
Noted attorney was named in suit charging that prosecutors in Florida broke the law by granting his client, Jeffrey Epstein, a plea deal to avoid prosecution.


Alan Dershowitz firmly denied allegations that he engaged in sexual activity with a minor employed by a client.

Dershowitz declared “totally, unequivocally and completely false” allegations that he had sex with the former staffer for investor Jeffrey Epstein.

Dershowitz was named in a lawsuit charging that federal prosecutors in Florida broke the law by granting Epstein a plea deal to avoid a federal prosecution, Politico reported on December 31.

According to a court filing quoted by Politico, Epstein forced the woman, referred to as Jane Doe #3, to have sex with Dershowitz, among other men, including Britain’s Prince Andrew.

“Epstein required Jane Doe #3 to have sexual relations with Dershowitz on numerous occasions while she was a minor, not only in Florida but also on private planes, in New York, New Mexico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands,” the filing claimed.

Dershowitz, who helped defend Epstein against prostitution charges, told Politico that he was not in any of the places at the times cited in the filing, save for one occasion when he visited Epstein’s private island with his family.

Epstein, who served 13 months of an 18-month prison sentence after being accused of pedophilia and other major crimes, was friends with world figures such as Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

Dershowitz told Politico he planned to seek the disbarment of the two lawyers representing the former staffer.

“I’m planning to file disbarment charges against the two lawyers who signed this petition without even checking the manifests of airplanes or travel itineraries, et cetera,” he said.

As a result of the plea deal, Epstein served 13 months for state prostitution charges but avoided a federal prosecution.

0 thoughts on “Alan Dershowitz denies involvement in underage sex scandal”
  1. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving, unlikeable, smug, torture and Israeli kissing Jew a-hole. Look at his face, he probably molests kids often bit just doesn’t get caught.
    Hope your reputation is forever tarnished by this, Doucheowitz.

  2. As Francis Parker Yockey put it;in his book IMPERIUM: “The Jews are culture distorters”. Dersowitz is one of those “Chosen Ones”,who just arrive on the controlled media scene,as ‘brilliant commentators’,
    ‘genuises’,’advisers’. Dershowitz reaction,is pure Jew. Listen closely. He denies,nothing,but seeks ‘disbarement’,of his accusers ! That is pure Talmudic Method. They operate,by mechanics,formula. They are all so predictable. Remember when he came foward to help OJ Simpson? Claus von Below? (from a Danish Rothschilds Finance connected family)…..Dersowitzs entire career,is being a Jew ! He surely was one ,in his personal life! As Christ said :”Suffer the little children,and come onto me”. He was referring to there sexual perversion with kids !

  3. Alas, until there is more proof, this is actually just no more than an Onion “comedy farce”. To take down this level scuzzbucket, a man who parties with the same gay whores that party with royalty, one needs more than hearsay.

    I also believe this creep to be as teflon-coated as any other perv in power. He would have to tick someone HUGE off to become seriously blemished. Kinda like Bill Cosby did when he admired Black Muslim techniques of parenting in public! The offense has to be huge and Dershie has not crossed the line methinks.

  4. Jeffrey Epstein had forty underage girls involved in his personal interstate and international pay for sex endeavor. Certainly, US Department of Justice had primary jurisdiction and not State of Florida. A fellow tribesman, Michael Mukasey, was US Attorney General at the time.

    Federal charges against Jeffrey Epstein should be reconsidered as well as a unbiased corruption investigation within the USDOJ.

  5. This is only the first instalment [and a sampler] of God’s Wrath … for what scum Dershowitz did to destroy Aafia Siddiqui! … There’s SO much more coming for the likes of this demon and his species (incl. the Andrews)! … … And such Answers from God have only just begun.

  6. On more interesting read to connect more dots:

    “On 13th March 2011, the Mail on Sunday reported on Jeffrey Epstein’s private Caribbean island, Little St James, and on his ‘little black book’ listing phone contacts.

    Among those whose names have been linked to Epstein are:

    Ehud Barak; Bill Clinton; Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his daughter Hannah; Lord Mandelson and Lord Mandelson’s boyfriend Reinaldo; Ghislaine Maxwell; Naomi Campbell; Sir Richard Branson; Lord Palumbo (the UK’s former Arts Council chairman and godfather to the Duke of York’s eldest daughter Beatrice); The journalist Toby Young; Dame Gail Ronson, (wife of the multi-millionaire British developer Gerald Ronson); The JCB tycoon Sir Anthony Bamford; Philippe Amon, (a Swiss industrialist); Caroline Stanbury, (a former girlfriend of Prince Andrew).”

  7. Detailed account in the Daily Mail primarily focusing on Prince Andrew:
    Prince Andrew doesn’t have a chance of inheriting the throne, EVER, with this story.

    Pay particular attention to Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of “Robert Maxwell”. Ghislaine’s father (Ján Ludvík Hyman Binyamin Hoch aka Ian Robert Maxwell) was a “work of art” having embezzled millions from British pensioners and helped Israel kidnap Mordechai Vanunu.

    What do these people have on members of the US Congress? LOL

    F’ these people.

  8. Epstein’s plea deal included co-conspirators not be prosecuted

    “The Guardian understands the plea deal states: “If Epstein successfully fulfils all the terms of this agreement, the United States also agrees that it will not institute any criminal charges against any potential co-conspirators of Epstein including but not limited to [four named individuals not including [British person] or [“American” trial lawyer]].”

    This is news again because victims were not consulted of the plea deal as required by US law. Jane Doe numbers go over #100. Other unnamed American politicians are mentioned during recent victim accounts.

    Guardian article focusing on Ghislaine Maxwell:

  9. Don’t forget that Jim Baker was to get 27 years in jail but Alan Dershowitz got him out in two. Now, I wonder how Jim got back on TV and supports so many Jews?

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