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Despite the religious community being a miniscule minority in the Czech Republic, there is strong, often irrational resistance to their presence

The number of supporters of the “We Don’t Want Islam in the Czech Republic” group is at least five times higher than the estimated number (20,000) of Muslims living in the Czech Republic, whose population is some 10.5 millio, Zídek writes.

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0 thoughts on “Anti-Islam Sentiment On The Rise In Czech Republic”
  1. That line in the article — “However, staunch Islamophobes will hardly “yield” to rational arguments” —- just about sums it all up. And this may not be a surprize (we see that in people all the time)! … It’s not just the Czech. … Countries around Bosnia never got over what the Ottomans had done … and the resultant hatred had remained so strong that they had lost ALL their white nationalistic sentiments when they attacked and shredded Bosnia — THAT’s how much they always hated Islam. … This recent development is just Zews fanning the flames ablaze again.

    I get mixed thoughts about the whole world situation … Prophet (saas) predicted that [in our End Times] … “the Believer will be more humiliated than the ugly goat!” … And I personally felt the pain and humiliation of our Syrian refugee families… or those who have been migrating to Europe (e.g.), already traumatized and tortured in every way, only to find more schemes and oppression befall them … they NEVER got the healing they might be aching for so badly, and some probably never will … and instead, you get paid [Imperialist] parakeets on Fox TV calling them dirt-bags! …

    It raises one’s ire! … It raises one’s ire to the very point where the Satanic Jew is DYING to capture us rushing into! … It raises one’s ire further to see hypocrites shut their conscience and ignore these tortures by lapsing into meditation, yoga and pseudo-spirituality! … And Believers know that reducing our sensitivity or empathy just to be able to carry on with life would bring a gross loss of Faith/ Imaan (because that ‘sensitivity’ IS the key indicator of Faith) … so this is absolutely not an option, because death may befall any time, with WW3 culminating soon. … It’s just a short sprint ahead to the finish line, maybe…wherein it’s far better to be humiliated by the Ugly Goat Satan/ Moloch/ Yahwey/ Baal/ Moshiach than to lose Eternity! [Amazing, how Prophet (saas) used that ‘ugly goat’ metaphor, likely because he KNEW who would be the god of men in the End Times!]

    For those who feel weighed down by what’s happening to Muslims everywhere, please see this great video… [It’s actually three videos; the 1st one will give you goose bumps; the 2nd one is a sermon (begins at 6:20); and the last one is a Zionist admitting that ISIS has been Mossad’s official name for a long time now!] … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dANVf61K8Ak

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