France warns Palestinians against taking Israel to ICC
Jerusalem surprised that France voted in favor of resolution to force Israeli withdrawal to pre-1967 lines.

Times of Israel

The Foreign Ministry will call France’s envoy Patrick Maisonnave to its offices in Jerusalem on Friday to protest Paris’ decision to back the Palestinian resolution in the United Nations Security Council on Tuesday that fell one vote short of the nine needed to pass.

France was working on a more moderately-worded proposal to the Security Council, which it tried to merge with the Palestinian proposal, but which the Palestinians ultimately rejected. Jerusalem, one diplomatic official said, was therefore surprised that France then turned around and supported the Palestinian proposal.

France was one of two EU countries that voted for the proposal – along with Luxembourg. In addition, Russia, China, Jordan, Chad, Argentina and Chile also supported the move. One official said that only France’s envoy will be called in to hear a formal protest, because it is the only country that Israel expected would vote differently.

Outside of registering its displeasure with the envoy, one official said, the French vote is unlikely to impact on French-Israeli relations, partly because Israel appreciates the consistently tough position France has taken in the P5+1 talks with Iran.

At the same time, France – which had hopes of playing a leading role in re-starting an Israeli-Palestinian diplomatic process – has clearly lost credibility needed in Jerusalem for it to play such a role.

0 thoughts on “Israel to call in French envoy to protest vote in UN Security Council”
  1. It doesn’t matter how many times the UN Security Council tells this parasitic entity to abide by the law and start behaving like human beings. Search in your computer “UN RESOLUTIONS CONCERNING ISRAEL” and you’ll see that this little entity who always plays the “VICTIM” has violated the UN Resolutions 337 times since 1968. Also search ‘ISRAEL MASSACRES IN PALESTINE” and you’ll see that the “Only Democracy” in the Middle East whose army has fought with incredible restraint has massacred hundreds of thousands of Palestinians since its illegal creation in 1947.

  2. Oops gotta get called in before the boss to find out the punishment for getting out if line. Quiver like babies, oh mighty French pioneers of enlightenment and democracy! The Jew has spoken! It’s a wonder why these countries don’t tell israel to get stuffed.

  3. Here you have it ! Israel,is the focal point. The manifestation of the power of the International Jews. Hollande is Jew Left,is being warned by the Matrix,to behave,o he will be “Jew -Righted;”,with Sarkozy redux,or Kosher Sealed ‘Nationalist ‘,Le Pen ! )She is no Petain) …see how it is done OCCULT FORCES 1943 -You Tube.

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