It is not easy to be a Jacob in a world full of Esaus, but it is the Jacobs who will survive and guarantee the eternal existence of Am Yisrael.


ed note–The 1991 film ‘Cape Fear’ features as its chief antagonist the dangerously psychotic ‘Max Cady’ played by the real-life/real-deal dangerously-psychotic Robert Deniro.


In the storyline, 14 years earlier ‘Cady’ was convicted of beating and raping a young girl. During his time in prison he spent all his days studying the law and how the justice system worked, so that upon his release he was armed with all the information necessary in avenging himself upon his lawyer whose deliberately-lax defense of Cady during the criminal trial sent him to prison.


One particular scene shows Cady shirtless and the myriad of tattoos he acquired while in prison, all of which speak of violent revenge and the biblical foundation upon which all that revenge is based…



At no time is Cady ever remorseful over his own actions that sent him to prison, only angry that in the interests of protecting itself, civilized society sent him away to pay for his crimes.


The movie functions as a scene-by-scene unraveling of the manner in which Cady is deliberately destroying the life and family of his former lawyer. By the end of the movie and its very frightening climax, Cady has already beaten and raped another female victim, has murdered 2 people and just before his own demise, is about to rape the lawyer’s wife and young daughter before killing them both, all of which the lawyer will be forced to watch as part of the ‘justice’ which Cady has in mind.


Now, although most likely not intentional, what film director Martin Scorsese succeeded in doing was to allegorize–and by no means hyperbolically–the very same Apocalyptic situation in which the world finds itself today.


Not a storyline featuring merely a single family as in Cape Fear, but rather, billions of Gentiles–and of those especially the Christian West–whom the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’ as they love to refer to themselves, have charged, tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for the high-crime of ‘anti-Shemitism’ and for sending the innocent victims of that ‘anti-Shemitism’ to the 2,000 years long prison term known as the ‘diaspora’ that began with Rome’s destruction of Judea in 70 AD.


Israel–just like Cady’s release from prison and his return to the town of Cape Fear–was created for the sole purpose of revenge.


It was not/is not/never will be about providing a ‘homeland’ for the poor, beleaguered followers of Judah-ism to live their lives peacefully and peaceably, but rather as a base of operations for plunging the entire world into both the depths and heights of Apocalyptic war, destabilization, bloodshed and incalculable human misery.


The OpEd below, penned by one of Max Cady’s cousins presently living in modern-day ‘Judea Resurrecta’ offers the Gentile reader a vulture’s eye view into the same psychotic mindset that drove Cady’s criminal behavior in Cape Fear. What the reader will see is the same deranged, psychotic mental energy bent upon revenge and without as much as a micro-ounce of remorse, regret or reflection over the dangerous criminal behavior that resulted in Rome’s destruction of Joo-roo-salem.


And remember these same people–Cady’s cousins–plotting the destruction of the world today are the most powerful and well-resourced group in human history. They are in control of the world economy, own or control the most powerful governments and the leaders of those governments, and in making matters worse, are armed to the teeth with hundreds of nukes and thousands of different race-based viruses which they have cooked up in their secret germ-warfare labs in Nes Ziyyona.


And what’s even worse than that is the fact that they have a ‘religion’ telling them that the deity they worship wants them to be the instrument of his ‘divine vengeance’, and–even worse than this–the fact that they relish the opportunity of being/doing exactly that.


Now, as far as some of the particulars of the piece itself, what the average Gentile with a vested interest in his/her own survival needs to know is as follows–


The rebbe who has penned this lil’ OpEd is not just any run-of-the-mill ordinary rebbe, but rather–as his last name cognate-suggests in a very coincidental manner, the big ‘kahuna’ himself. He is none other than the brother of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the terrorist organization ‘Kach’, a terrorist group whose offshoots include the terrorist-designated Jewish Defense League, Jewish Defense Organization, and other satellite groups spread throughout Europe and the West.


Meir Kahane was not a pretender by any means. He said what he meant and meant what he said, and his words were Kristol Clear in their Judaic essence, namely that


1. The Jews are God’s chosen people–always were, always will be…




2. That Gentiles–especially the Ishmaelites, i.e. Arabs, Persians, Turks, etc–were/are inferior humanoids created to serve the Jews and that the Jewish state had every right via the various divinely-ordained decrees found within the Torah, to kill whoever got in the way of the ‘redemption’ and realization of ‘Eretz Israel’.


Now, the reason this is important is because the most recent elections in Israel have brought to the highest positions of power in Israel Kahanist nutcases such as this–



Bezalel Smotrich, who has spoken many times about the eventual/final eastern borders of Israel reaching the Euphrates rivers…



Ben Gvir, who praised Baruch Goldstein who murdered 29 innocent Muslims as they knelt down in prayer by machingunning them in the backs as a ‘saint’…



Michael Ben Ari, who–in addition to many other things–said that there were ‘no innocents’ in Gaza and that everyone–every man, woman, and child–needed to be ‘mowed down’ without any mercy or hesitation.




The reader will recall that it was this same Michael Ben Ari who made the news some years back when he publically ripped to shreds a copy of the New Testament saying that it was ‘an abhorrent book’ and that it belongs ‘in the trash of history’.


So, in short, ladies and Gentilemen, what we have before us–


Are the infamous 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse about which so much has been written and spoken for the last 2,000 years, and who intend with EVERY FIBER of their Judaic souls to see WWIII started as part of the ‘redemption’ process which their ‘rebbe’, the author of this piece, discusses on a regular basis in his various OpEds.


It should be remembered that it was this very same rebbe who wrote an open letter to then-POTUS DJT warning of ‘plagues’ that would come as a ‘punishment’ from ‘Hashem’, the violent deity whom the followers of Judah-ism worship, if he–POTUS DJT–went forward with his ‘Deal of the Century’.


As it turned out, the rebbe was either a prophet, a psychic or else privy to some VERY accurate ‘inside information’ in this regard, as he penned this open letter to DJT a mere month before Covid made its appearance on the world stage…


Now, where all of this is headed should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see and with ears to hear, which is that the world is on the precipice of war, pandemics, civilizational collapse and every other hellish thing imaginable, and that there are those ‘in the know’ such as our deranged rebbe who authored this piece below who are giving all of us a vulture’s eye view of what ‘they’ have planned for us all beforehand.



Rabbi Nachman Kahana


The moment Hashem re-established the State of Yisrael, the curtain of existence began coming down on all the Jewish communities in the diaspora. They became increasingly irrelevant to the ongoing and future history of the Jewish people.


It is only a question of time, and not too far in the future, when they, the Jews of the diaspora, will disappear.


The world’s most illustrious twins were named by their parents, Ya’akov and Aisav (Jacob and Esau). The name ‘Aisav’ means wild growing grass, weeds, or herbs. Aisav is described as ‘a man of the field’, whereas Ya’akov, taken from the Hebrew word for ‘heel’ implies consistency as when walking, one foot follows the other with cadence and precision, and Ya’akov is described as ‘one who dwells in tents’.


These descriptions are embedded both in the names and characters of the two brothers.


A field is an open area, permitting unhindered free access to wherever one wishes to go. Devoid of obligation or responsibility to any particular point in the field; so, when it becomes uncomfortable one can just move on. A field contains any assortment of weeds, grass and herbs intertwined or growing alone depending on where the wind has scattered the seeds.


Open fields have no order. No law except the law of the jungle. Just pick and choose whatever appeals to you at that given moment and discard what is disturbing or irritating. This was Aisav: the man of the field. He discarded the responsibilities that come with being a firstborn, selling it for a pittance. He returns from the field so tired that he implores his brother Ya’akov to feed him lentils. The details are a drag on him; just give him the pleasures without the effort.


Aisav sees no importance in living a disciplined life, because as he says to Ya’akov in Genesis, 25:32 ‘I will soon die, so why do I need the birthright?’


Aisav’s value system serves as the ideological basis of today’s reform movement and its inevitable result – assimilation. Discard what is inconvenient; Shabbat, kashrut, family purity, marrying within the Jewish nation, and certainly the embarrassment of the Jewish State – Eretz Yisrael – where Hebrew is spoken, and the chosen people take their Torah seriously. With so much Judaism in the way, it becomes uncomfortable to be ‘one’ with gentile neighbors and more difficult to become assimilated into their ways. So, to the Jews of the diaspora, Judaism must be discarded.


If lentils were good enough for Aisav, son of Yitzchak and Rivka, then bacon and lobster are good enough for those who wish to escape the ‘unfortunate’ fact of being born a Jew.


Wild weeds grow in those Reform temples of the diaspora where rabbis give into the whims of their congregants and count them as Jews when only the father is Jewish.


Wherever the money and conveniences are, there you will find the many Aisavs of the Reform Movement..


Ya’akov is different. He lived a structured life where consistency was the rule of the day. He is the ‘tent dweller’ which demands conduct suitable for living a demarcated lifestyle. Structured davening (prayers) three times a day, laws pertaining to what one eats. Moral and ethical conduct between people in accordance with the value system revealed by Hashem. The acceptance of responsibility without escaping through rationalizations based on weakness and fear.


Aisav cannot be Ya’akov any more than Ya’akov can be Aisav. Their dispositions, characters and ambitions are reflections of their souls.


The dichotomy of Ya’akov and Aisav is clearcut. Ya’akov clings to Hashem through Torah and mitzvot (commandments) from which he derives his lifeblood of existence, whereas Aisav sees his survival through the ability to stalk his prey in the field with his bow and arrows. He has no need for Hashem, for he is the master of his own life and future.


Now with the distinction between the God-fearing, responsibility-taking Ya’akov and the anarchistic, hedonistic Aisav so clear, it would be correct to conclude that the two cannot thrive together.


One is either with the mainstream of God-driven history, where the diaspora has finished serving its historical purpose of ‘hosting’ the exiled Jewish nation, or with the peripheral segments of Judaism heading towards oblivion.


At this time in our history, Hashem has placed before His children in Israel the huge historic challenge of restoring our national independence within the borders of Eretz Yisrael, in preparation for the next stage of world history.


This stage will witness the execution of G-d’s wrath upon those nations who dealt so cruelly with Am Yisrael, while the Jewish people will be under Hashem’s protective wing in Eretz Yisrael.


But confusion reigns, not much different from the time of Hanukkah.


Then, as now, Am Yisrael was faced with an existential threat. A large percentage of our people were drawn to Hellenism and discarded the Torah. Each Jew was faced with the personal challenge to the depths of his soul: join with the Maccabim at the risk of your life or be a bystander in the life-and-death struggle for the soul of Am Yisrael.


Through the sacrifices of the strong and courageous, Hashem awarded us independence from foreign rule for the following 200 years. And it is the mesirut nefesh (self-sacrifice) of those holy people that we celebrate during the holiday of Hanukkah.


At this juncture in our history, each Jew is again faced with the choice of being Ya’akov or Aisav: to pick up the gauntlet of the strong and courageous or to back off from the responsibility of a firstborn.


Either choose to join in the struggle to rebuild our nation in Eretz YIsrael or cringe in the corner behind the apron strings of your fears.


It is not easy to be a ‘Ya’akov’ in a world surrounded by Aisavs, but it is the Ya’akovs who will survive and guarantee the eternal existence of Am Yisrael.


Jews of the world, be a winner and be on the winning side of history!

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