no longer in the dark

We asked a passerby named Ashraf if he thinks there is indeed anti-Semitism in Belgium. “What we see today is a hierarchy in racism,” he replied. “I am totally against racism, but there is a hierarchy in which anti-Semitism is at the top and racism against black people is at the very bottom. It demonstrates Israel’s status in the world we are living in.

OCDG: An interesting “article” … on the surface it appears to be blowback for jewish behavior but it isn’t until the last paragraph that they admit, in a roundabout way, why things like this appear in the press.


“We have to put our jacket outside of the classroom, and often I would find in my pocket pictures of Hitler or Mussolini or Jews dying,” says Jeremie de Bock, a Jewish student in Brussels, when asked to describe the current atmosphere in the European Union’s capital, more than 70 years after the Holocaust.

“Just for fun, they would put the gas of their lighter in my nose to make my shut up or to make me react or to have a fight, or tell me I should shut up in the class because there are gas lines,” he recounts. “All of that was always done in front of teachers that didn’t really care.”

The growing support in Europe for a Palestinian state, alongside the sharp rise in anti-Semitic incidents in most of the continent’s countries, present an alarming picture. What people euphemistically refer to as “anti-Israel activity,” researchers are now defining as “new anti-Semitism.”

Three of the European Union’s five main institutions are located in Brussels. In the city center, near commercial and tourist sites, we heard blatant statements against Israel and the Jews from Belgian citizens. It seems people are no longer afraid to express anti-Semitic sentiments.

“I think in Israel Jews are doing a bit the same sometimes like when they lived in Europe in the past and Second World War,” says Simon de Klerk, a Belgian student. “Now they are building walls and they are putting people in the place that they have been.

“They are putting people in the ghetto in Palestina while they have been put in ghettos themselves, and I think they should think about it and use that position and shouldn’t do that to other people because there are not many populations who have experienced it like them.”

“I don’t see Jews as any other population you have – Arab people, Jewish people, Caucasian people,” says Stephen, another citizen we talked to on the street. “Every people has his right to live his own religion, but when you live in a society you have to respect each other’s borders. Your personal freedom only goes as far as the personal freedom of somebody else, and I think that’s something that they’re really not respecting right now.”

We asked a passerby named Ashraf if he thinks there is indeed anti-Semitism in Belgium. “What we see today is a hierarchy in racism,” he replied. “I am totally against racism, but there is a hierarchy in which anti-Semitism is at the top and racism against black people is at the very bottom. It demonstrates Israel’s status in the world we are living in.

The situation is affecting the local Jewish community. “There is an atmosphere of fear,” says Rabbi Menachem Margolin, the general director of the European Jewish Association, (EJA). The deadly shooting at the Jewish museum in Brussels last year, made it clear just how real the danger is.

“We are being secured by the authorities. They are not taking any risks,” he says. “They know we are a community under threat, and the authorities are doing everything in their power to protect us. But the atmosphere is against us also because the events in the Middle East which definitely have an impact on us.”

“There is a certain level of anti-Semitism in Europe, and not only in Belgium,” says Philippe Markiewicz, president of the Jewish Community of Brussels, “but we should not exaggerate. The majority of the Belgian people are not anti-Semitic.”

Rabbi Margolin believes immigrating to Israel is not the answer.

“The aliyah to Israel weakens the Jewish community in Europe and doesn’t help solve the European Jews’ general problem,” he says.

“It even causes damage, because the solution for anti-Semitism in Europe is a strong Jewish community that will fight against it. If we are big and strong we can deal with the authorities and be a much more significant minority.

“At the end of the day, the Israeli officials calling on Jews to immigrate to Israel are basically shooting themselves in the foot because without the activity of the Jewish communities in Europe, which are lobbying for Israel in Europe, Israel’s situation in the European arena could have been much worse.”

0 thoughts on “Anti-Semites in Belgium are no longer hiding”
  1. Take note :”Lobbying for Israel”. They demand support themselves. Being exclusive,mendacious,self-centered,demanding. name me a people who lobbys as Francis Parker Yockey put it: “People,state,religion?” One can see the cancer of Jewish influence,even in he responses of people criticizingthem. they reference ‘racism’. JEWS SUPPORT RACISM,AND TO TAKE THEM ON,IS NOT. And,’Jew were put in Ghettos”:Jews CHOSE to put themselves in Ghettos. Literally,mentally,and politcally,all throughout there Satanic prescence on the planet ! They conjure up,a system that enchains them,in a community,which de facto demands total obediance,from a host,and set themselves above the cycle of mankind. They are ‘humanity’,you and I are not. Belgium,like all of Europe,went through two awful war,promoted with enthusiasm by the Jews;plus theRed Revolution in Russia. Today Europe protects them,with laws against free speech. What more can anyone ask? Annilalation ? Yes,by backing multi-culturalism,is trying wipe out Europes identity. They love ‘multi-culturalism’,but refuse to take part in it ! See satire:ANTI- RACIST HITLER :YouTube. JEWS ARE DESTROYING EUROPE PROMOTING MULTI- CULTURALISM; Barbera Spector You Tube. The later;a carzed women,is PAID by International Jewry to promote it ! Allied propagandain two wars,pushed a distorted view of Belgium,as a “German victim”. Not true at all,and like in all of Europe,Germany had enthusiastic support,there. The spirit of the amazing Leon Degrelle,of the REXIST PARTY,is alive and well. This genius,exiled to Spain after WW2,had huge support,anfought for a federated ,progressive,but within the framework of tradition. A dynamic swahbuckler,and warrior,look him up. His story better,than any fiction. SEE:LEON DEGRELLE & THE EPIC STORY OF THE WAFFEN SS You Tube.

  2. i’m in the middle of “the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine” by Illan Pappe ~ and although it is VERY well written it is a very difficult reading ~ the term Genocide is so apparent so wanted so sought after by the Jooz of the time 1947/48 it’s just unbelievable the Crimes Against Humanity ~ these aren’t war crimes this just blood lust crushing defeat of a the entirely peaceful Pals.
    Whatever the Joooze get the have earned.

  3. “We have to put our jacket outside of the classroom, and often I would find in my pocket pictures of Hitler or Mussolini or Jews dying.”

    “Just for fun, they would put the gas of their lighter in my nose to make my shut up or to make me react or to have a fight, or tell me I should shut up in the class because there are gas lines. All of that was always done in front of teachers that didn’t really care.”

    “There is an atmosphere of fear.”

    “We are a community under threat.”

    Wouldn’t it be wonderful if these Jewish lies were actually TRUE?

  4. In Indonesian words is : BIAR MAMPUSSS. What comes around goes the F**K around jews bastards.! NOW YOU SEE HUH!! AND HERE MIDDLE FINGERS TO YOUR MEANINGLESS ANTISEMITISM CRAP!

  5. The Jews should always feel fear for their crimes against humanity. Average Jew is either silent on Israel’s murderous behavior or support it; therefore, they should feel the hatred reserved for them, along with the constant fear their activities breed. Tel Aviv should be nuked during a Knesset meeting. The Rothschilds should be arrested by a world-wide coalition and their assets seized and distributed evenly. Their banks shuttered and nationalized.

  6. “If we were only anti-Semitic,then yes,that that would be indeed be passé.But we are also Socialist.We cant have one without the other: Socialism,that is,the freedom of the [German] workers,and thus of the [German] nation,can only be achieved in OPPOSITION TO THE JEWS,and because we want [Germany’s] liberty,and Socialism,we are anti-Semitic.”- From J.G.

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