ed note–the Judaic drumbeat against Trump continues, whether it is the right or the left side of the concert house. Both sides of the criminal conspiracy know that Trump would be a sheriff who cannot be bought off or bullied into toeing some line drawn by organized Jewish interests, and yet, despite what is an ear-splitting chorus of invective and vitriol being trumpeted against him–no pun intended–there will still be some in this ‘movement’ who will claim it is all a charade and that he is ‘one of them’ just because his daughter happened to convert to Judaism.

Those who have invested a certain amount of hope in this latest development should temper their hopes that things are about to get ‘turned around’. What is brewing is an apocalyptic fight between Godzilla and King Kong in the middle of a highly populated city. Even if Trump does manage to make it alive to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, that does not mean his ability to effect any change will not be dead on arrival. Congress is owned, lock, stock and barrel by the very same organized Jewish interests–both left and right–who are trying like hell to scuttle Trump’s chances of winning. Once he is in, the BEST case scenario is that they will throw up barrier after barrier in preventing him getting anything done and at some point will, not may, but WILL, bring up articles of Impeachment against him. Worst case scenario is that Trump is able to marshal some muscle from his own side, in which case what we will see is the complete implosion of the United States, as it is brought down, brick by brick and bone by bone, not one stone being left upon another, as organized Jewish interests carpetbomb America with every conceivable dirty trick they have in their arsenal, be it false flag terrorism, economic collapse, shutting down the entire infrastructure of the US through Stuxnet or an engineered nuclear war with Russia.

The point is, in the midst of all the cheering that is presently taking place, there needs also to be a moment of sober, serious reflection for what will likely arrive at the doorstep of every person on God’s green earth if indeed the teflon Don makes it to the White House.

Ari Shavit for Haaretz

Even if he doesn’t become president, Donald Trump has already made history. The success of the billionaire from Palm Beach against all the odds and all the forecasts has changed the face of the United States. More precisely, it has demonstrated that the face of the United States has changed.

After the astounding victories of the vulgar populist in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada, it is clear to all that America is no longer the country we have known. It is no longer a nation with a prudent economic establishment, a contented middle class and a stable political system. It is no longer a nation confident in itself, its identity and its future. It is a frightened, angry America. An America that has lost its way.

To an Israeli who spends considerable time in debates about Israel between Boston and San Francisco, Trump is a relief. Suddenly Israeli politics seem a little less embarrassing. How can one be shocked by Uri Ariel, Miri Regev and Yariv Levin, when the big talent is electrifying millions of Americans by inciting against Muslims? How can one express disgust at the goings on in Jerusalem, when the man marching toward Washington is breaking every basic rule of American democracy?

But to an Israeli who loves America and believes it has no substitute, Trump is a cause of deep worry. Why is it that what’s going on in this election campaign hasn’t happened in any election campaign in the last century? What enables a brilliant, dangerous, repulsive, rude clown to take one step after another toward the White House?

The first reason for Trump’s success is fear for the nation’s identity. American demography is changing fast. White Christian America is becoming a minority. In the two election campaigns won by Barack Obama, American politics celebrated the change. Now comes the reaction. Something dark and horrible is rising from parts of the conservative white population, which feels it’s losing its hegemony over the land it has built.

The second reason for Trump’s success is economic fear. In the last 30 years American capitalism has become rapacious as it hasn’t been since the end of the 19th century. Massive concentration of capital, huge social gaps and an eroding middle class are breaking the American dream to bits. In the absence of real mobility and the lack of confidence in a better future, American stability and optimism have been undermined.

The third reason for Trump’s success is fear of decline. All those who will be voting in the November election are children of the American century. They grew up in a world dominated in one way or another by the United States. But in the last 15 years these voters have seen America lose its place of leadership in the world. China’s rise, Russia’s provocation and the Middle East’s despair prove that Washington is no longer in command of the world as it was in the past. Thus was created the yearning for a new commander, an unrestrained one.

These three deep fears coalesced in recent years to become a quiet dread. While on the surface the economy seemed to be more or less recovering, the world more or less peaceful, and life more or less reasonable – down below this dread gripped the heart of the American masses. In the lack of job security, communal security and security in the future, the dread intensified.

Until Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders came along and brought it to the surface, to the light. So even if the real estate tycoon is ultimately defeated – he has already made his mark. This man who offers himself as a grotesquerie of Ronald Reagan has not only brought American politics to an unprecedented low, he endangers all that America has been and all that America is supposed to be.

7 thoughts on “As an Israeli who loves America, I am worried by Trump”
  1. The biggest problem are those complete idiots, those American morons from places like the Bible belt that are completely in the Jews hands. That is remarkable when according to the Jews they were once so “prejudiced” against Jews. Bring those days back. I would love a showdown in which we have the Jews on one side and Trump, Orban, Jean Marine Le pen, Putin and anyone else that cares to join in on the other. Perhaps Trump can invite David Irving to the white house to give a talk on his book Goebbels and how the Jews brought a showdown against Germany. Professor Kevin MacDonald could give a talk on how Jews destroyed the USA by pushing thru the 1965 immigration act, making the USA into a multicultural country and how they’ve done the same thing to Europe, Canada and Australia. That is my dream.

  2. They really do hate him … and of course they would block his every move should he win this game of thrones. It seems that the Republicans used this tactic every time Obama turned around for good and bad.
    Not for nothing have the general American people been dumbed down! Life is no more than just another reality show for many. Fluoride and common core are doing a wonderful job…. along with everything else used to ruin the people of America.
    This man Trump puts on a great show and the ratings are coming in as a result. The coarse man on stage is a charade; he is extremely urbane and sophisticated. Forget Game of Thrones; Trump has made Game of the Oval Office much more interesting for the moment.Good, bad or indifferent, Donald Trump has changed history and things will not be the same. Ever.

  3. “How can one be shocked by Uri Ariel, Miri Regev and Yariv Levin, when the big talent is electrifying millions of Americans by inciting against Muslims?” When you own all the media you can get away with that statement. If not for the lying, mass murdering Jews there would be no problem between Muslims and Christians, for the US would not have been murdering Muslims and destroying their countries on behalf of Israel for more than 25 years now.

  4. Of course all Jews must fear Donald trump because he is exposing the rats, the bad guys that no one ever said. He said that ISIS has been a creation of Hillary Clinton and Obama and also said that he applauds Russia for fighting ISIS.. He has told Jeff Bush time and again that his brother new about 9/11 and he did not do any thing about it. He has spoken of Auditing the Federal Reserve Banks who have never been audited and consequently had never paid taxes. All these have irritated the hell out of many. Of course the Jews and neo-cons should be worried. I hope Donald Trump makes it to the White House.

  5. In my above statement (4) I intended to write “If not for the lying, mass murdering Jews there would be no problem between Muslims and Christians”. I mistakenly typed Jews instead of Christians.

  6. Really, as JM Le Pen, I hope The real God protect D. Trump. The hell’s fury is directed toward him. The damn liers are “worried”. All the nasty puppets of the world speak about him like the “new Hitler” (God may permit Trump was like saint Adolph, we need him a lot now). But I think the vampires will kill him physicaly or economic-politicaly. Not only for America, for the world, may be Christ protect D. Trump.

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