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0 thoughts on “Charlie Hebdo: Not Exactly A Model Of Freedom Of Speech”
  1. @ SAYEED: You are slipping into illogic and self-contradiction. If Jewish intrigue is “useless,” then why do Jews “suck”?

    Regarding Jews as an obsession, most of mankind is obsessed with Jews. Every single day there are newspaper and magazine articles around the world about the “holocaust,”™ for example. My reaction is often to make fun of these lies via satire.

  2. Diane Johnstone analysis was rather bland and typical of the sanitize rhetoric that you’d read on the Left. Charlie was “politically correct” not about “religion” they were Left-wing attack dog for Jewry and Cultural Marxism. And that is the problem that Ms. Johnstone avoid clarifying so that her article can be publishable by the Left-wing site — Counterpunch

  3. @ Sayeed … the layers of mischief in your statements continue to raise questions as to who you really are! You are making light of Jewish atrocities by calling it ‘useless intrigue’? … If you had an atom’s worth of empathy in you, take a look at one of those countless pictures online of men holding the corpse of a beloved whose head was partially blown off … and imagine yourself in his place! … After that reflection, if you still think Jewish intrigue is useless and hating Jews suck … … then you might consider seeing a doctor … or joining the Psycopaths Anonymous for rehab!

    Re: your comment on the freedom of speech … you can take your Zio-Judeo-Hindu-New-Age “[Moral] Relativism” fluff somewhere else. Better yet, why don’t you expend your life taking these same comments/ illogic to Zionists and their proponents instead?

    And JUST in case you were alluding to Mark Glen with that comment … I suggest you do some homework before you come here and embarrass yourself (unless your very intention is to get some attention as a provocateur)! … [Please scroll down the screen, check the live statistics link, and then consider] ——– Mark Glen’s “sensibilities” : reached and awakened countless decent people; opened a new realm and scope for intellectual and moral discourse (in a world of virulently immoral Jewish predators and their degenerated dupes); provided one of the only constituent voices of resistance for a wrongfully oppressed people (the Truth Movement) in the wake of 9/11 and JWO; created ripples that altered the worldview of members of the government and civil society (who would otherwise die serving the Lie); inspired and offered an enabling environment for more bloggers and contributors till date who are rewarded on many levels by the venue called TUT … … (to name few). … So, what benefit to humanity did YOUR ‘sensibilities’ bring till date, ‘Sayeed’?

    Seriously … Is your last name Kouachi, ‘Sayeed’? [I won’t be surprized… the other day, someone saw the Crillio guy from the Ottawa shooting partying at Vegas, too!]

    Or are you Hasbara? … In that case : how’s the weather in Hell Aviv right now?

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