Gang War Update (Tel Aviv West edition)
ed note (Tony)…Pay close attention to the last two paragraphs. Incredible!….how this Israeli gang war has infested the Congress and cannot be saved. Link here. Oh, and about that “43…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
ed note (Tony)…Pay close attention to the last two paragraphs. Incredible!….how this Israeli gang war has infested the Congress and cannot be saved. Link here. Oh, and about that “43…
Madeleine Albright would have the ear of a President Hillary Clinton. The hard-as-nails former secretary of state has plenty of criticism for the likes of Bibi and Barak.
Read here And rebuttal by George Galloway :
Jewish students in Wellesley College dismayed by abrupt firing: ‘We lost our support system, we’re on our own.’
ed note–Apologies ahead of time to the reader who is forced to pour over what seems to be an irrelevant, tedious OpEd, but there is actually a very important point…
ed note–of the many profound things I learned while away in Iran for 5 days, probably the most important is just how far gone America is. Yes, the story below…
Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has warned against enemy plots aimed at spreading Islamophobia Read here
According to Army Radio, the ring recruited potential kidney donors online, paying $10,000 per kidney, before sending the organs to Israel.
OCDG: This article has a lot of the usual psychoses of the jews : projection, self-centeredness, and exclusivity of suffering. While it’s true that many Europeans are prejudiced against Muslims,…
OCDG: An example of a judas goat, an imam no less. Possibly a crypto.
ed note (Tony)…Come mid-December, you will have massive gatherings of like-minded ‘christian’ zionists, converging on theaters nation-wide, in-their-element! “Oh,,,,how the mighty Jehovah God blessed the Jews and had them slaughter…
ed note (Tony)…Over at worldNetJewery, they are heaping praise for this woman. BTW, this is the same woman who has videos where she claims that Monster Energy Drinks are linked/inspired…
OCDG: This is just one in a long line of “so what”. Read here
Jews in Ukraine acted in unison with American Jews to counter false claim the Crimean annexation was to protect minorities, says Yaakov Bleich ed note–2 things worth noting here– 1.…
ed note–My God, EVERY SINGLE TIME a nation decides to go this route of FINALLY–after half a century of oppression, hundreds of massacres and hundreds of thousands of innocent lives…
US officials tell federal panel releasing convicted spy would ‘constitute contempt for severity of crime and rule of law,’ activist organization says