KATHEON – Before proceeding, the reader should be reminded that the trilateral relationship between Russia, Turkey, and Iran has been flimsy from the get-go, owing mostly to the fact that it had been historically unprecedented until the first efforts were made at forming the Tripartite this summer. There’s always a chance that Erdogan really is as nefarious as his most virulent detractors claim that he is, and that a betrayal of Russia and Iran might indeed be imminent, but for now at least, that hasn’t happened, and here’s why.   CONTINUE READING

One thought on “Did Dönmeh Erdogan "Trick" Putin And The Ayatollah?”
  1. It was some kind of strange to see the Military of turkey in Northern Syria after Erdogan went to Moscow and signed economic agreements with Russia in the last summer. Also there was no response from Iran, Russia and Syria.

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