Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
It’s soooo much in the news these days, isn’t it, that 3-letter word, and especially in keeping the present anti-Islamic inferno fanned to near-apocalyptic temperatures… 72 virgins…Child brides in Gaza…Female…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
It’s soooo much in the news these days, isn’t it, that 3-letter word, and especially in keeping the present anti-Islamic inferno fanned to near-apocalyptic temperatures… 72 virgins…Child brides in Gaza…Female…
Foreign Policy article examines number of times state department referred to ‘unacceptable’ behavior this year; Israel ranked between North Korea and Pakistan.
Editor’s Note (IJ): It should come as no surprise for someone like Alan Dershowitz to be accused of having sex with minors. Considering the fact that he’s the biggest proponent…
Report finds 15 soldiers committed suicide, including two lone soldiers in combat units; IDF ends 2014 with 105 fallen, with 67 lost during Operation Protective Edge.
American security guards draw weapons in defense in rare clash near illegal outpost; incident ends without injuries
jpost US president says Iran can be a powerful player in world affairs after curbing its nuclear program. WASHINGTON – More than 35 years since the American embassy in Tehran…
jpost Hedges, now a columnist for the Truthdig.com website, was to speak at an April forum on prospects for peace in the Middle East sponsored by the university’s International Affairs…
Jewish Business News Uber was forced to shut down operations all over Spain just before the start of the New Year. The move came after a Spanish judge issued an…
The Raker family awoke this week to discover the hateful words “Move Jew” painted on their garage door Samantha Raker called the incident “heartbreaking” and “upsetting” during a press conference…
HAARETZ The cries of victory heard at the Prime Minister’s Office and Foreign Ministry last night after the UN Security Council rejected the Palestinian resolution to end the occupation were…
ABC Family is home to a bunch of bonkers, tweens-only programming, and it’s easy to perceive the network as a little flashy and substance-less. The channel is packed with telegenic…