TUT Broadcast May 31, 2023
Today’s program– The eye-opening interview featuring Israeli journalist Barak Ravid where he discloses the nature of the discussions he personally had with Trump and the animosity that existed between Trump…
Intelligent & thought-provoking 'anti-Semitism' for thinking [email protected]
Today’s program– The eye-opening interview featuring Israeli journalist Barak Ravid where he discloses the nature of the discussions he personally had with Trump and the animosity that existed between Trump…
Today’s Program– On this Mother’s day we are joined by His Excellency Bp. Riah Abu El Assal from Nazareth to discuss the manner in which Christians today in Palestine are…
Today’s program– Continuing our previous discussion concerning Israel’s plans for utilizing a man-made earthquake in bringing down the Dome of the Rock in Joo-roo-salem in preparation not only for rebuilding…
Today’s program– Israel’s planned destruction of the Al Aqsa compound in Joo-roo-salem, as well as all the Christian holy sites via the pretext of an ‘act-of-God’ earthquake which the Jewish…
Today’s Program– The ENTIRE ‘Make America Great Again’ agenda on the part of Donald J. Trump, as much as it superficially involved borders, taxes, crime, etc, what it really all…
Today’s program–The dark and radioactive energies in nearly-full force in today’s world as a result of the corrosiveness of Judah-ism’s ‘protocols’ and its eternal plans for Gentile-cide being unleashed–What we…
Tonight’s program– Crucifixion Day, 33 A.D–the birthdate of today’s ‘Cancel culture’ so much in the news these days, as the followers of Judah-ism, the ‘children of Israel’, as they love…
Today’s program– 9/11, Pt. II The same method/methodology/black magic ‘protocols’ that were used in the aftermath of the Mossad-engineered terrorist attacks/acts of war against the United States on September 11th,…
Tonight’s Program– Continuing/expanding upon our previous discussion involving the CIA/MOSSAD-planned destruction of Chernobyl as the precursor to driving Russia out of the Middle East, foiled only by Putin’s pre-emptive strike,…
Tonight’s program– ‘Jernobyl, Pt. II’– The REAL reason for Russia’s decision to engage in military action in Ukraine was not/is not as much about ‘NATO encroachment’ on Russia’s Western borders…
Tonight’s Program– With Biden launching missiles into Syria barely a month into his ‘term’, all can assume that Judea, Inc has finally achieved what it (unsuccessfully) set out to do…
Tonight’s Program– The 2nd acquittal of POTUS DJT in the Senate as a harbinger of the ‘bigger plans’ which the forces of organized anti-Gentilism have in store in getting things…
Tonight’s Program– The 2nd Impeachment trial against POTUS DJT has begun once again, and, just as occurred previously, it is a follower of Judaism–Rep. Jamie Raskin–who has been ‘chosen’ to…
Tonight’s program– Now with Biden sitting in the White House, the various talking heads within ‘right-wing’ media, including Limbaugh, Hannity, Carlson et al finally understand the dangerous nature of the…
Tonight’s Program–Early October, 2017, POTUS DJT assembled reporters at the White House for a photo op with his top military leaders where he said it was the ‘calm before the…
Tonight’s Program–Donald J. Trump, President of the United States, Impeached yet again, and all due to 3 numbers– ‘911’ and 7 words– ‘American Foreign Policy In the Middle East’ The…
Tonight’s Program– ‘Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free…’ In all likelihood, a large part of President Donald J. Trump’s calculus in freeing America from…
Tonight’s Program– Within a mere few hours after the false flag event at the nation’s capitol featuring well-trained/well-resourced ANTIFA terrorists engaging in violence and the subsequent ‘certification’ of Biden as…
Tonight’s program– As Congress convenes to ‘certify’ the election for Israel’s choice for POTUS, DJT addresses the nation saying he will not allow the White House to be taken by…
Tonight’s program– Continuing our discussion viz the ‘corrosive force’ of Judaism and the inherent Apocalyptic dangers associated with any civilization allowing an inherently schizophrenic group of individuals driven by the…
Tonight’s Program– There are 26 letters in the Latin (Roman) alphabet, each one of which represents a singular and IMPORTANT aspect in understanding the deadly, dangerous nature of the ‘corrosive…
Tonight’s program– The ‘corrosive force’ and it’s yearly celebration of the destruction of Greco-Roman culture in the festival known as H’nookah, and this year, taking place at the very moment…
Tonight’s Program– Continuing our discussion concerning the ‘corrosive force’ on Gentile society that few (if any) dare to discuss (at least in an intelligent and rational manner) and the manner…
Tonight’s program–The 7 words that encompass and explain the political instability in America for the last 4 years related to the person and Presidency of Donald J. Trump that few–if…
Today’s program–The implosion of the Twin Towers on 9/11/2001 as the ‘prototype’ for the controlled demolition of America in 2020 as the preparatory step in creating a new Judaic religious…
After 2 years of radio silence, we return to the boxing ring to discuss the principles–who/what/where/when/why/how behind the real-time coup d’etat against DJT, POTUS and here’s a hint for you–it…
Tonight’s program– Of the various noises which ‘Never Trumpers’ from across a broad spectrum like to chirp in denying the possibility that Donald Trump may indeed be genuine in his…
Tonight’s program– The recent midterm elections in the US and what kinds of (Israeli-instigated) tectonic changes occurred politically in order to keep things exactly as they were. In particular, what…
Tonight’s Program– Paul Manafort, POTUS Donald Trump’s former campaign manager is convicted on 8 counts ranging from tax evasion to bank fraud, while on the same day, Trump’s former lawyer…
Tonight’s program–The implosion/controlled demolition of the ‘Truth Movement’ via Alex Jones, his propagation of the Sandy Hook Hoax nonsense and the all-too-predictable imposition of censorship protocols by Youtube, Facebook, Twitter…