wolf amongst the sheep

Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – says Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt

Say what?!? Yeah, you heard him. Jews are the Muslims’ best friends now and Whitey is the enemy. Europe must be fixed.

“There is a clash of civilizations,” says the Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, “and we, the Jews are in the middle.”

“We see ourselves together with our Muslim brothers, our natural allies, fighting,” he continues, against the European whites who are such bigots they want to ban circumcision and kosher slaughtering of animals.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLd77lruVNM&w=560&h=315]

0 thoughts on “Down with the European Whites!”
  1. The Jews change sides and go back and forth for tactical and strategic reasons.

    This is their Hegelian Dialectic…and Left/Right Matrix. Talmudic contradiction for power.
    Their God of the material world teaches them this..Yahweh /Demiurge.

    Shadows, never full light.


    Judaists believe they are a “special race” called “Jews”, children of a pimp called Abraham, even though most are whites whose ancestors converted to this criminal cult of Judaism in the Middle Ages. So deluded, they become mentally ill and start hating their own white race.

  3. The Jews are war with the West,and the world,and they have always seen Europe,its Foundations in the Nordic Celtic Cultures ,with Greco Roman ,Hellenistic systems, as their greatest enemy on earth ,and the Cosmos.

    The multi God pantheon which includes Jesus Christ,for all devoted religious out there ; of a Europe is a direct challenge to the Jews Chosenness ,of ” thou shall have no other Gods but Yahweh “.

    ” The best of the Goyim must be killed”.

    The Jews fuvidedup Europe,and always prevented its Nationalist integration on the Continent using Britain and its Empire as a platform.

    They fostered hatred ,and two years on it last century.

    Germany,the alternate power ,against Britain and the Jews the target.

    Millions, upon millions of the finest in the European races died for International Jewish.Finance.
    ( See Hitler speaks against the NWO, You Tube, The Nationalist Solution To Money,Real Jew Needs,You Tube, Hitler Against The Banks,Goes Viral You Tube), and the war did not end for the Jews in 1945.

    They had some set backs within the system, during the Cold War, and the residue of old Europe lived on.

    But the the rise of Thatcherism, in Britain ,and Neoconservative,Neoliberal decontrol of finance ,finally Ann Randized the economies, for good, with Germany the only nation holding onto most if its Industrial base.

    Putin’s rise in Russia has alarmed them .
    The Jews must destroy Europe, by creating a multicultural tower of Babel ,to finally kill off any Nationalism, that could destroy NATO, and link Germany/Europe, to Russia,and Eurasia.

    They fought this against Napoleon ,Bismarck ,Wilhelm I I, Hitler.

    See Imperium By Francis Parker Yockey.

  4. Jews are not white, they are an impure and diabolical mixture of several races, turcomans, egiptian, semite, blacks, mongolian and of course white. The “continuum impure most impure”, the worst mongrels. They are not superior in nothing, only in murdering and swindling and lying.They bought to their puppets white traitors, whom think that the devils will permit them rule with them, share their diabolical power with them, but soon or later the nasty inhumane traitor whites will have what they deserve from their vampire masters.

  5. Facebook

    Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    From:”The Ugly Truth” Date:Sat, Sep 26, 2015 at 7:03 am Subject:[New post] Down with the European Whites!

    ariadnatheo posted: “Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – says Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt Say what?!? Yeah, you heard him. Jews are the Muslims best friends now and Whitey is the enemy. Europe must be fixed. “There is a clash of civilizations,” says the Rabbi Pin”

  6. Bismillaah, all I can picture is a big greasy fat man in a dirty van with his car door open, disco lights spinning from the roof while he presents his candy collection on the seat to the kid on the sidewalk. “Come on my little moozlem, I wont bite you too hard.”

  7. What a joke!!! “Our Muslims brothers…” .
    Clash of civilizations!!!! Was not this idea invented by Jewish Neo-cons and promoted by their lackeys, think tanks???
    One more time the Jews prove to be the master of lies and deception. Jews immigrate to other places for the purpose of business expansion and manipulation. They are parasitic beings and have no attachment to any land or nation. They merely go to feed off the table of other nations once there is no more blood to be sucked from the current host.

  8. Muslims and Jews are not allies, and they never will be allies. According to Islamic literature, the Jews will meet their end by a united Christian and Muslim alliance before doomsday.

    Christians and Muslims can become allies but never with Jews.

  9. Yeh, it’s typical, The Jews do not consider themselves anything, but Jews/Israel. The be may Citizens, but are in name only. History repeats itself over and over with them. They learned a lot from the Nazi tactics that are being used in Gaza.

  10. “Muslims and Jews are not allies, and they never will be allies.”

    You’re undervaluating the perfidy of “jews”/Khazars.
    “White Supremacists” never attacked their creators: “jews”/Khazars.
    Now they will attack Muslims, forcing them to change their attitude: from “antisemite” to “filosemite” –
    because ONLY the “jews”/Khazars will “defend” Muslims by left hand, pushing into action the White Supremacist by right hand.

    ” According to Islamic literature, the Jews will meet their end by a united Christian and Muslim alliance before doomsday.
    Christians and Muslims can become allies but never with Jews.”


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