As regards the anti-Muslim move, on May 28, this year, Rashtriya Hindu Andolan, a Mangalore-based Hindutva outfit and activists from various right wing groups organized a protest in Mangalore in front of the office of Deputy Commissioner by demanding the authorities to ban the morning Muslim call to prayer (Azan) across the country. Besides, forcing the Muslim employee in a Parliament Canteen by BJP leader to break his fast by stuffing piece of bread in his mouth, statement of Deputy Chief of Goa, declaring India as a Hindu state, opposition to declaration of Sania Mirza as Ambassador of Indian state by calling her daughter-in-law of Pakistan might also be cited as example. And, provocative utterances of Indian extremist leaders have resulted into a campaign against the Muslims and Christians who are being forced to covert into Hindus.
fok hindu….fok muslim…fok joos…fok kristians
Are there jewish Indians? If so, will they be forced to convert also?
Well, considering the Hindus and Sikhs in India only converted after having their temples destroyed, being burned alive etc., this does not seem to be a very violent thing in comparison.
Besides, the Hindu religions, of which there are a huge variety, do not include in any instance any inconceivably horrific violence, such as in fact is contained in Islam, of burning all non-Muslims alive repeatedly after this life, in hell, for all eternity, whilst forcing boiling water down their throats and beating them with iron rods, also eternally (all contained in the Koran).
So if people are freed from participating in inflicting that hellish violence on others, should I be enjoined to campaign against them being freed from that? Is it spiritually moral to campaign against that? What rights will the Muslims campaign for us to have whilst we are all being burned alive by them in eternal hell for trillions upon trillions of years that lead into all of eternity of the same needless and vindictive violent sadism?
Am I supposed to feel sorry that people are being de-programmed from inflicting this quite unnecessary violence on others?
Oh, and if the violence in hell intended to be inflicted upon all the rest of us who are not Muslims ‘doesn’t count’ because it is not ‘really real’, being merely some abstract conception that exists only on a temporal and non-literal plane in our material minds, then the whole of Islam is not real either, and being converted from Islam by having a piece of bread put into one’s mouth (gasp at the horrendous violence there, when compared with the intended unceasing violence by Muslims on all the rest of us throughout all of eternity after we are all sent to hell merely for not being Muslims, no matter how compassionate our beliefs and practices are, like sticking up for Palestinian Muslims).
In my personal view, that I wholeheartedly wish many others would adopt, a more realistic campaign for human rights should necessarily recommend that all people currently held by brainwashing (surely against their better interest) in the Abrahamic religions, all of them being identical in their absurd belief that all others outside their narrow-minded sects are justifiably going to be consigned to eternal suffering in some eternal hell or other, should be deprogrammed, albeit as gently as possible.
All souls in those three religions, in my understanding, are under delusion, with Muslims and Christians being victims, whilst genocidal Jews play in the public eye at being ‘religious’, and callously manipulate Muslims and Christians into repeated warfare on behalf of Jewish interests for the real sole intended purpose of world domination by the Jewish tribe, which includes, ultimately, the total genocide of all others on their behalf, as demanded by repeated edicts in their genocidal terrorist manuals, the Talmud, Torah and Zohar, which really ought to be banned worldwide under human rights legislation.
After we campaign to save Palestinian Muslims and Christians, as we do, as non-Muslims, and non-Christians, we are still intended by Muslims and Christians to be burned alive unceasingly nonetheless in eternal hell after this life, according to the Koran and the Torah-based Bible. It is fortunate that there is no eternal hell, otherwise my sympathy for suffering Muslims and Christians in Palestine would be severely dented.
It’s been my experience, those who criticize religion the most, understand it the least.
It is NOT the Islamic view that all-non Muslims are going to hell. It is written many times in the Quran, that ALL who DO GOOD, will be rewarded for it. That is the only logical conclusion one can come to, even if you never read the Quran… eventually. By that I mean if you endure long enough and analyze/deduce all probabilities/permutations, then you’ll reach the same resolution.
What about Hinduism/Buddhism’s teachings about reincarnation? Unless you do exactly the right thing, you’ll be forced to live in this world over and over, ala Groundhog Day, suffering all the while? Let alone the fact that you can degrade in level, i.e. devolve into “lower life forms”… in your next life you can be a dog or a cockroach.
I can barely stand living here one lifetime; to be forced to come back over and over, is a good definition of hell.
There are quite a lot of violent aspects to Hinduism, not the least of which are the many facets of the god(s) anger and vengeful whims. What leads Hindus to rape and murder Muslims by the score in Kashmir for example? What about the discrimination of the caste system? Treating the lower classes like garbage.
ALL roads lead to the same place… that is why in Islam, the unity of God is the first and foremost tenet and consideration. God, as SUPREME BEING, means by definition, ONE. Thus, systems like Hinduism, ancient Greek, Roman, basically any polytheism, ALWAYS has one figurehead at the top of the hierarchy (zeus is above other gods, etc)… thus by their logic, the one on top is God… thus negating polytheism. You can’t have more than one SUPREME BEING by definition.
All roads lead to ONE.
That’s my intro to religion.
OCDG … That was a wonderful comment — a simplified summary for those who just can’t feel the essence of the soul yet.
I just wanted to share these links with you, in relevance to your comment, and to “Jewnduism” :
[the Indian analyst demonstrates very Jewish behavior — “I can destroy you covertly/ overtly, but if you expose me, I’ll shame/ blame you!”]
If you really think that you, or Islam can ‘feel the essence of the soul’, whilst all others are burned alive in hell for all eternity, with boiling water forced down their throats as they are beaten with iron rods at the same time, all quite unnecessarily and vindictively, then you obviously cannot really ‘feel the essence of the soul’ at all, as you could not give a damn about the eternal agony of those people whilst you relax in your Muslim ‘heaven’.
How would you choose to empathise with all those non-Muslims in the hell that Muslims intend for them whilst you go on about about what you suppose to be more important human rights issues in India?
No genuinely compassionate person should intend for the eternal punishment of any other souls by any of the three Abrahamic religions, all of which I consider to have no connection with God whatsoever.
God does not burn anyone alive for ever, according to Vedic scriptures like Srimad Bhagavatam, Bhagavad Gita, Sri Brahma Samhita, or the similar Sikh scripture, the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, which is also held to be a literary incarnation of God Himself, as the three vedic scriptures mentioned are also, so the entity wrongly portrayed as God in the Koran, Bible and Judaic scriptures is merely a confabulation, invented by people who would rather that others never escape their clutches by entering into the association of the real God.
Think again about what truly constitutes human compassion, and spiritual compassion, and about who God is and what God’s actual qualities are. Does it really seem likely to you that God would burn all others alive for all eternity?
If burning all others alive for ever is really a quality that is to be embraced by people who can ‘feel the essence of the soul’, then such people must also enjoy feeling the essence of the pain and suffering of all those in hell too, just as is stated in early Christian writings from 110 AD and 150 AD, where it is stated that the pleasure of God and the saints in heaven is not complete unless it is possible for them to constantly view the sinners being burned alive in hell for eternity, that even being true for a mother in heaven watching her own son being burned alive in hell. How sick is that? Such demented writings are in truth all merely demonic Talmudic rantings from the Jews who invented Christianity as a psyop.
The God that you so like to insult, is the same one that gives nearly infinite chances for people to redeem themselves… just look at the jews… they are still around when by all reason and logic they should have been obliterated.
There is ONE God… not thousands like in Hinduism, where new ones are generated on a whim. If Shiva is the “top god”, then by all accounts HE is god, thus negating any need for the others. Like with Zeus of Greek religion… if he is at the top of the hierarchy, then what need is there for the rest? What is the meaning of “supreme” being, if there is more than one?
ALL roads lead to the same place. That’s the design God intended… E Pluribus Unum. You can find the essence of unity in every possible aspect of the universe, every single object, thought, emotion all reflect this.
You can play semantic games with God’s name… but you will always end up in Rome.
ALL believers, let me repeat that, ALL believers who do good (God’s will) meet their reward in heaven. It is self-explanatory… even more so to one with high intelligence such as yourself.
@OCDG: You write, “There is ONE God… not thousands like in Hinduism, where new ones are generated on a whim. If Shiva is the “top god”, then by all accounts HE is god, thus negating any need for the others.”
I lived in India for 2.5 years. Hinduism is not a rigid, common set of beliefs, but a convenient Western label for many diverse traditions, laws, philosophies, and societal norms in India, Bali, and so on.
Some people in India worship Shiva, some Vishnu, some Brahma, and on and on. When I asked them about this, all of them told me there is only one God, but they call God by many names, which are mere conveniences, i.e. labels for that which cannot be labeled.
The core essence of the Hindu tradition is contained in the Sanskrit phrase, Tat tvam asi,” which translates as “You are that.” For Hindus, the Absolute One God cannot be grasped by the rational mind. Hindus give this Absolute a name: Brahman (not to be confused with the god Brahma). Meanwhile at the core of each person’s soul is the “Atman.” Tat tvam asi” means that the Atman and the Brahman are ultimately one and the same. Each of us has God within us. The spiritual task is to overcome illusion, and realize this. When we think we are separate from the universe, we are under the spell of illusion.
That’s what they believe anyway. Since I myself do not belong to any organized religion, I have never understood why people become angry when other people use a different name for “God.” I regard such anger as mental illness. But that’s just me.
Among people who call themselves “Hindus,” some are vegetarians. Some are not. Some believe in reincarnation Some do not.
I did not read this in a book somewhere. I asked people in India about all this. Most of them speak English.
I don’t know if that was directed at me but in either case, it’s because you don’t have the knowledge required to come to any other conclusion, thus you label it as mental illness.
Some are more emotional by nature and react often without pause. Though the main issue tends to be that people make outrageous claims as if it’s the truth and that rubs them the wrong way, a pet peeve. Though in this case, I wasn’t angry. I just get tired of repeating myself so maybe that’s what you got from it.
You really ought not to read everything literally… people use words to communicate and some are better than others… try to give some leeway, try to see the intent behind the expression.
While your explanation sounds good it’s also the first I’ve ever heard it in the context of monotheism. Hinduism isn’t known for monotheism (i.e. unity, for those who don’t know what monotheism means). There seems to be as many religions as there are people in India.
#7 by organizedcrimedotgov
But you still don’t get it. Yahweh is not God at all. Either God is Judaic Yahweh who burns all non-Jews alive, or the Christian Jesus + Yahweh who burns all non-Christians alive, or Allah who burns all non-Muslims in both other faiths alive. How can these all be the same God? The answer is that none of them are, or ever could be.
God is not Allah, or Yahweh or Jesus, because the real God does not burn all others alive, and so the false conceptions of who and what God is cannot be applied at all to the real God.
The real God must have genuine qualities, factual qualities, directly attributed to Him as being non-different to His actual Person, and merely confabulated qualities of God such as those in the three Abrahamic faiths equal nothing more than a confabulated God. (A Brahm means WITHOUT GOD).
I want you to understand this one point very clearly, that only the real qualities of God positively identify Him, so if God does not really burn all others alive, then Yahweh, Jesus and Allah are not God at all. Yahweh, Jesus and Allah are just thin air, just pure imagination, yet a real God does exist, nonetheless.
In any case, If Allah were really God, then Yahweh and Jesus could not be, and if the Judaic Yahweh were God, then Allah and Jesus could not be God, and if Jesus were God, then Allah could not be God, and their Yahweh would be in any case an entity whom the Christians should rather beware of, it being his scriptures that threaten eternal hell for all non-Jews and all Christians in particular.
The actual qualities of God are non-different from God Himself, and you must meditate on the meaning of this very deeply, so if fallacious qualities are wrongly attributed to God, then the entity described is not God at all.
Just because different religions often make highly erroneous assumptions about who and what God really is, does not mean that all the ‘roads’ of all those different religions lead to the same goal. The real truth is that those erroneous identifications of God and His qualities will definitely lead people very widely astray of knowing the true God and His actual qualities. To think otherwise is just very sloppy thinking.
The stated roads of the three Abrahamic religions all lead to very definitely different goals from the differing perspectives of each one of them, with the adherents of each of the other two faiths being sent to dwell in eternal hell, and most certainly not in the same heaven. The same God would not and could not do that on behalf of each of those religions.
Why the Jews, Christians, Muslims and all others continue to survive is not because Yahweh, Allah, or Jesus have such great compassion and forbearance, but because the Person who really is God has such compassion and forbearance, and that Person is not called Allah, Yahweh, or Jesus.
India isn’t known for monotheism.”
Isn’t known by whom? Have you been to India? In any case, I don’t understand some people’s hostile obsession with monotheism. “THERE IS ONLY ONE GOD!” With all due respect to such people, I frankly don’t care.
My comment about anger was not directed at you. But since you brought up the topic of anger, I think that any person who becomes angry when discussing religious dogma is a person who doubts his own dogma. He becomes hostile and defensive when he does not get the get the reinforcement he desperately craves. And no amount of reinforcement can ever be enough.
Again, I am not speaking of you. (I don’t know you.)
“I don’t know if that was directed at me but in either case, it’s because you don’t have the knowledge required to come to any other conclusion, thus you label it as mental illness.
Knowledge is irrelevant. As children we believe in Santa Claus. As adults we trade Santa for Jesus, or Buddha or whatever. And when we squabble over religious dogma, we play a game of “My imaginary friend is better than your imaginary friend.”
From my viewpoint this is mental illness.
Or perhaps it’s just immaturity…
OCDG … Just connecting some dots here [in S. Asian politics] that I thought were interesting :
Rehmat confirms here what even Aangirfan had partially unearthed a few years ago :
“Israel recognized Bangladesh even BEFORE its creation!”
And now, the Holocaust-denial bug has been introduced in Bangladesh in the form of a “1971-Holocaust-Denial” penalty (in the wake of recent Freedom of Speech deception):
[I wish we had info to see what other countries in the world are facing similar measures … viz., it is a crime to deny the CIA/Zion/Jew installed narrative ?!!]
Islam is what the Koran and Prophet Mohamed say. According to prophet Mohamed all previous sins done before converting to Islam will be pardoned. But the same not to be repeated after accepting Islam.
@13 So what happens, in your understanding of Islam, to Muslims who repeat sins after converting? Do they get sent to eternal hell, or do they alone indeed suffer lesser punishments? Can you provide quotations from the Koran or the Hadith please? The Koran is already quite definite on the eternal punishment of all non-Muslims.
A non-“Muslim” is defined as any who do not do GOOD (in other words, Good = God, the positive, helpful, loving, merciful, etc etc).
If you behave as a good person, you are for all intents a Muslim… of course there’s more to it but that’s it in a nutshell.
The word Islam (and derivatives such as Muslim) mean submitting your will to the Creator (doing what He wants you to do, rather than your selfish desires).
Thus being a “Muslim” is not like genetic or physical identity (namely the judaic mentality)… anyone can do what God wills. God wills that we love our neighbor as we love ourselves (tell me with a straight face that THAT wouldn’t solve the entirety of the world’s problems overnight) and love God (which is basically the same thing and reciprocal with the first). God gave us the ability to choose, the narrow path, which admittedly is more difficult (thus the designation “narrow”) or the wide path (selfish worldly desire).
This is a common attitude of many people… reading the Quran, they take offense to certain things… things which they have little knowledge of and then consequently it cultivates a negative seed internally.
If you object to God laying out guidelines and boundaries… then you are objecting to the very existence of reality; no system, man-made or otherwise allows infinite freedom. You are in the wrong universe, and there being only one, your choice is limited ;).
Best advice I can give, in general but especially in regards to reading/learning the Quran (religion) is: the importance of being earnest. Sincerity is critical. Intention is the main driving force. You show up trying to prove something, then you will see that reflected in your endeavor. This is not a “Muslim” rule… it’s a fundamental aspect of reality. Go ahead, put it to the test.