National Unity Party chairman says this is the time to set up commission to investigate how October 7 was allowed to happen so that Israel can ensure it never happens again.


ed note–as we are wont to do here on this humble little informational endeavor, we’ll start off with a few pictographical digressions–



Both of these speak for themselves and the already-informaed reader understands their significance. The first, entitled the ‘Warren Report’, was the ‘official’ finding of the same Warren Commission set up in the aftermath of Israel’s murder of the POTUS #35, JFK. The commission ‘concluded’ that Lee Harvey Oswald, the ‘lone nut’ credited with murdering Kennedy, acted alone and there was no ‘conspiracy’.


The other speaks for itself as well, and like the Warren Report, was set up after the Israeli-engineered terrorist attacks taking place in the US on 9/11/2001. In the ‘official’ findings of the commission, ‘intelligence failures’ were listed as the primary reason that the attacks took place, and with no mention of some VERY salient and important facts that should have been included, not the least of which involved the arrests of the 5 Mossad agents on the morning of 9/11 who were seen by witnesses cheering and celebrating the destruction of the Twin Towers as they collapsed and who after being (quietly) sent back to Israel, admitted on an Israeli talk program that they were Mossad and that they had been sent to America prior to 9/11 in order to ‘document the event’.


And now we have the proposal for a new ‘commission’ to look into the events of Oct. 7th in Israel that for all intents and purposes have initiated Armageddon/WWIII, and which will DOUBTLESS follow the same template as the 2 commissions listed above in that the real ‘meat’ of the ‘jrama’ involving foreknowledge/direct involvement by elements within the government of Benjamin Netanyahu will get no facetime/airplay whatsoever, and how the events of that day were–as was the case of Israel’s murder of JFK and the terrorist attacks taking place on 9/11–all the result of ‘intelligence failures’…


…and what’s worse is that for the most part, the Gentiles–including those proudly wearing their membership in all the various pro-Palestinian/anti-Zionist communities, will swallow this baited worm–hook, line and sinker–and this despite the fact that in order to believe such ‘conclusions’, otherwise well-informed persons must abandon everything they have come to know and understand about how the Jewish State operates, and in particular, her assassination/disinformation Mossad whose motto is ‘by way of deception, we shall make war’.


We’ve said it before, ladies and Gentile-men, and we’ll say it again. The world’s ‘Jewish Problem’ isn’t Jewish at all, it’s Gentile.



Israel National News


National Unity Party chairman Minister Benny Gantz will submit a proposed resolution to establish a national commission of inquiry, in the midst of the war in Gaza and the threat of a war in the north, to investigate the failures to prevent the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2023.


‘Nearly eight months have passed since the greatest disaster in the country’s history. We have all seen the difficult video of the kidnapping from Nahal Oz, we have all seen the public debate about whether or not a warning was given to the Prime Minister,’ Gantz said.


‘There is no doubt – the period and the events leading up to October 7, and the continuation of the campaign since then, are a national upheaval from which we must learn lessons. At this time, it is no longer enough for us to take responsibility for what happened – we must take responsibility and act so that this never happens again,’ he said.


He announced: ‘The only way to do this is through a national commission of inquiry that should be established as soon as possible. I intend to soon submit a proposal for decision to establish it so that the committee can organize itself in preparation for starting work at a date that will be agreed upon.’


‘This is the right act for the continued functioning of the state, and it will also help us with the international legal challenges that lie before us,’ he concluded.

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