Wonder Jewess Gets Banned in Lebanon
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Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Sabba – The West is responsible for all the ills, misery, chaos, blood and destruction that the Middle East has been thru for at least the past 150 years and…
IF AMERICANS KNEW – For two decades, some Israeli officials and Israel partisans have worked to embed a new, Israel-focused definition of antisemitism in institutions around the world, from international…
VOLTAIRE NET – Thierry Meyssan observes the actions that President Trump is taking to convince his allies and partners to drop the jihadists that they support, arm, and supervise. Contrary…
Kennedy had his own secret back channel with Moscow. It may have kept the superpowers from going to war.
ed note–all can rest assured that all the nicey-nice and kissy-face on display in the aftermath of Trump’s trip to Judea is part of the script and a necessary precursor…
Haaretz Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Likud lawmakers on Monday that the Israeli government "doesn't have a diplomatic blank check" from the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump on everything…
Group calls stabbing in Portland an ‘act of terror,’ says it shows the need to confront ‘right-wing extremists’ ed note–as we warned here years ago when nascent anti-Islamic rhetoric was…
Israel didn’t know about the weapons sale ahead of time, says Lapid, and it gives the Saudis offensive cyber capabilities that could be directed against the Jewish state ed note–jes’…
McCain has proven that he will say or do anything for war. continue reading
Mondoweiss The Israeli media reported last week that the US government demands Israel will transfer some territory from Area C to Area B. These reports have not been confirmed yet,…
For Netanyahu, the clock is ticking towards payday for Trump’s hasbara-heavy Israel trip. Can he afford the price tag dangling from Trump’s promise to be Israel’s ‘best friend’?
GLOBAL RESEARCH – This article reviews the “mysterious” phenomenon of IDs and Passports of terror suspects routinely discovered (often in the rubble) in the wake of a terrorist attack. In…
NEON NETTLE – Amnesty International has confirmed that the US Army gave ISIS $1 billion worth of arms and equipment in Iraq during President Obama’s final year in office, according…
Nothing is more valuable to us Jews than the Torah. Why then have we forgotten that the Torah has nothing to do with meaningless words in printed books, and everything…
Officials say President Trump wants Israel-PA peace talks to begin as soon as possible. ed note–again, not that it should need extensive examination and repetition given its self-evident status, nevertheless,…
ed note–we post this (not that in all likelihood it will do much good, given that the ‘GET TRUMP’ portion making up ‘DUH MUUVMINT’ seizes upon every piece of incriminating…
“There is a range of exceptions to having a non-Jew do work for a Jew on Shabbat (…) It would not, however, justify Ivanka flying…”
THE JEWISH CHRONICLE – The rabbi who oversaw Ivanka Trump’s conversion denies he gave the first daughter and her husband permission to fly on Shabbat. Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, a leading…
“ tied the event to the message at the core of his overseas trip. “Our society can have no tolerance for this continuation of bloodshed,” he said. “We cannot stand…
SOTT – Shmuel Kamenetsky himself repeatedly publicly spoke about the fact that in Ukraine the Jewish world in its main mass supported nationalist Maidan (…) It is necessary to say…
SPUTNIK – Chairman of the Federation of the Syrian Chamber of Industry Fares Shahabi said that more than 15,000 out of 60,000 small businesses, which had operated in the Syrian…
TRUTHOUT – Four-year-old Alisina was playing in the fields outside her house in the Maidan Wardak province of Afghanistan, located 80 kilometers from the capital city of Kabul, on a…
SOTT – Planned Parenthood executives joked about decapitated fetuses, admitted to altering abortion procedures to preserve fetal organs and said clinics have a financial incentive to sell human tissue in…
RUSSIA INSIDER – What do Macron, May, and Merkel have in common, apart from their neatly alliterative names and being leaders of Europe’s largest nations? They have no children. They…
THE FREE THOUGHT PROJECT – Which President had the following accusations cast against him: 1) He has betrayed the Constitution, which he swore to uphold. 2) He has committed treason…
RON PAUL LIBERTY REPORT – A major victory against the United States Federal Reserve comes out of Arizona this week as Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed House Bill 2014 into…
ed note–I’ll spare the readers my usually extended commentary to just 2 words– ‘must read’ continue reading