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0 thoughts on “War criminal Chris Kyle to be glorified in latest Hollywood jingoism propaganda film”
  1. wonder if someone who shoots Chris kyle from a couple hundred yards away would be glorified as well. would be a hero in my mind anyway.

  2. Some one (in his own circle) shot him. “Live by the gun die by the gun.”

    Thank God someone got this cowardly, mad dog off the street so he would not continue to murder men, women, fetuses in wombs, and children in cold blood.

    Obviously took his training from the satanically psycho Israelis — which has commandeered American Military manuals.

  3. His death was karmic payback. It’s just grotesque how hollywood sanitizes its own evil and even more grotesque how Americans lap it up like pigs at a trough. What’s next? A film about how it was morally right to rape Iraqi boys in front of their mothers? America, like Israel, refuses to look in the mirror.

    ed note (Tony)…But, but,but….American Exceptionalism,…harrumph harrumph……

  4. Difficult for me to take seriously this contrived controversy (all cops vs all blacks seem familiar?). Fox News (Diller & Murdoch Enterprise), They Young Turks (name sake for the group directly responsible for the Armenian, Greek and Syrian genocides during the fall of the Ottoman Empire), and Max Blumenthal work for the same team that brought the world the War in Iraq, War in Afghanistan, Al Queda, ISIS, and the opium drug trade.

    Don’t let the low hanging fruit of their shabbot goy pawn (Chris Kyle) distract us from the bearer of this poison fruit.

  5. So the Jews decided to move from their usual WW2,kill,and torture German fantasys, to Iraq war glorification. The rubber neckers,pajama ,and fast food food stained t-shirt crowd will soak it in. “Hey dad ,I want to be just like Chris Kyle,and go fight terror”. This is,what the trash fim,is all about.

  6. The Zio-Cons, Government, News media, red necks, glorify those trained killers when they come back home, they treat them as “Heroes” when in reality they are cold blooded murderers who were trained to kill innocent people in those places half way around the world who never did any thing to America.

  7. The dummies,who fall for Jew Hollywood/Media,don’t get it. The US Fights for the International Jewish Banking System ,and all they own. They get poorer,and the 1 % Jews get richer ! Remember the world of Scrooge? Or any Charles Dickens Novels. ? Poverty,struggle ,divison. That was the same Jews/Rothschild running that Empire,which now runs the USA . Go Kyle Go !

  8. Yes I thought the same thing, can’t believe how many people around me are hard up to see this crap. People look at you like you’re crazy when you say, “F*ck this coward. The way he operates is as bad as the other cowards who are afraid to engage their “enemies” and instead drop fire from thousands of feet in the air.” People say that the world is better off without the people he has murdered (hey, so he has a uniform on and that excuses his murdering? Nope) but I say the world is better off without him.

  9. Film marketing ploy with a little left/right divisive propaganda thrown in with all the players winning for under $10k! Think The Interview.

  10. People of conscience, that is to say, those who aren’t emblazoned with the mark of the beast, should have boycotted hollywood and all other jewish businesses a LONG time ago.

    Every penny you give them, is one more penny fashioned into a noose for us.

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