
Ed-note (Sabba) – Now how about that: Egyptian presence in the Holy Land dating back to 5000 years ago is being discovered and how do they report the fantastic news? 

One would have expected them to think over the heavy implications of this discovery, and ponder over the lack of archaeological evidence of their own presence in that land. But no!  They brag about the fact that even then, Tel Aviv was the city that never sleeps… 

Archaeology stands its grounds and remains one of the most anti-judaic field of research, while they remain oblivious the world around them. 


Tel Aviv: The city that never sleeps brewed Egyptian beer 5,000 years ago

Seventeen pits were discovered along with fragments of ceramic basins used to prepare beer

The presence of an ancient Egyptian brewery was discovered in southern Tel Aviv Sunday morning at a construction site near the Azrieli towers, according to a statement by the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA).

Fragments of ancient pottery, which the IAA believe were used to prepare beer were dated at over 5,000 years old, were discovered along with animal bones, a bronze dagger and flint tools which were over 6,000 years old.

According to the statement, seventeen pits were discovered during the excavation and a “number of fragments of large ceramic basins were discovered that were made in an Egyptian tradition and were used to prepare beer.”

“Beer was the national drink of the Egyptians,a basic commodity like bread,” read the statement, adding that it was consumed by all in Egypt, regardless of age, status, or gender. Ceramic pottery matching those found in Tel Aviv Sunday had previously been discovered at another site known to have been at ‘En Besor in Israel’s Negev.

This discovery marks the first time that evidence of Egyptian occupation in the early Bronze Age has been found so far north, making it a significant find.

“Now we know that they also appreciated what the Tel Aviv region had to offer and that they too knew how to enjoy a glass of beer, just as Tel Avivians do today,” said the statement.

“Already thousands of years ago Tel Aviv was the city that never sleeps!”

  1. This is indeed ridiculous when they pretend their Tel Aviv, a 100 years old city built on lands that contained vineyards owned by Jaffites to the north of JAFFA a +4000 years old Port , is the real cradle of this precious archeological discovery!!!!! Somebody lies and lies and lies, until people believe him…..then he lies and lies and lies until he believes himself !!!!

  2. “Archaeology stands its grounds and remains one of the most anti-judaic field of research, while they remain oblivious the world around them.” Good point.

  3. The ‘Hebrews’ (=meaning the ‘cut throats from across the river’ according to one historian) were enslaved after they cooperated with/inviting their invading cusins the Hyksos, in one of the first false-flags, to take down the Egyptian empire as the Egyptian people became aware of their enslavers.

  4. I have noticed that for some time they (those that call themselves the ‘chosen ones’ in all their many flavors) have been forcing their way into saying that it is they that wee the ancient Egyptians.

    This is one area that disgusts me the most!

    They claim that “Moses” was Akhenaten and go thru all sorts of contortion to make it fit.
    They say that they were in Africa (even the inner most parts) a very very long time ago.
    They say they built the Pyramids of Giza, etc.

    Good grief, all one has to do is look at the damn stone carvings and painting to se the Egyptians were Black people. All DNA has been proven to originate out of Africa as well as the oldest bones to be discovered that were truly a homo sapiens bone.

    Long before any so called Israelite, chosen ones, children of Israel created an Ark of the Covenant, the ancient Egyptians (people of Kemet or KMT), had the Ark of the Contract. These people simply plagiarized it, just as they did their ‘holy book’; the Torah.

    No evidence of a Moses. No evidence of a Solomon. Nothing. Nothing. Even their Torah as wordings taken directly from ancient Kemet. In other places they have added their own little twist; usually a blood thirsty, sacrificial, blood covenant type of twisting.

    The term ‘Israel’ is Phoenician. In Phoenician, Israel means Saturn. That is a fact. And that so called ‘Star of David’ on the flag of Israel is the ancient symbol for Saturn. That too is a well known fact of those that research ancient history. Saturn and their relationship to the planet Saturn is of great significance.

  5. The Black ‘Africans’ (which were at one time in the past referred to mostly as Ethiopians by Westerners) made their way Northwards into the Nile River Delta. Their reign and influence also went up into the Middle & Near East. The Hyksos invaded later but were eventually driven out back to where they came from.

    Melanin is a very important component to the Human species and is overlooked by most.

    It is also Important to note that Solar Radiation differs from that of Nuclear Power Radiation. Both can cause genetic mutations but of course their was no nuclear power in very ancient times. When most people think of ‘genetic mutations’, what comes to mind are negative deformities. But this is not always the case. These mutations can be a determining factor in whether a species survives or does not. The plant kingdom has survived to this day because of being able to adapt / mutate. some did not make it and have since become extinct. as did dinosaurs and the giant mammals, and others. Some did survive by adapting to Earth’s changes.

    .Evolution can be viewed basically as mutations occurring at the genetic level. I do not believe that we evolved form ape hominids, nor evolved from Neanderthal or Cro Magnum. That to me was a different branch of mutations that did not make it. Home Sapiens on the other hand did carry on.

    The Sun is not a nuclear powerhouse. It is electrical. It’s an electrical phenomenon and with it their is a plasma field that reached out. It impacts Earth of course and genetics, as well as the known areas of physics. We too are bio electrical. So it effects us as well.

    We are again going thru some major global changes. Just a few days ago there was a large number of Canadian Snow Geese that fell from the sky. They all were dead. Did they die while in flight or did they die upon impacting the ground. The ‘government’ says that they died from Avian Cholera. I don’t think so because this would mean that they all dies at the exact same time due to cholera, and all fell to Earth at the exact same time. Disease does not operate that way. Something else is happening to Life on Earth, and this ‘something’ can not be controlled no latter how much money or control people or governments have.

    Earth has experienced several Ice Ages and there is a reason for that.

    We are headed. No correction. We are IN a phase where we can not control certain events coming down the pipe.

  6. My understanding is that “alcohol” is an Arabic word. It has Semitic root.” al-kuhl”. Jews DID NOT invent beer, or wine. They just sought and gained control of the marketing and distribution of these intoxicators.

  7. Love that comment above Konrad. Yes, after a long hard day on the chain gain, the hebrews had a cold one courtesy of the Egyptians and counted the shekels that would not be.

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