ed note–as we have said here, going all the way back almost a year ago with then-Sec of State John Kerry’s statement that any recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital by the US would result in a ‘regional explosion’ that could/would then be used by Trump in putting the heat on Israel vis a vis peace negotiations with the Palestinians, NONE of this has taken place without Trump, Inc knowing full well ahead of time what was forthcoming.
Every armchair ‘expert’ in this ‘muuvmnt’ always, inevitably and without hesitation–throws out that Latin phrase whenever some highly-charged act (resulting in some political tectonic shift) takes place in the interest of discovering who the likely culprit was/is– ‘Cui bono’, meaning ‘who benefits from this’?
Interestingly, no one, save a few isolated voices of sanity within ‘DUH-M’, are asking who the real winner was with Trump’s infamous ‘declaration’.
Was it the US?
Was it Israel?
The only people who have benefited from this have been the Palestinians, in that world attention has been turned DRASTICALLY AND DRAMATICALLY in their favor as NEVER BEFORE.
Of course he did, and this is why he did it–to put the squeeze on Nutty Netty and make life as uncomfortable for him as possible in what was/is this necessary precursor in dragging him to the negotiations table and getting some kind of resolution started to this situation in the Middle East before the entire world goes up in flames.
But naaaah, it just makes much more sense that somehow, the President of the United States, with all the resources at his disposal, didn’t know that this backlash would ensue and therefore he did it only to please Israel.
Yeah, that makes much more sense.
What do you make of the following pieces of news.
➡ https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-commutes-sentence-kosher-meatpacking-executive-225329336–politics.html
And this ➡ https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/trump-shocks-conservatives-in-renominating-lgbt-activist-to-top-anti-discri
what bugs me to no end is that the cognitive dissonance addicts who simultaneously claim jew-wisdom and trump-hate have this purely western impotence of basic rationality to the point where they cannot tally up a simple score:
viz, given the facts on ground today resulting from trump’s (intentionally?) empty jerusalem blather that resulted in a very precise ZERO benefits to JEW global entity and enraged the hornets nest worldwide,
• exploded all the quietly laid plans for the takfiri donmeh crypto-yids of pseudo-saudis, emirates, jordan hashemite-catamite marriage ceremony with the talmudists, the nuptials are off, however temporary and maybe permanent,
• having definitely driven turkey out of nato and into the arms of true muslim community and cemented their underlying brotherhood regardless of the faction differences, often superficial,
• having brought a sense of focus and purpose to the long-dormant palestinian resistance,
• having finally stirred into action the ruling cowards of europe and united the popular support for palestine and revulsion of jews,
• having delineated the sharply drawn isolation of the judeo-protestant empire from the common sense of basic global decency
despite ALL of the above, these verifiably flatlining post-op patients of cultural marxist neurosurgical destruction will happily revert to the pre-jerusalem declaration status quo ante for one reason and one reson only:
THEY HATE TRUMP and nothing else matters, so long as they can state it with any confidence, however fake, results on ground be damned -so the above-listed results subconsciously bother them and they cannot bring themselves to acknowledge the score and they will hide behind all kinds of anecdotal gossip of how ivanka makes jew hannuka flapjacks while the 6′-8″ fetus named jared lights satanic candles or jew sniper shot some palestinian preschooler and all of judenrat celebrates – as if that’s some kind of trump-specific news to be blamed on trump and only trump, i.e., without trump, things would be hunky-dory.
i don’t care how much these people claim they dislike and mistrust jews, yet they are doing jew’s dirty work and for this reason i consider them unintentional-shabbos.
Ed note–once again you hit the nail on the head Lobro. What it all boils down to is EMOTION. These people simply hate Trump, sometimes for understandable reasons, sometimes not, and it has nothing to do with any rational opposition to his policies based upon careful analysis of what those policies actually are.
The same people feeding into the hatred and opposition of Trump are the same people who engendered hatred of Germany, Hitler, Islam, Iran, etc, and the idiots participating in Judea Inc’s ‘2 Minutes Hate’ against Trump are no different than the idiots who signed on to the ‘war on terror’ after 911.
As we have discussed here as of late, this is the danger that comes with ‘identity politics’. Once people become members of a club, then ‘club rules’ dictate the agenda, and it doesnt matter if those rules make sense or not, the members follow, because they would rather maintain their membership in the club than to be cast out for daring to think independently.
both Lobro and editor are correct. Trump did this as a maneuver in isolating Ziocons. How anyone could miss this only underscores how stupid all the experts in ‘duh moovemnt’, borrowing a phrase I see here often, are.
All of this is as obvious as the fact that 9/11 was deliberately done to put certain political machinery in motion. If people can’t see this, then they can’t see anything.
Bravo once again lobro
great comment lobro! thanks for that. you made excellent points!
trump did a hell of a number on judea inc. for sure…
he realised he was not going to succeed with a direct appoach so he found a hell of a back door!
he gave the devils what they wanted and now they are exposed to the masses
brilliant move indeed
IMO ~ in the end, as evidenced by the facts on the ground, nothing has changed. Da eternal Victims will be playing the Victim card as they are even while moving an embassy…And when the embassy finds how crummy the working conditions are then they’ll be sorry and maybe relocate.
The Jooos come and go as they please all others pay cash or are barred.
Concerning Mark and others comments on Trump: He’s a bumbling fool, a clown with a scepter ~ I don’t feel Trump gives a rodents rectum what his ‘foreign policies’ are or do. He’s a lunatic and lunatics are occasionally uhhh brilliant (that occasion hasn’t happened yet). I don’t think this lunatic had a clue what would happen because Narcissistic Authoritarian lunatics do not need to care.
I do appreciate all the Trump haters as they keep the POTUS on his tweeter-toes.
In the long run it’s hard to tell the difference between the Victims of this or that cuz they are always the victim even if the embassy moves to Jerusalem, the fn’g Joox will lament …
Thanks, Mark, Lobro, for clarifying so much here on this piece.