
ed note–remember that each and everyone of these groups/individuals are poodles working for organized Jewish interests in fomenting the clash of civilizations between Christianity and Islam that has but one beneficiary, and I think we can all guess who that is.

Organized Jewish interests (OJI) love idiots like this because it provides an opportunity for creatures such as Pamela Geller, Daniel Pipes and the rest who are out there front-n-center in fanning this conflict the ability to step behind the curtain and make this all appear that it is anything but a ‘Jewish’ operation. They further this illusion even further by having their people from within the Jewsh community–including groups such as the ADL–come out and condemn this behavior, thus giving Muslims the false impression that there isn’t a ‘Jewish’ war on Islam.

Note what Lutz Bachmann, founder of this group states as one of the primary goals of his anti-Islamic organization–

‘protection of Germany’s ‘Judeo-Christian’ culture.’

There is nothing more anti-Christian than Judaism and nothing more in agreement with Christian morals than Islam, and yet this idiot wants to make war on Christianity’s allies while protecting the virulent force that has sought the extermination of the personhood and teachings of Jesus Christ for the last 2,000 years.

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0 thoughts on “Fears over growing hatred of Islam in Germany”
  1. Jewish dominated media and academia have made a high-profile issue out of Muslim immigration into western countries,claiming that Muslim communities are culturally hostile and a threat to national security.This trick not only draws public attention away from jewish crimes by making another group the center of attention,but also discourages non-Muslims from interacting with Muslims.The latter is necessary to Zionist interests because Muslim communities on one hand offer a viable ecosystem (non-usury) running in parallel to the jewish-dominated corporate power structure,and on the other hand tent to be well-informed about Zionism.Indeed the Muslim presence is already changing in a positive way the entire debate about Palestine in many countries that only a few decades ago would never have questioned the legitimacy of ‘israel’,as well constantly challenging “holocaust” education in schools.The only way to prevent this influence from spreading (and hastening the fall of jewish domination) is to persuade non-Muslims to distrust everything Islamic and thereby not join the alternative ecosystem and alternative worldview. “Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers…then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism,that religion which glorifies heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone”- AH.

  2. Agreed Ostmann, and I think their scapegoating will be successful in many Western countries with the exception of maybe Hungary? Muslim activists have to reach out to the wider community as well to prevent or offset this negative campaign it seems like they have become shrinking flowers in this time when they should be engaging their own communities.
    About your last quote there was a video that was on youtube that used to compare Churchill’s view of Islam with AH’S and I can no longer place it….:(.Suffice to say that Churchill was an Islamophobe.

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