See the subjectivity of the Jew? Nobody elses ‘wefare’,or future counts. They MUST be accomidated. They must be defacto worshipped or ruling. Nothing else will do. They would see every human,being,and livin thing on the planet wrecked to achive this ‘safety’;whic is never enough- Yahweh ;their Old Testament Tribal diety must be satisfied ( see: Yahweh ,God Of The NWO Synagogue of Saturn You Tube-and you will get it;or SATAN AT THEWAILING WALL- Real Jew News.Com/You Tube), The Jews are very secure in once was called ‘The New israel’-great Britain: A nation/Empire they ruled since the days of their creation- Zio Christain Oliver Cromwell. The Rothschilds-CITY OF LONDON BANKING CENTER;owns the West( see THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA-Real jew News.Com) ,and the entire structure/finance of that former world empire ( lost WW2),but Jews gained absolute control of Finance from that conflict … See HITLERS WAR:What Historians Neglect To Mention- You Tube. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO- You Tube,CHURCHILL AND THE JEWS-Gilbert. CHURCHILLS WAR & HITLERS WAR -David Irving Action Report.Com,…so Mildabrand is pandering- he must out Jew “My Rabbi” Cameron, which is part of the LEFT/RIGHT Jew competition game.
Good! Live in fear; it’s your reward for supporting the illegitimate, terrorist squatter called Israel! You deserve it! I hope that fear eats your guts out. The common Jew who remains silent will suffer the fate of the evil Zionists who have betrayed you. Your ignorant, brain-washed, mindless belief in the “Holocaust” and your refusal to assimilate with the rest of humanity will be your doom. Most of you aren’t religious, so why do you consider yourself Jews?
Tells you all you want to know about the jew Eddie Milliband. He’s a total tosser.
The above article proves that the earlier story was true about Jews being unhappy with Miliband. This filth is damage control. The UK Mail Online is obviously trying to patch things up between Miliband and his fellow Jews.
Don’t tell me they are whining again. What is it this time? They didn’t rip off enough people this week? Their pals in Israel didn’t kill their quota of Palestinians? When a jew stops acting like a jew and starts acting like a human being maybe, just maybe there might be progress.
REALLY ??About the time ??
Oh dear God…they cant be serious?
Is Paul Eisen the only “Jew” on the planet who “gets” it?
Reblogged this on ElderofZyklon's Blog!.
See the subjectivity of the Jew? Nobody elses ‘wefare’,or future counts. They MUST be accomidated. They must be defacto worshipped or ruling. Nothing else will do. They would see every human,being,and livin thing on the planet wrecked to achive this ‘safety’;whic is never enough- Yahweh ;their Old Testament Tribal diety must be satisfied ( see: Yahweh ,God Of The NWO Synagogue of Saturn You Tube-and you will get it;or SATAN AT THEWAILING WALL- Real Jew News.Com/You Tube), The Jews are very secure in once was called ‘The New israel’-great Britain: A nation/Empire they ruled since the days of their creation- Zio Christain Oliver Cromwell. The Rothschilds-CITY OF LONDON BANKING CENTER;owns the West( see THE END OF SOVEREIGN AMERICA-Real jew News.Com) ,and the entire structure/finance of that former world empire ( lost WW2),but Jews gained absolute control of Finance from that conflict … See HITLERS WAR:What Historians Neglect To Mention- You Tube. HITLERS MESSAGE TO THE NWO- You Tube,CHURCHILL AND THE JEWS-Gilbert. CHURCHILLS WAR & HITLERS WAR -David Irving Action Report.Com,…so Mildabrand is pandering- he must out Jew “My Rabbi” Cameron, which is part of the LEFT/RIGHT Jew competition game.
Good! Live in fear; it’s your reward for supporting the illegitimate, terrorist squatter called Israel! You deserve it! I hope that fear eats your guts out. The common Jew who remains silent will suffer the fate of the evil Zionists who have betrayed you. Your ignorant, brain-washed, mindless belief in the “Holocaust” and your refusal to assimilate with the rest of humanity will be your doom. Most of you aren’t religious, so why do you consider yourself Jews?
Reblogged this on Floating-voter.
Tells you all you want to know about the jew Eddie Milliband. He’s a total tosser.
The above article proves that the earlier story was true about Jews being unhappy with Miliband. This filth is damage control. The UK Mail Online is obviously trying to patch things up between Miliband and his fellow Jews.
Don’t tell me they are whining again. What is it this time? They didn’t rip off enough people this week? Their pals in Israel didn’t kill their quota of Palestinians? When a jew stops acting like a jew and starts acting like a human being maybe, just maybe there might be progress.