally-virtuous virtues of tolerance and non-judgmentalism when it came to Judah-ism and has–to its own detriment and to the detriment of others–generously afforded this dangerous mindset an undeserved place of honor at the table of faiths alongside other philosophies that embrace at least some variation of the ‘love they neighbor’ and ‘do unto others’ maxims, spiritual attributes that–as far as the religion of the Judah-ism is concerned–simply do not exist.


But they–those in the ‘civilized’ world–who use adjectives such as genocidal, bloodthirsty, barbaric, inhuman, etc, understand all too well the holy Hell sure to arrive at their doorstep as payback for ‘going there’ in any such discussions and who therefore choose to ‘play it safe’ by sticking with butterknife adjectives that don’t cut too deeply or too closely to that proverbial bone of contention.


Still however, the problem exists–how to explain all the violence and complete lack of remorse on the part of virtually an entire group of people as thousands of people are subjected to a deliberate program of state-sponsored human sacrifice…


Easy solution, mastered by every shifty salesman throughout history–the techniques of ‘bait and switch’ and ‘smoke and mirrors’.


And the process by which this takes place is that things are ‘explained’ but without any explanation actually taking place. In Hebrew, it is referred to as ‘Hasbara’ and is best described as a form of mind control whereby fantasy and fiction become facts and vice versa. During this seance of sorts, completely irrational, indefensible and logically-unsupportable ideas are introduced which sound great to the ears but which do serious damage to the critical mind.


Specifically, in the case of ‘explaining’ the deliberate massacres of men, women and children by the Jewish state, the magic spell which is cast over the minds of those who want to know why these things take place is to proffer the ‘explanation’ that it is ‘Zionism’ that is the problem, not Judah-ism.


‘Judah-ism’–so the spiritual sales-schtick goes, ‘is a holy faith, God-centered, beneficent to fellow man, peaceful, tolerant, non-judgmental, and which embraces virtues such as ‘love they neighbor’, ‘do unto others’ and other maxims rooted in brotherly love, compassion, decency, and above all others, justice…’


And when all that blood-n-guts business contained within the Torah is raised, namely–


‘When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are to possess and casts out the many peoples living there, you shall then slaughter them all and utterly destroy them…You shall save nothing alive that breathes…You shall make no agreements with them nor show them any mercy. You shall destroy their altars, break down their images, cut down their groves and burn their graven images with fire. For you are a holy people unto the LORD thy God and He has chosen you to be a special people above all others upon the face of the earth…’


—It is dismissed as passe’, antiquated, irrelevant, and a dozen other adjectives used seductively in chasing Gentile curiosity away from what the root of the problem truly is.


Tragically, (some might even say apocalyptically) this ‘explanation’ works and is used–literally–with deadly effectiveness.


Like some form of the Israeli-created Stuxnet virus, the ‘Zionism is the problem’ mind-worm replicates itself a thousand times a minute, avoids detection by anti-virus software, is nearly impervious to malware removal tools, and it sits there in the Gentile brain, wiping out all the files necessary for normal intellectual operation, until finally, it overloads the system with contradictory commands that do not compute, and then–










And a dozen or so other adjectives conveying the same idea…


–the hard-drive goes into overload, seizes up, and in time, the entire Gentile operating system is rendered inoperable…


Mission accomplished…The branches (Zionism) receive a few cuts and scratches from the teeth on the saw, but the root remains unharmed…Judah-ism is safe.


In many ways, the unwillingness/inability of individuals to grasp and accept the reality of the danger to their very existence by the predatory nature of Judaic thinking mirrors the plot line found within Peter Benchley’s novel Jaws which was later made into a film of the same name.


As unsophisticated, uncouth and uncultured as he may have appeared, with his blue-collar threads, blue-collar accent and blue collar thinking, nevertheless ‘Quint’, Captain of the Orca and a shark hunter by trade–was the only sane person in the room that night. The townspeople of Amity had just convened a meeting to determine their next course of action in the aftermath of 2 people being killed by a giant, voracious shark…Had the townspeople had their wits about them, the fact that the 2 victims had literally been ripped to shreds like human confetti should have served as the nucleus around which all discussion took place that night.


But yet, the townspeople–fearing more the inevitable economic backlash of closing the beaches during tourist season than the possibility/probability of their own flesh and blood becoming the shark’s next meal–were instead whining and squabbling like petulant, spoiled children over what was (by comparison to being eaten alive) a relatively minor issue.


And in the midst of this mindless, irrational, childish bantering, Quint spoke–


‘Y’all know me…You know how I earn a livin’…I’ll catch this bird for you, but it ain’t gonna be easy…Bad fish, this shark–Swallow you whole…A little shakin’, a little tenderizin’, and down you go…But it’s not gonna be pleasant…I value my neck a lot more than just three thousand bucks…I’ll find him for three, but I’ll catch him, and kill him, for ten…Now you gotta make up your minds, you want to stay alive and ante up, or do you want to play it cheap and be on welfare the whole winter…Ten thousand dollars for me by myself, and for that you get the head, the tail, the whole damned thing…’


Quint’s sermon was brilliant in both its simplicity and infallible logic. The ‘bad fish’ he described was like nothing he or anyone else had ever encountered before…Its disposition and demeanor was as fixed and unchangeable as water being wet or fire being hot….There could be no capturing this ‘bad fish’ and sending it away to shark obedience school to be tamed, rehabilitated and reformed…Counseling and therapy were out of the question, and there could be no ‘peaceful co-existence’ with it.


In short, as long as this beast was left alive, swimming up and down the coastline, it would continue to fill its plate from the human buffet table known as Amity Island until it either died of old age or the food supply ran out.


Therefore, only one sane, moral solution to the situation existed, which was to kill it, which in the end, is precisely what took place and was the singular reason why no more people were devoured by this ‘bad fish’.


Indeed, as the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and if ever there were a case where ‘good intentions’ resulted in the gates of hell being thrown wide open so that every form of distilled, concentrated evil was loosed upon the world, then none better exist than the manner by which the ‘civilized’ world blundered BIG TIME in its misguided understanding of the inherently dangerous nature of Judah-ism. By generously affording this mindset an undeserved place of honor at the table of faiths alongside other philosophies that embrace at least some variation of the ‘love they neighbor’ and ‘do unto others’ maxims, spiritual attributes that–as far as the religion of the Judah-ism is concerned–simply do not exist, the future of mankind now has been reduced to a single punctuation character represented simply as–’?’.


Thousands of years delinquent and deficient, nevertheless the hour has come that this ‘bad fish’ must be dealt with as the maneater that it is. Its disposition and demeanor are as fixed and unchangeable as water being wet or fire being hot….There can be no capturing this ‘bad fish’ and sending it away to shark obedience school to be tamed, rehabilitated and reformed…Counseling and therapy are out of the question and there can be no ‘peaceful co-existence’ with it…As long as this beast is left alive, swimming up and down the coastline of humanity, it will continue to fill its plate from the buffet table of humanity until it either dies of old age or the food supply runs out…


Therefore, only one sane, moral solution to the situation exists, which is to kill it, not piecemeal, but rather in its entirety, meaning the head, the tail, the whole damned thing…


‘And I saw a beast arising from out of the sea…The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have received a fatal wound but the wound had been healed, and because of this the whole world was filled with wonder and surrendered themselves to the beast’s demands… People worshiped the dragon because he had given power to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast, saying to themselves, ‘Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?’ –Book of Revelations, Ch. 13

One thought on “Zionist Terrorism, from the Book of Genesis to present day Gaza and beyond–None Dare Call it Judah-ism”
  1. Its Jewish fundamentalism in the same way as wahhabism is Muslim fundamentalism or Christian zionists are Christian fundamentalists.

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