As the regular readers of this website know, we deal with a lot of dark info here on a daily basis, and truth be told, when dealing with the Jews, i.e. the followers of Torah Judah-ism, how could it be any other way?


But, as the importance of this day shows, there is the other side of the coin to consider and the chapter in that big book of human destiny that must be factored into the picture.


Whether one chooses or not to accept what has been the literal belief associated with this day, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, (and yes we at this humble little informational endeavor DO believe it to have been a heavenly-ordained historical event every bit as real as the Roman destruction of Joo-roo-salem in 70 A.D.) the more sublime importance of this day is that it represents the triumph of good in the midst of what appears to be the insurmountable and unstoppable forces of evil.


Yes, the Jews plotted and schemed, just as they are spiritually driven to do and have always done, but obviously, forces more powerful than they and more powerful than that of their father, the Devil, had other plans…


As we watch the crucifixion of Gaza today and what will be the crucifixion of the rest of the Middle East in the coming days, weeks, months, etc (to say nothing of what it is that the Terrorists of Torah Judah-ism have planned in our own countries of the Christian West making up ‘Roma Nova’ which they also intend to destroy) we must remember that in the end, despite the damage and destruction they have done and will do, the Jews will lose, just as they always have, and as they always must…


In the meantime, our best wishes to all people of goodwill who are–to the best of their abilities these days–‘fighting the good fight’ against the dark and diabolical designs of the Sin-a-Gog of Satan, and as we move forward again on the battlefield beginning the day after this remarkable moment known as Resurrection Day, 2024 A.D.,  let us commit ourselves to adding our own meager efforts to those of heaven in casting into the eternal lake of fire the Beast of Jewish power and of Judea Resurrecta otherwise known as the Jewish State, our battle cry being none less than ‘Judea Delenda Est’

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