For the Jews, the war against Amalek never stops
We must remember what Amalek did to us, and what other Amaleks throughout history have done to us ed note–Please keep in mind that Jesus Christ Himself is considered within…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
We must remember what Amalek did to us, and what other Amaleks throughout history have done to us ed note–Please keep in mind that Jesus Christ Himself is considered within…
According to data presented, the age of entering the cycle of prostitution is as low as 13. ed note–Doubtless that various ’emotionalists’–usually of the Christian variety but also unfortunately a…
ed note–again the painfully obvious which only a tiniest handful seem to be willing to understand in all its simplicity. 1. The ‘Jewish Problem’ is thousands of years older than…
ed note–reposted in light of the new ‘case investigation’ that has been opened up here in trying to come to rational terms with what is an obvious (to everyone except… Israel has so far destroyed 161 mosques in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Awqaf Minister Yousef Dois said yesterday. He said 41 mosques were completely destroyed and 120 were partially…
President, PM join world leaders expressing horror at slaughter of Muslim worshipers by a white supremacist in Christchurch ed note–please recall in how many instances Israel DELIBERATELY bombed Mosques in…
‘We offer our full assistance and support to the Muslim community,’ New Zealand Jewish official says after slaying of at least 49 people at two mosques in Christchurch ed note–The…
Regulators pinned a large part of IndyMac’s collapse on Schumer’s June 26 letter causing alarm with depositors, leading to the run on the bank that essentially sapped it of the…
ed note–for those a lil’ late the party, let us bring you up to speed. It is and has been for several years our contention that below the surface is…
The holiday of drunken revelry is also the day that proves the Torah’s assertion that God answers all prayers. ed note–again the obvious–that Purim is a ‘Torah’ thing and not…
ed note–please note CAREFULLY AND CRITICALLY as you read this the following– 1. That Purim, the yearly celebration of Judaic violence and revenge against Persia, has been around for thousands…
ed note–keep in mind that the fever of anti-Islamic hysteria was introduced by Judea, Inc into the Western intellectual bloodstream through the UNCONTESTED control of the Western media by Jewish…
ed note–again, please keep in mind the fact that Israel does not want peace, what she wants is LAND, all of it per the explicit divine mandate as laid out… ed note–sadly, (tragically, in fact) as much attention as has been paid to the Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks in NY on 9/11/2001, little (if any) attention (this website being almost…
ed note–yet another piece of prima facie evidence exposing the cunning and calculating Jooish mindset and why not only is it a huge mistake for Gentiles to think they understand…
ed note– Kevin Freeman, the ‘contractor’ listed in the story who was commissioned and paid by the Pentagon to compile the report on the attack on the financial system of…
ed note–please fast forward to the 2 minute mark, and then plug into the equation the most likely ‘who’ referred to by Kanjorski that was responsible for ‘throwing us into…
Tonight’s program– Of the various noises which ‘Never Trumpers’ from across a broad spectrum like to chirp in denying the possibility that Donald Trump may indeed be genuine in his…
ed note–reposted for the benefit of those suffering from a certain degree of political myopia when it comes to understanding the question mark known as Donald J. Trump and the…
Blindsided like most of America, the developer avoided financial ruin only with bluster and a bizarre lawsuit. ed note–an older story posted as a follow up to the discussion taking…
ed note–a few protocols to consider here– 1. It is a common chirp out there amongst that gaggle of experts who claim with dogmatic certainty that Trump is ‘owned’ by…
Here in Israel, nobody expects much from the White House’s long-expected attempt at Mideast peace. ed note–besides the obvious, which is the typically arrogant, sneering demeanor of virtually all Judaic…
As Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ looms, a Carter-era State Department legal decision surfaces which gives an advantage to the Arab side. Chairman of the Israeli Knesset’s Constitution, Law and…
If you are a Gentile, it is about victory against you, a fact no one seems to realize, that the OT (pre-Christian) portion of the Bible is not for the…
The last thing Israelis and Palestinians need now is another failed blueprint. ed note–as we like to say here from time to time, BY ALL MEANS< all yuuz out there…
U.S. president was ‘lucky he escaped being named’ in resolution denouncing anti-Semitism and hate, Jewish congressman says
ed note–not that it should need reminding to those who claim a certain degree of expert-cy on all matters related to Judea, Inc and its ‘by way of deception, we…
‘We Jews are the Creator’s chosen people, and indeed, His only people.’ ed note–and once again, from the horse’s mouth… It is now as axiomatic and autonomic (as well as…