Foreign invasions, domestic attacks directly related to unsolved 9/11 crime
The terrifying memory of 9/11 sits like a chicken bone in the throats of confused Americans. It is an untreated injury whose growing infection is rapidly proving fatal to the self-determination of our deteriorating species and the decaying condition of our dying planet.
We are strangling on the lies our leaders have forced us to believe. You can’t expect to solve anything or detox any public lie as long as the 9/11 mystery remains unsolved. The question of questions that remains is why do all these public shootings, from San Bernardino to Boston, seem to happen simultaneously with scheduled anti-terror drills? There were at least seven drills going on the morning of 9/11.

Believing Muslims who couldn’t fly small planes flew big planes into buildings justifies invading Islamic countries that had nothing to do with this colossal crime, at least in the minds of a mostly oblivious American public.
Just like the corrupt cops who turned their heads the other way, we pretend the greatest crime in American history never happened, yet still naively expect our nation to function in a healthy and honest manner. But just that opposite is true: it’s sick, dishonest and deadly to all living things.
Failure to publicly disprove the lie of 9/11 has metastasized into a continuing series of vicious wars on other countries that have been based on lies. Afghanistan was invaded to protect the heroin trade, which is run by the CIA. Iraq was invaded to steal its oil. Our mainstream media conceal these facts.
In both cases, the government said it was chasing terrorists. In reality, it was after poppies and oil, and acting as a ruthless guard dog against Israel’s enemies, as it is today in Syria and throughout the Middle East.
Read more here.

9 thoughts on “9/11 — The Chicken Bone in America's Throat”
  1. American Free Press cited an article recently written by John Kaminski entitled “The Virus of Islam.” And in the article that’s linked to here, he writes about “phony blood” at the Boston Marathon bombing and “supposedly” dead children at Sandy Hook. So I don’t assign much credibility to anything John Kaminski writes or says.

  2. “The belief that was implanted into the minds of the world that Islamic terrorists destroyed the two tallest buildings in New York City, thereby justifying wars against Muslim nations, still dominates America’s schoolbooks and media mouthpieces and politicians the world over”
    Well this one article sounds level headed but what about this by the same man?
    “Foolish humans spend all their time fighting and killing each over the names of imaginary beings they have invented to convince themselves that they don’t die”
    “The scam was so successful that other Jews invented a mighty wraith they named Allah who convinced all his followers to kill everyone who didn’t believe he was real”
    “One need only observe the rape epidemic in Sweden or the expropriation of large parts of France by radical Muslims to realize that a deliberate invasion of Europe and the West has been facilitated by Jew politicians aiming to undermine the white democratic dominance of existing societies and replace that process with undereducated sycophants from less civilized nations in the Third World that give the relatively more sophisticated and deceitful Jews a better chance to steal control of these Western nations through the imposition of martial law, increased scrutiny of everyone and the loss of individual freedom — goals which already have been largely accomplished!
    “As someone who was awarded a Nobel Peace prize for one simple speech promising a better deal in the world for Muslims, Barack Obama has betrayed his oath of office simply by abetting Islamic immigration into the United States — because of one simple fact”
    “Muslims do not believe in freedom of religion. In fact, their religion commands them to kill all infidels, much in the same way as Jews are commanded by their holy book to kill or enslave everyone in the world, and to regard non Jews as nothing more than animals to be exploited and abused”
    “These attitudes directly invalidate the priceless treasure of American freedom, that incredibly valuable promise of freedom of religion throughout the land. Muslim immigration is a clear violation of this promise”
    “Though Jews and Muslims appear to be enemies, the rules governing their conduct in the real world are frighteningly similar. And even though Muslims appear to be the arch enemy of the Jews — and vice versa — this massive and calculated invasion of Europe by Islamic refugees perfectly serves the overarching Jewish purpose of destabilizing countries prior to their enslavement and exploitation that has been the stated Jewish goal for at least hundreds of years in their warped drive to control the whole world”
    “In this way are Muslims, some unknowingly, serving Jewish objectives. Muslims are all nice and polite when they are in the minority, but let them get the upper hand, as they have in many European countries, and nothing but chaotic tyranny is the result. Mass rape, random robbery and unchecked rioting”
    “Letting Muslims into the United States was as stupid and treasonous a move as NAFTA, the NDAA, or the TransPacific Partnership, all of which were moves to deliberately destroy America pushed through by elected officials who were clearly committing treason and working for that ugly foreign power that seeks to suck all things into its venomous vortex”
    I can go on and on but read this article yourselves – its all very well to cherry pick one good 9:11 article by this guy…… Hmm so “Muslims are the symptom but the Jews are the cause”
    I don’t know, when i read articles like the one above it kind of puts me off but i suppose he’s anti Jewish and we need all the help we can get to rid us of the Jewish problem ……….. and then people like John Kaminski can turn on the Muslims right?

  3. An outstanding article !
    The US peoples, see the US as ever so ” moral ,and proper,” as did the British ” Umpire”.
    They are subjected to a barrage of cradle to grave ethos ,and propaganda touting this .
    The Armed Forces of the US ,” fight for Freeeeedom” ,and ” protect us”.
    Everyone we fight are ‘ immoral ” , ” savage “, ” barbaric “, ” uncivilized “,and ” trying to conquer ,or kill us”.
    As Francis Parker pointed out, in his masterpiece ,IMPERIUM, and Laurence Dennis ( black foreign service officer who opposed WW 2 , and had friendly relationship with Adolf Hitler),who wrote ….PERPETUAL WAR FOR PERPETUAL PEACE , the US /Anglo Saxon , mind does not have an ” opponent “, or ” rival”, but an ” enemy “.
    This is because our construct is Judaic .
    It’s Old Testament warfare ,V New Testament chivalry.

  4. Mike, there is nothing wrong with “cherry picking.” It simply implies being selective and recognizing which ideas you believe to be correct, irrespective of who utters them or whether you agree with all the other beliefs held by the same individual. Are you looking for what you hope to be the truth or for a man to follow never questioning what he is selling? How would that be different from criticizing anything someone says because he is an “anti-semite”?

  5. ariadnatheo but the danger is you give the wrong impression that you kind of maybe agree with this guy John Kaminski’s other views.
    Michael Langston seems also unimpressed,
    “American Free Press cited an article recently written by John Kaminski entitled “The Virus of Islam.” And in the article that’s linked to here, he writes about “phony blood” at the Boston Marathon bombing and “supposedly” dead children at Sandy Hook. So I don’t assign much credibility to anything John Kaminski writes or says”
    You asked me;
    “Are you looking for what you hope to be the truth or for a man to follow never questioning what he is selling?”
    Yes that’s exactly why i raised the question on John Kaminski in the first place, just believing his 9:11 article would be doing just that would it not? never questioning what he is selling …. and what else is he selling i wonder?
    I went back to the source of that article, i don’t believe at face value anything anymore so checked for myself and so did Michael Langston.
    So why don’t you cherry pick good bits from say “The Torah” i mean there must be some good bits in there surely?

  6. I must agree with Michael Langston. Just Because Kaminski may be on the right side of the Jewish question in some regards, nevertheless he does their dirty work for them by assisting in the spread of the same anti-Islamic hatred that the Jews need if their goals of fomenting WWIII are to be realized. My own personal experience with him is that–while being a very gifted writer, nevertheless he is mentally unstable, once alleging that yours truly was a proud, card-carry member of the Phalangist movement in Lebanon responsible for the Sabra/Shatilla massacre, a charge that carries not an ounce of truth to it. In addition to this, he runs thick with ‘the Rebel’ and ‘300 Spartans’, outfits chock full of unhinged white nationalist types who have been major propagators of all the Sandy Hook Hoax nonsense. Were it up to me TUT would not be sullied by running the works of Kaminski but at the same time I am not going to insult my editors here by taking down something which they have posted unless the piece in and of itself is egregiously against the mission of what we do here.

  7. John Kaminski may be good at preaching to the choir, but as soon as people in the general population – those in greatest need of an awakening – see any of those remarks having to do with “fake blood” at the Boston bombing, children “supposedly” dying at Sandy Hook, and the phrase “crisis actors” closely associated with the phrase “false flag,” they will be immediately turned off by it. Any truths that he might also be expressing will fall on deaf ears. They will all simply turn their backs to the truth.

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