B’NAI BRITH CANADA – B’nai Brith Canada is outraged that Professor Anthony Hall has returned to work at the University of Lethbridge, after he was suspended for promoting antisemitism in October of 2016.
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Christ led open debate about the licentious, immoral, and narcissism of Judaism, look what they had done to him.
Lying jews of Canada…. the truth is gunna getchya! Why don’t you stop lying and tell the truth for once, like this professor of higher learning. Your gig is soon to be up. You should join the professor in the research to prove that he’s right. Jews did do 911, and the hollow-hoax is a fraudulent extortion lie. You should give up now and start to tell the truth, because karma and the truth will not be kind to such deceitful scum of the earth when the light fully shines on you. Repent you sinners. Repent.
Wow! Good for him! So they claim Human Rights because he deny an event that never occured… at least, not occured like they said? This is a shame. And what about our freedom of speech? This is not conspiracy theories… it is proven that there was no crematoriums for say. Just wonder what they fear to howl anti-semitism everytime people question their claims? If they have nothing to hide, what do they fear?
Hear me well… I don’t deny the concentration camps but in those camps, there was other people who suffered and died too but noboby talk about them and it is unfair. No investigation is allowed as if investigation… they will claim anti-semitism… this is soooo ridiculus. Our freedom of thought and speech is taken off because of what, finally?
@bnaibrithcanada, you said this,”Hall became the centre of a national controversy after his Facebook friend posted an image calling to “KILL ALL JEWS NOW!” on his Facebook wall.”. . . fb friend ?! That was you, playing nice nice to trick him, and then ra ra ra ra, on and on.
@bnaibrithcanada, you said this,”Hall became the centre of a national controversy after his Facebook friend posted an image calling to “KILL ALL JEWS NOW!” on his Facebook wall.”. . . fb friend ?! That was you, playing nice nice to trick him, and then ra ra ra ra, on and on.
@RachelNotley I read that you support reinstating Prof Anthony Hall. One brave lady. Not an action in the western world by any other office holder. I sent note to B’nai B’rith Canada and told them I supported him. I’m not Canadian. Good also that you mention the Holodomor.
Good for Dr. Hall. Anyone who digs into 9/11 research soon comes to find that Israeli and American Zionists were the prime movers of that atrocity.
Well done, Professor. But it is known by all and sundry that they will keep Professor Hall under very close scrutiny for another attack. Just as sure as the sun will rise in a few hours, they will not give up.
Outraged Jews. That’s never happened before. 🤔
Using the Jews own Auschwitz numbers (I have been there) the Germans would have had to completely cremate one body every 0.43 minutes. Highly unlikely.
TUT, your report isn’t correct and it is important that you correct it!
Tony Hall was set up by *persons unknown* who pasted an anti-semitic (Kill all jews) message on his Facebook page – this was *instantly* picked up by B’nai Brith who charged him with hate crimes, despite Prof. Hall vehemently denying that he believes this and despite it being clear that he did not post the message. Within a few weeks he was dismissed without pay and without a review, against all rules, by the board of his university.
It is clear that he was being targeted by the usual suspects and that the Facebook posting was a way to bring him to book. Why? His real “crime” as a professor of native American studies is (1) comparing native americans to Palestinians (2) his participation in False Flag weekly News, (3) his support for 911 Truth and lastly, while never denying the holocaust, believing that people should have the freedom to question and discuss it.
He still faces legal tribunals and it does NOT help his case to parrot B’nai Brith’s false accusations – which can land him in jail. PLEASE do something to correct this.
“B’nai Brith is outraged … .” You can stop reading right there. 🙄
B’nai Brith 666
About goddamn time the truth is being brought out in the open & cong. to the Gov for having the balls to stand up to these imitators of the true Jews , the true sons of Abraham , these filthy zionistjew scum , the murders of the innocents of Palestine . Freedom to Palestine !