ed note–no one should underestimate the importance of the release of these documents and particularly not at this time vis a vis Pres. Trump’s ‘calm before the storm’ statement of just a few weeks ago, coupled with the now tsunamic meltdown in Jollywood (otherwise known here as ‘Hurricane Harvey’) where various important characters of the Hebraic persuasion operating that den of thievery and espionage and working feverishly to see a new recalcitrant resident removed from office are now being subjected to the political, intelligence, and law enforcement resources of Trump, Inc.

The possibility that it was indeed agents with the CIA who came to Adam Lanza’s home and spoke with his mother suggesting that maybe he could ‘work’ for the USGOV is not by any stretch an inconsequential matter. If indeed Lanza was a ‘Manchurian Candidate’ whose mental illness, fascination with mass shootings and proclivities towards violence were harnessed by that agency, (or some other? then the question that obviously needs to be asked is–‘for what purpose?’

Naturally, the Alex Jones, Jeff Rense, John Stadtmiller, anti-NWO crowd will automatically and autonomically honk in unison ‘GUN CONTROL’, as if no other possible explanation existed and without considering the fact that after this horrific attack, nothing in terms of any kind of restrictive gun legislation at the federal or state level occurred, the only exceptions being those east coast states where firearm ownership was/is already tightly regulated, and this during a DEMOCRATIC administration that has no love whatsoever for the 2nd Amendment.

In our humble opinion, we believe that the real key to better understanding this entire mystery lies in examining that other phenomenon that took place immediately after this shooting with the emergence of the ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ subculture. The brainchild of noted ‘conspiracy theorists’ such as Professor Jim Fetzer (among others) who spent a decade before Sandy Hook earning a name for himself as a ‘9/11 Truther’, the ‘Hoaxer’ crowd received instant and constant international media coverage in the aftermath of this massacre due to the completely unhinged assertions that quickly became matters of theology and doctrine within this cult, and soon–with the Boston Marathon Bombing, the shootings at San Bernardino, the Pulse Nightclub, Las Vegas, and other high-profile instances of mass murder, the template that was established following Sandy Hook began to roll like a giant boulder down a hill and thus became a force of nature all its own.

Now, as we have maintained here from the beginning of all this Sandy Hook business, it is somewhere between possible and probable that skullduggery was indeed at work by outside players, most notably in the form of ‘interested parties’ deliberately inserting these insane ‘theories’ into the discourse, including those such as ‘no one died’, that ‘nothing happened’ and that the entire event was stage managed using ‘crisis actors’, ‘fake blood’, etc, and all of this for the express purpose of discrediting the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ and all the alternative theories revolving around that event.

As a result, these insane assertions that have now been carved into the cult of Sandy Hook Hoaxerism and burned into the collective memories of billions of people around the world can thus be used in turning otherwise curious people away from any sane re-examination of 9/11, the Jewish Lobby, and what is coming down the road for all of us as a result of the toxic influence that Israel maintains over the political discourse and political affairs of the most militarily-powerful nation on earth.

Consider as well those intelligence professionals–both current and retired–who now as a result of all this ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ nonsense have been forced to reign in the kind of language they would otherwise use in discussing 9/11 for fear of being tarred as ‘hoaxers’. These people understand how the game of intelligence and public perception works and thus understand that as a result of the utter nuttery of disinformation agents promoting the new religion of ‘Hoaxism’ that the kind of ‘full disclosure’ they would otherwise be willing to offer in their professional capacity as current and former intelligence experts must now be toned down considerably, thus degrading the quality of information that is inserted into the discussion, including Israel’s direct role in 9/11.

And finally, the proof that the entire ‘Sandy Hook Hoax’ cult is in and of itself a testimony to its own intellectual bankruptcy is the complete absence of any discussion right now concerning these new revelations involving the possible connection between the CIA and Adam Lanza, for if there were truly a ‘smoking gun’ in this event–no pun intended–vis a vis the possibility of something much larger, more nefarious, and far more dangerous being involved than simply some mentally deranged young man getting hold of a gun and killing a bunch of children, this–that the CIA knew about Lanza ahead of time and discussed him ‘working’ for them–is it…

And yet, not so much as a peep, cough, hiccup, or burp amongst the High Priests of Hoaxerism to be heard in this regard, and for perfectly understandable reasons, for to do so means them backtracking 5 years and the mountain of utter BS they peddled and completely revamping the assertions that they have now enshrined as matters of faith and dogma concerning this event, namely that ‘nothing happened’ and that ‘no one died’.


Police in Newtown, Connecticut were told years before Adam Lanza’s 2012 killing spree that he planned to carry out a massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, according to a batch of documents the FBI released this week.

Roughly 1,500 pages of heavily redacted documents show that in 2008, a man told police he’d heard Lanza say he planned to kill students at Sandy Hook, along with his mother, the New York Times reports. When the man went to the cops with what he’d learned, they told him that “Lanza’s mother owned the guns and that there was nothing NPD could do about it,” according to an FBI file.

It wasn’t the only brush law enforcement allegedly had with Lanza before he went on a rampage in Newtown, killing his mother and fatally shooting 20 children and six staffers at Sandy Hook Elementary. In an interview conducted two days after the shooting, Lanza’s neighbors told the FBI that Nancy Lanza once said her son had hacked into a government computer when he was a high school freshman. According to USA Today, Lanza’s mother told the neighbors that agents from the FBI and CIA came to their house afterward, and that she had to convince them her son was simply bright—that he was “challenging himself to see if he could hack into a government system.”

“The authorities told Nancy that if her son was that smart he could have a job with them one day,” the document reads, according to CNN. The run-in occurred years before the Sandy Hook massacre; Lanza was 20 when he committed the killings.

According to the Associated Press, the trove of FBI files also suggest Lanza had views about children that verged on pedophilia. According to one document, a woman who communicated with Lanza online told the FBI he had once said sexual relationships between children and adults could be “possibly beneficial to both parties.” She also reportedly said Lanza felt “pity for children” who he believed were “brainwashed” by adults.

Additionally, the woman told the FBI, Lanza was apparently fascinated by mass shootings and killings. The documents show he used screen names referring to infamous school shooters, and “devoted almost all of his Internet activity to researching and discussing” mass murders, CNN reports.

9 thoughts on “CHA-CHING…CIA Agents said to have visited Adam Lanza after he expressed interest in mass murder”
  1. consider for a moment how much further along we would be in the vital discussion involving Israel’s role in 9/11 and the influence that the Jewish lobby exerts over American domestic and foreign policy were it not for the disaster of the entire ‘sandy hook hoax’ fiasco. Fetzer & co set us back not just years, but decades and in the meantime our common enemies gained in strength, stature and influence. As the old saying goes, ‘there’s a sucker born every minute’ and if ever that statement could be applied to a more deserving people, it is those idiots who honked this Sandy Hook nonsense incessantly now for half a decade.

  2. Great points…however;
    “without considering the fact that after this horrific attack, nothing in terms of any kind of restrictive gun legislation at the federal or state level occurred,”
    Is not true. As a gun owner and citizen of CT…a “late night” “emergrncy” committee in CT passed some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation. With ZERO public input.
    ed note–if you had bothered to finish reading the sentence, you would have run into the following–
    ‘the only exceptions being those east coast states where firearm ownership was/is already tightly regulated…’
    Last time I checked CT is one of those states on the east coast with already-restrictive ownership of firearms or at least as compared to the rest of the country.

  3. So now we trust such sources as you cite: USA Today, CNN, AP, FBI. And all the truthers are Israel cover-uppers. Right.
    Tom Henegan reported long ago on the mom’s CIA ties. He’s no conservative gun nut, either, he supports Al Gore.
    Have you actually read any drill plans which you could have downloaded straight from .gov websites. They read like what happened. Did you notice the “must check in” sign for the role players?
    Obama staff told Paul Preston it was a drill and no one died. He’s a retired school administrator. Sofia Smallstorm grew up in the area and studied the scene. You never left your bedroom.
    I’m weary of stupid truther articles claiming disagreements with somebody’s favorite plot are cointelpro. People disagree, people reach different conclusions, people do different amounts of homework. Grow up.
    If anything cointel is going on it’s the FBI doc dump. The whole FBI forensics department is corrupt as some of its former staff say. The entire media interaction is part of the drill plan, if you didn’t know. Or maybe we should trust the FBI, after all, it told the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about JFK’s murder.
    Seeing how many terror plots the FBI starts on its own, and then stops to public acclaim for bigger budgets, I don’t suppose you can see the monetary incentives at work here. Did you know many homes in the area sold on Christmas Day? Everyone gets a piece of the action…
    ed note–we never said that ‘truthers’ were ‘covering up for Israel’. What we said was that they were/are gullible and easily led by the nose into doing the enemy’s bidding because they are so addicted to conspiracy theories of whatever stripe that they can’t differentiate between those theories that are viable and those which have been deliberate;y created in order to make fools of us all, which is precisely what they did in this case and still do to this day. Even after we had Obama’s ‘information czar’ Cass Sunstein describing in great detail how they planned to infiltrate ‘the movement’ and steer it down the road to its own destruction utilizing the methods of ‘cognitive infiltration ‘ you people STILL don’t get it. You hold onto that ‘hoax’ lollipop, licking and licking and licking it, interspersing each lick with noises indicating how good it tastes while all the while ignoring the warnings from others that at its core it’s made out of rat poison.

  4. Lanza was intelligent and malevolent. Now it is reveled he had contact with “the agency”. The truth movement imploded and collapsed when they were drawn into wild theories like no one died at NT sandy hook.We now see more then ever that Adam was more then capable of handling himself. They got everyone with this one.No way could this happen people said not that skinny kid. This Sandy Hook was the genesis of the end of rational thought and discussion More gun control? More gun sales? More illusion and delusion. The overlords knew this kid was a homicidal freak and they know a lot of people are nuts and would go wild speculating on this crime.

  5. Some of what Fetzer and others brought out about SH/Newtown was extremely suspicious given that we know governments have used patsies in the past. I never completely trusted Fetzer because he’d been with Veterans Today, which to me, smells like a limited hangout. What is also suspicious is the release of this information now. Why now, after nearly 5 years have passed? This was info about Lanza the Newtown police had in 2008. Why couldn’t public be told about it then, since it appears on the surface to bolster the authorized version of events?
    Was a drill running in Newtown on the same day as the SH school incident, just as military drills were running on 9-11, and security drills were running on the day of the London 7/7 underground bombings? Just as the rubble from the WTC was carted away in record time, the Sandy Hook School was demolished and carted away within a few months. Why was the media not given access to the school? Why were hardly any paramedics called to the scene? Connecticut passed a law that no one could see the records of the autopsies; they were sealed. Even some of the parents said they weren’t permitted to see the bodies of their relatives, not at the coroner’s office and not at the funeral home.
    I think these, and many other strange occurrences prompt legitimate questions. Now that a portion of the records have been released, even more questions are raised. Did one of the intelligence services groom or use Lanza, and why?
    Recall that it came out in court that the FBI supplied the material and assistance for the first WTC bombing in 1993. One of the men who had been groomed by the FBI to participate in the bombing grew suspicious when his handler told him they had decided to use real bomb making material, so he tape recorded conversations that were used in court to demonstrate that the FBI went from telling the man they were going to use fake “powder”, to using explosive materials.
    It only took one hack into a gov’t database, (we aren’t told which database) for Lanza to receive a visit from “law enforcement agents”. The USA Today story doesn’t specify by which agency Lanza was visited, and supposedly Nancy Lanza (Adam’s mother) couldn’t remember which agency had questioned her about her son. There is no mention as to whether the agents questioned Adam.
    I personally find it unusual Nancy Lanza couldn’t remember which agency came knocking at her door. Perhaps she didn’t wish to share that information with her neighbors. Interestingly, it not only took months, but Pres. Trump sending FBI agents to Israel, in order to arrest Michael Kadar for hundreds of bomb threats he sent to Jewish schools and synagogues, over many months.
    Ultimately, we probably won’t know the entire truth in our lifetimes. Are we not permitted righteous indignation at the constant barrage of half-truths, lies and deceptions? Are we never to ask any questions about media hyped incidents, no matter how preposterous the cover story, for fear that it could adversely affect the overarching goal of restoring Palestine and putting the Jews back in time to 70 A.D.?

  6. The whole country has been “Fetzered”. My guess is, knowing what I know of Fetzer, having had lunch with him a couple of times, that he may very well be an asset himself. In my conversations with him, I found him to be a very secretive bloke and very evasive when asked direct questions. Thus “da moovment” has been high-jacked with this rubbish which is then carried over to all the other shootings. Note, that whenever or where ever a shooting has occurred one will find Fetzer banging the hoaxer drums. Notice too, that Fetzer is one of the very few who have been interviewed on JSM. I think that says quite a lot.

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