
Rare 200-year-old scroll, written with pomegranate juice concentrate, spent decades in Iraqi intelligence’s storerooms before being smuggled by American soldiers to Israeli Embassy in Jordan.

Editors Note MP: While I do not think the primary reason for America’s War in Iraq was primarily for Iraq’s archeological artifacts. As some who have latched on to this theory have concluded. Never the less I consider it a extra incentive for the War with Iraq in order to obtain Iraq’s archeological treasure. Being considered the spoils of War. Especially if artifacts date back to the Jewish Babylonian Era.

  YNET  01/06/2015

A rare 200-year-old Torah scroll handwritten with pomegranate juice concentrate on deerskin, which sat for decades in the Iraqi intelligence’s cellars, has made its way to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem after spending a few years in the Israeli Embassy building in Jordan.

Following a complicated restoration process by a Torah scribe in Jerusalem, the scroll is being placed these days in the Foreign Ministry’s synagogue.

The Torah scroll was kept for years in a storeroom in the Israeli Embassy in Amman. It was likely smuggled there along with other ancient Torah scrolls found by American soldiers in the Iraqi intelligence’s warehouses, which were seized by US forces during the second Gulf war.

From the embassy in Jordan, the holy books were sent to Israel for restoration, apart from one disqualified Torah scroll which remained in the embassy for years.


(Amnon Israel with the Torah scroll he insisted on restoring)

In September 2011, after the Israeli Embassy in Cairo was evacuated, the Foreign Ministry instructed its representatives in Jordan to remove all items, including the unessential ones, from the embassy in Amman for fear that rioters would attempt o raid the building.

In early 2012, the forgotten Torah scroll was transferred to the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, where it was kept in a storeroom until a new caretaker arrived about a year ago.





(Torah scroll after restoration process)

The new caretaker, Amnon Israel, approached a Torah scribe in Jerusalem and asked if he would be able to restore the ancient scroll. The scribe, Akiva Garber, who specializes in the restoration of holy books, examined the Torah scroll and found and Iraqi intelligence stamp in it.


A microscopic sample of the scroll’s ink revealed that it was made out of pomegranate juice concentrate.


The examination also revealed that the scroll was about 150-200 years old and was likely written in the Kurdish region in northern Iraq.


Scroll’s case smuggled from Syria to Israel

According to estimates, the scroll was confiscated by the Iraqi intelligence service (the Mukhabarat) after the major immigration waves to Israel.


The scroll was disqualified because the writing had cracks in it, the pages were torn and it had old patches and mold, but Garber’s recommendation was that it could be restored.


The Foreign Ministry decided to invest in the restoration, and now that the process has been completed, the ancient Torah scroll has been placed in the synagogue. An official induction ceremony is expected to take place at the synagogue soon in the presence of Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman.

The Foreign Ministry did not settle for that, and decided that such a Torah scroll deserves a special case as well. With the help of Material Resources Manager Tzvia Shimon, a 100-year-old case of a Torah scroll smuggled to Israel from Aleppo, Syria, was brought in from the Prime Minister’s Office. The rare case, which includes a dedication to a deceased person, has also been restored.



“It’s a beautiful scroll,” says Amnon Israel. “It includes two writings: The first part, the Book of Genesis, has seven deerskin sheets in one type of writing and the rest in a second type of writing. It is written on deerskin rather than on a regular parchment, and that’s what makes it so unique.


“We haven’t had a Torah scroll at the Foreign Ministry until now. We hold bar and bat mitzvah ceremonies for the employees’ children at the ministry’s synagogue, and we decided that we should definitely bring in a Torah scroll with such a history.”




0 thoughts on “Foreign Ministry gets ancient Torah scroll from Iraq”
  1. So now what? The so called greater Israel is implying that they have a spread out and deep hidden history well into Iraq? It’s amazing how all these findings are popping up. Do they seriously need the PR? They have to keep that self worshipping ideology rolling or else they cannot survive. I’m sure there are treasures around the world that are truly worth acknowledging. But no, if it doesn’t put jews in a so called sacred light, then it’s not worth noting. Scrolls everywhere, now written in juice on deer skin, no less. It seems that jews need to prove that they are so called (un)holy people, hence they hire people to stupidly verify that these findings are related to jews and are authentic. I’m no longer fooled by these people.

  2. ‘Especially if artifacts date back to the Jewish Babylonian Era”
    Note from editor is correct, modern Babylon will be interested in the older version.

  3. An ancient Torah was given to the Jewish captain of the space shuttle Columbia. It got as far as Palestine, Texas.

  4. The mass looting of Iraq’s antiquities began with “Operation Desert Shield” (August 1990 –February 1991) and was complete within a couple of weeks after the US invasion of March 2003. The looters were foreigners and Iraqis alike. Everything was picked clean.

    Looted artifacts are like money: they always flow upward to people who are rich, and who have connections.

    Furthermore, mass-looting almost always occurs during wars. Perhaps the only exception was during WW II when the Nazis stored countless art European treasures in salt mines to protect them from looting and from Allied bombing.

    Despite this, the National Socialists were “evil” because of the holo-hoax. ™

    Hence the Nazis are said to have “stolen” the artworks that they protected from Allied destruction.

  5. The joos have been trying to use Archaeology to justify their ownership of the holy land for many decades but Archaeology continues to remain silent.
    While we have artefacts of the civilizations before and after the jewish golden age of David and Solomon, there is nothing that shows any traces of the hebrews in the part of the world.

    So what did they do? They did not hesitate to fabricate some artefacts to convince us that the land used to be theirs, insulting History and Archaeology and spitting at the faces of Historians and Archaeologists.
    All the artefacts they’ve shown us have been proven to be fraud! And not only that, but the wailing wall is not theirs – it was part of a Roman fortress. It was never what remained of the Second Temple.
    Even the bodies found at Massada were in fact the bodies of Roman soldiers. The more they dig, the more they found about every past civilization except their own.

    Indeed, the middle east is littered with ancient temples, palaces of its former rulers, people, civilizations. Iraq – formerly known as Mesopotamia is the Cradle of Civilization, and even though we have unearthed a lot, it is what we have not discovered yet that makes the mind dizzy.

    And so the wonders of Iraq, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria must serve as a constant reminder to the chosenites that ancient buildings, palaces, temples simply do not vanish without a trace.

    So what do they do to prevent more and more people from seeing the obvious, from seeing that History and Archaeology do not substantiate their claims to the land?

    They destroy the traces of the other civilizations, to level the ground so to speak.

    The wonders of the Middle East must be like a permanent psychological torture and death threat on a people and a state who justify their existence on the writing of the Old Testament and whose History has left no trace whatsoever. None.

    The destruction of the ancient site in the middle east is a deliberate policy to erase as many traces as possible of any other civilization so that israel will eventually one day be on a equal footing with her neighbours.

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