ed note–If Alex Jones and his followers thought they had a snowball’s chance in hell of beating the various million dollar lawsuits brought against him and Infowars, they can just plain old ‘fuggedaboutit’ now.

And for the record, do we think it is POSSIBLE that ‘outside elements’ may have played a hand in 3 mass-shooting event suicides in just the last 2 days in order to drive the final nails into the coffin of the 9/11 Truth Movement’?

Absolutely, and all yuuz’ ‘experts’ out there who helped light the ‘Sandy Hook Never happened’ inferno should have seen this coming from a mile away.


A father dedicated to helping prevent mass shootings after his daughter was killed in the Sandy Hook massacre has died of an apparent suicide.

The body of Jeremy Richman was found in his Connecticut office building at Edmond Town Hall Monday morning, Newtown police said.

His death is the third suicide in the past week related to school massacres.

Richman, 49, was the father of 6-year-old Avielle Richman, who was among 20 children and six adults killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Police said they “will not disclose the method or any other details” of Richman’s death, other than it does not appear to be suspicious.

Parkland grieves 2 suicides a year after massacre
In Florida, mourners are grieving the death of Sydney Aiello, a 2018 graduate of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School who died by suicide last week. She survived the attack on Valentine’s Day 2018 that killed 17 people at the school in Parkland.

Aiello, a Florida Atlantic University student, suffered from survivor’s guilt and had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, her mom told CNN affiliate WFOR.

Then on Saturday, a second Marjory Stoneman Douglas student died in what police describe as “an apparent suicide.”

The student has not been publicly identified. It’s not clear under what circumstances the student died, or whether the apparent suicide was related to last year’s massacre.

Father was a force for change
After the Sandy Hook massacre, Richman tried to help make sure shootings like the one that killed his daughter wouldn’t happen again.

The neuroscientist co-founded the The Avielle Foundation, which calls attention to mental health issues through research and community engagement.

“The Avielle Foundation’s mission is two-sided. On the one side we have research. We are funding neuroscience research aimed at understanding the brain’s chemistry, structure, and circuits that lead to violence and compassion,” the foundation’s website states.

The other side is “focused on community education and engagement.”

4 thoughts on “Father of Sandy Hook Victim Found Dead After Apparent Suicide at Newtown Town Hall”
  1. Parkland, Florida is a jew shithole. Newtown Conn is a jew shithole. jew shithole south and jew shithole north, and I bet the “suicides” are all right now in izzysmell — having made ((( their))) aliyah to the ultimate jew shithole, jew izzsmells. “The suicides” –> MORE jew LIES and of course arab-jew mark glenn’s “Jew-Wise/Anti-Jew/Intelligent Anti-Semitic” TUT believes the jews LIES [ or pretends to believe the JEW LIES is more like it ]. I’m sure TUT also believes the NZ mosque shooting was a real shooting — or more correct, I bet TUT pretends to believe that the NZ mosque shooting was a real shooting. TUT is SO FULL OF SHIT.

    If we [ us NON TUTzies ] are lucky, BOTH Lenny Pozner and his delicate (((Veronique of the Rose))) will commit suicide and it will be REAL suicides, not faux fake bullshit suicides. But us NON TUTzies will not be so lucky.

    ed note–again, repeating a theme that appears here often, we are asked from time to time in the comments section whether there are really any ‘Sandy Hook Hoaxers’ left out there who are still carrying that torch, and as the reader will plainly see, the short answer to that question is a definitive ‘yes’.

    Joe Scusati is one of those ‘street crazies’ who hangs around outside the TUT storefront and tries to get in but which for reasons related to his obvious mental issues, is kept on the other side of the glass.

    We are in this case however–for reasons related to making an important point for all to consider– allowing his obviously unhinged ravings above to appear in underscoring a point we make here often vis a vis just what kind of problematic elements there are within ‘the movement’ and why all persons who involve themselves–to whatever degree and at whatever level–in all of this business need to consider before investing themselves too deeply in something that is at its root an extremely unstable and even potentially dangerous neighborhood.

  2. If Mr. Scusati is not medicated, then he certainly should be. Clearly he is not in his right mind.

    ed note–trust me when I tell you that this is TAME compared to what is his normal fare. He usually goes on page after page after page with a litany of incoherent word salad that has no string of logical thought processes behind it.

    What’s scary about this is that he is not by any means ‘isolated’ or a ‘special case’. Over the 10+ years I have been running this website I have personally run into hundreds just like him, including drug addicts, schizophrenics and those who claim they were kidnapped by space aliens who granted them their superior intelligence. One of the commenters here claims his daily use of LSD is what gives him his ‘supernatural’ intellectual gifts and one gal I knew–before she was locked up in an institution for shooting at the postal carrier delivering her mail because she claimed he was putting rattlesnakes on her property–claimed that CIA and Mossad had tried on no less than 3,000 separate occasions to assassinate her because of the shotgun collection she inherited from her grandfather.

    In short, ladies and Gentile-men, it is a nuthouse out there, so be careful.

  3. Forget the meds for scusati, I’ve seen his stuff on other forums like darkmoon and he is stark raving mad. Says he catholic but he sounds more like nutcase identity to me and as our esteemed editor said, he is not alone, but rather one of many. He needs to be locked up along with a lot of other ‘street crazies’ out there.

  4. Not really off topic…Dr. Pieczenik openly states he was involved in the “soft coup” of President Richard Nixon and that Mueller is involved in a counter-coup. Take it for what it’s worth since the guy has been a liar all of his life, but occasionally liars will tell the truth. The trick is knowing when.

    “OPUS 133 Mueller’s Counter Coup”

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