ed note–We do not post this story for its unoriginal content but rather to emphasize, one more time, a point made numerous times here before–Jews kill Palestinians, that’s what they do, and when they do it, they are GOOD Jews for doing so.

More than that, to be ‘good’ Jews, they MUST kill Palestinians to ‘get closer to their god’ as Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu once stated.

Jews have declared war on Mankind the day they invented the concepts of ‘choseness’ and the ‘promised Earth’ (indeed, it is not JUST the Holy Land which they believe has been ‘promised’ to them but the entire planet).

Jews do not only kill Palestinians, but rather, kill indiscriminately all Gentiles, and when they do so, they are only following the commands of their ‘religion’ as laid out both in the Torah and the Talmud.

Therefore, if we are to be intellectually honest, they must be applauded for the ‘religious’ fervor they possess and envy their zeal with which they ‘hear and obey’ (Muslim readers will or should understand this Quranic reference).

Jews kill Gentiles: this is what they have been programmed to do for the past 5000 years and they took extreme care to record their prowess into what is now known as the Jewish Torah/Old Testament.  And when they are not in a position of power and cannot kill, they cheat, steal, defraud, deceive, corrupt, destroy everything they touch, a lesser type of ‘killing’, and again, as per the diktats of their religion and as recorded by all Gentile civilizations throughout history going all the way back to the days of ancient Egypt.

We should therefore never be surprised, shocked, or horrified whenever we hear of the latest ‘flavor du jour’ committed by Jews against whatever neighborhood of Gentiledom, because nothing and no one is more predictable than Jews and, luckily for us, we have the manual to decode and understand their programming: the Torah.

Not only have we the manual to decode and understand them, we also have Christian and Muslim Scriptures and thousands and thousands of eye-witness accounts by all people, civilizations, races who have come into contact with the Jews since the beginning of History.

The Palestinians would probably be surprised to learn that long before Zionism, thousands of years of empirical observation reveal that our Gentile Ancestors (from all backgrounds, races and religions) had the exact same grievances against the Jews and what makes them Jews (i.e the Torah) as the Palestinians/Arabs have now.

Why is it then, that despite all this material, most Christians, most Muslims and most ‘truthers’ still believe in and propagate the sickening mantra ‘It’s zionism and not Judaism…It’s the Zionists, not the Jews; Zionism and Judaism are inherently different; Judaism good, Zionism bad…

And why is it that those who are the most feverishly zealous in spreading these monstrous and dangerous lies are now the Palestinians themselves (and whoever is a member or friend of the ‘Palestinian Solidarity Movement’)?

It is not Herzl’s pamphlet ‘The Jewish State’ which commands them to kill, it is not Zionism and its founder which commands them to be the scum of the earth, for they had already been that for as long as History can remember.

As Martin Luther correctly put it long long before Zionism emerged–


The sun has never shone on a more bloodthirsty and vengeful people than they who imagine themselves God’s people who have been commissioned and commanded to murder and to slay the Gentiles.’


But even if, for the sake of argument, we accept that the problem is Zionism alone, how can we fail to see that what Herzl was reviving was nothing but the same old militaristic Judaism of thousands of years past? How is it that most fail to see that all he did was to repackage the same old Judaism with which the world has been plagued by giving it a new, modern, secular make-up?

His own words on this matter are crystal clear–

‘The Temple will be visible from long distances, for it is only our ancient faith that has kept us together…Our community of race is peculiar and unique, for we are bound together only by the faith of our fathers…A wondrous generation of Jews will spring into existence. The Maccabeans will rise again’

Herzl told us of his vision of the future Jewish State and was kind enough to warn us ahead of time of what the plan was: To revive the religious terrorists known as the Maccabees.

What religion were the Maccabees? What was their holy book? In whose name were they massacring all peoples they encountered? And what will the Maccabees do once they rise again? 

Answer: Finish off Judaism’s eternal war against all Gentiles and against those of the (Roman) West in particular.

More than that, 99% of current rabbis and official figures repeat ad-nauseam that the Torah is their constitution, that there is no difference between Judaism and Zionism.

And yet, for some most bizarre reason, most Gentiles (and the Arabs in particular) refuse to believe them.

Rather, they prefer to lend their ears to the 1% Jews who say otherwise. 

It is worth pointing out that these 1%ers who tell us that Zionism alone is the problem are also those who pretend to be ‘pro-Palestinian’. 

And while the undiscerning ears of Palestinians/Arabs/Gentiles are being glued to the lips of the 1%er Jews who tell them to not look at Judaism, the remaining 99% of Jews continue to kill Palestinians and Gentiles in general every day (Palestinians are not by any means alone in that regard, far from it). When we look at the numbers with all objectivity, we find their number one and preferred victims are the Christians in the West. Christian Russians and East Europeans have been butchered in far greater numbers than the Palestinians, and particularly during the Jewish/Bolshevik assault on the Slavic nations of Europe. WWI and WWII as we all know were engineered by Jews (not Zionists) and decimated Europe to the point that, from a demographic angle, we have never recovered from the losses of over 100 million people.

And, closer, much closer to us, between 2010-2014, the Guttmacher Institute estimates that approximately 56 million abortions occurred each year around the globe. In the US alone, the average number of abortions is 5000 each day, with more and more states allowing for a post-birth abortion (the baby can be legally killed even after he/she is born).

Many will argue that these are not the same, that we cannot compare the Palestinian issue with that of the West. I agree. The plight of the Palestinians is terrible but that of the West is in fact much worse and we are all the victims of the same Judaic Hydra of Lerna though we are attacked by different heads. Catholic Europe was attacked by the Protestant head; the Russians were attacked by the Bolshevik head while the Palestinians are being assaulted by the Zionist head.

But it is still the same Beast of the Earth. 

And while the pre-1948 world could only see some of the heads of this monster (Bolshevism, Zionism, Secularism, Feminism, Cultural Marxism etc.) we now see the full body as well: Judaism.

And therefore no, the Torah, as it has existed for over 2000 years, that Torah which the Jews follow so meticulously, is NOT a holy book, it is not a book of ‘God’ or from ‘God’.

The Last Testament (i.e the Quran) is unequivocally clear on that subject, so is the Torah itself which, we are told in the Book of Jeremiah, was written ‘by the lying pens of scribes’, and the Gospels are even clearer: the Jews belong to their father the devil (Iblis) and only want to carry out his desires. (John, 8:44).

There is nothing holy about the Jewish Torah and therefore, there can never be anything holy or wholesome or good in the Jews who follow its teachings. 

It is that simple. There is no ‘Jewish enigma’, because as we have said above, no one is more predictable than Jews who only do what they have been programmed to do. There is no ‘Jewish Problem’ because we can decode the Jewish Program very easily by using the manual they have provided us. So why do we insist on naming it such, why do we continue to feign surprise and horror as soon as one of them operates as per the read-only code installed on its hard drive?

Could it be that it is in fact us, Gentiles, who have a problem?

The Last Prophet of God, Prophet Muhamed (PBUH) ordered to seek knowledge even as far as China, and in China we find Sun Tzu who wisely said Know the enemy and know yourself; and thus in a hundred battles you will never be in peril.’


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2 thoughts on “Israel tests weapons on Palestinian kids, tests drugs on prisoners”
  1. Too bad this is a bit long, as it would make great t-shirt and poster material. This sums it up so well.

    God bless israel. God bless Sodom and Gomorrah.

    ed note–agreed, and as I told the author of this ed note, the esteemed and lovely Sabba, it was some of the most brilliant reading I have ever encountered.

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