Multiple coalition ministers and MKs intend to participate in upcoming event calling for Israeli resettlement of Gaza.


ed note–again, ladies and Gentile-men, this was ‘the plan’ all along, and by that what we mean is that through the vast network of spies in Gaza known as the Mistaavrim that Israel maintains, the Jypsy State knew about the impending Hamas attacks on Oct. 7th, and not only allowed it all to take place, but indeed, in utilizing those Mistaarvim spies, made sure that some (certainly not to the aggrandized degree that Israel has claimed) of the acts of barbarism, especially sexual assaults, did in fact take place in order to toxify the entire world against any and all players involved in the Palestinian cause.


More to the point, and an apocalyptic point, at that, is the fact that the seizure of Gaza is something that the Hebrews, Shebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, Jews–whatever combination of vowels and consonants one wants to use in describing them–has been on the ‘to do’ list for the last 3000+ years, just as it is with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Turkey, portions of Saudi Arabia, etc, which the followers of Torah Judah-ism claim to be theirs via nothing less than divine decree, to wit–


‘On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abraham, saying ‘To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates’… –Book of Genesis, 15:18





Israel National News


Families of soldiers, bereaved families, and families of the hostages are expected to set up a sukkah at the event in the region around Gaza.


On Sunday and Monday, during Sukkot, a large-scale event is planned near the Gaza Strip. Senior ministers and MKs from several parties are expected to attend.


‘The presence of ministers along with the thousands expected to participate expresses the public’s strong support for settlement in the Gaza region,’ say the organizers.


‘The event is planned not only as a theoretical conference, but as a practical exercise and preparation for renewed settlement in the Gaza region. The growing public support for the Zionist move to return settlement to Gaza highlights the importance of the move as the only solution to the security situation,’ say the organizers.


Support for settlement in Gaza is not a new phenomenon. Last January, at a conference held at the Jerusalem International Convention Center, many thousands attended along with 11 government ministers, expressing their support for the move. During the March of Gaza on Independence Day in Sderot, more than fifty thousand people took part. On the eve of Tisha B’Av, during the reading of the Book of Lamentations at the Netzarim Junction, thousands of ministers and Knesset members attended again.


The event is led by the Nachala Movement and other organizations long working to return Jewish settlement to Gaza.


‘The upcoming event, with growing public and political support, marks a significant new step in the struggle. The message is clear – returning to settlement in Gaza is no longer just an idea, but a move in advanced stages with government and public support.’


Daniella Weiss, Chairwoman of the Nachala Movement, commented: ‘Throughout Zionism, alongside the military effort comes the pioneering and settlement effort. It was like this at Be’erot Yitzhak. At Tel Hai and Hanita. And it will be the same in Gaza.’


‘The support of ministers and Knesset members is blessed, proving the tremendous support for the move from residents of the surrounding area and the public in Israel. As we have seen throughout history, when the public and the leadership work together, an unstoppable force is created. There is no doubt that this connection will lead to successful settlement in Gaza.’


Nathaniel Nissan, Chairman of the Young Religious Zionists, added: ‘Today, it is clear to everyone that Jewish settlement in the Gaza Strip is essential to victory in the war. The language the enemy understands is territorial control, so it’s time to return to the Gush Katif settlements. We invite everyone to participate in the preparation event for settlement in the Gaza Strip during Sukkot.’

One thought on “Broad support within Knesset for Jewish re-settlement in Gaza”
  1. As an observer for many years of ME geopolitics and based on what has been going on for the last year, it is my firm belief that the “loud, cumbersome, stumbling, out-in-the-open, no holds barred” brand of Judaism (the real kind) is winning, vs the “soft, cautious, calculated, sneaky, polished” brand.

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