

German Jewry is beginning to worry about anti-Semitism again, and according to a local source, it’s long past due time that they did.

In an exclusive interview with a peace activist from Germany, learned this week that the threat to Jews in the country is rising steadily.

Right-wing extremists and neo-Nazi groups are increasing in popularity, albeit with their initial banner raised against the flood of refugees and migrants streaming into Germany from across Europe.

The activist, a German visitor to Israel, told on condition of anonymity – is that a backlash is beginning among the German population which is starting to blame its “migrant population” on “the Jews.”

It has taken a while, but Joseph Schuster, president of the country’s Central Council of Jews also expressed the community’s concern in an interview published Saturday in the Sueddeutsche Zetung.

“The political mood in our society is clearly drifting off to the right,” Schuster told the newspaper, noting rising tensions over the steady flow of migrants into the country. Although Schuster told the paper he does not believe the Jews will immediately leave en masse, he did warn that many will “consider” it.

“It must be clear to the people that come to us that anti-Semitic behavior will not be tolerated,” Schuster said. He called on the government to teach the migrants – most of whom are Muslims – to recognize the State of Israel in their cultural integration courses “because among the refugees is a significant proportion of Arab people who have grown up with anti-Jewish and anti-Israel stereotypes.”

While it is true that many attacks on Jews in Europe over the past several years have been traced to Muslim immigrants, that has by no means ever been the source of anti-Semitism on the continent. Adolf Hitler was Austrian, not Syrian. Let’s not confuse the two.

According to the German source there have been weekly anti-migrant demonstrations by German native-born citizens in Leipzig for months already. On the secular New Year, when parties were going “full blast” the central downtown area was “empty, spooky, with no police coverage whatsoever because all the police were out dealing with attacks.

This New Year’s Eve, gangs of young migrant men sexually assaulted countless young women in mass attacks in Cologne and other German towns, according to France24 and myriad other international media. Last year Germany absorbed 1.1 million migrants and the nation’s citizens are reportedly livid with Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open door policy for the refugees.

“That night saw hundreds of assaults – it was the first time the media could not hide the facts about migrant violence and German violence in response,” the source said.

Riots were also been carried out by an extremist group known to international police as the neo-Nazi “football hooligans.” The group has branches throughout Europe – in Sweden as well as in Germany.

In Leipzig two weeks later they seized the opportunity to start a rampage during a march by supporters of the anti-migrant Pegida movement (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West.) The local Pegida group in Leipzig is known as Legida.

“Merkel take your Muslims with you and go,” read one of the placards at a Legida protest.

Also in January, at least 250 neo-Nazis traveled by car to the Leipzig suburb of Connewitz from “all over the state of Saxony,” according to the World Socialist Web Site, which described a scene of “fascist terror.”

According to a report posted by the Peipziger Volkszeitung (LVZ), the “horde of neo-Nazis” were “goose-stepping” through the district and then began a “rampage of violence” with large stones they had clearly brought with them.

Another eyewitness said the mob was “armed with baseball bats and axes. They broke numerous windows, stormed into a Turkish restaurant and threw tables and benches through the windows into the street.”

The source who spoke with confirmed the report of the goose-stepping neo-Nazis. “I have seen the marches, and I have also seen the coverage,” the source said. “It is all true.”

Police said in the report that dozens of windows were shattered, fireworks ignited, and cars set ablaze. “The destruction was evidently planned,” according to the report. There were 211 arrests.

It was labeled by historian Sascha Lange, an expert on the resistance groups in the Third Reich, as the “biggest attack by right-wing extremists on shops and houses in Leipzig since the November Pogrom of 1938.”

More ominously, the report added that “it cannot be ruled out that [the riots] were carried out with the knowledge of the security forces or were even initiated by them.”

The source warned “Germans are extremely polite and most would never tell a Jew they are not welcome. But if you are blond and blue-eyed and are at a party on a Friday night, thenafter a few drinks it is a good idea to listen to what they are saying when they feel no Jews are around.”

8 thoughts on “GERMANY – Growing German far-right increasingly blaming immigration on Jews”
  1. Excellent …the Jews admit to being at the forefront of “multiculturalism in Europe.”
    They want the destruction of Amalek (Germany) and will do anything to achieve this.
    They couch their enthusiastic support of Middle Eastern refuges as fighting for humanitarianism while destroying the Middle East where these people are fleeing from!
    The Jews target Muslims with every calumny while “loving” them in Europe and the USA
    “The Jews make people hate one another and give them no peace” Adolf Hitler.
    Every mainstream politician in the world wants open borders …the Left push this as “breaking down barriers” and the Right, “freedom and opportunity.”
    This is all the work of the International Jews.
    Nationalist Groups must first of all stop being “Right Wing” as true National Socialism/Fascism is not Left or Right and breaks that phoney Judaic circle.
    They must see this “refuge crises” as a symptom and not the disease.
    The Jews are the progenitors of this “clash of civilization” go destroy ALL Gentiles of every culture, race nation.
    The goal is distraction, destruction, war, extinction of every Gentile foundation.
    One big blob world of featureless, clueless nobodies without form or sovereignty.
    One big mass …the Goyim, or herd to be ruled by “the Chosen People” of the Jew God Yahweh.
    Israel the “light among the nations” with a huge wall around it to maintain its purity, while every other people and nation go extinct and into the abyss of a Tower of Babel.
    Remove ALL Judaic influences, and the earth shall be free and return to a natural state of harmony.

  2. Palestinians don’t need “anti-Israel -sterotypes”, they suffer because of the jewish state on a daily basis. Most of the world realize what Israel does to them and their children.
    The jews behind immigration ? What about the wicked witch Barbra Spectre ?

  3. First of all, you have to realize that no one identifies themselves as “far right” or “neo-Nazi”. Also, there is no National Socialist party in Germany for someone to belong too. These are pejoratives and would be akin to responding with “kike” when asked what your religion is. “Far Right” is anyone that opposes mass-immigration or writes a history book that Jews don’t like. In both cases these are labels put on people by the intolerant liberals that run Germany.
    Notice that in the article they never address the substance of the accusation – that Jews are behind the immigration to Germany. I could show them Gregor Gysi, Barbara Specter and another twenty Jews encouraging immigration while laughing at the demise of Germans. I could show them Theodore Kaufman’s book and the fact that the Jews are doing the same thing everywhere. They would not care. They would still deny Jews are behind it. They are liars and that is why the same thing that has happened over and over again to them will happen again. They think they have the power to thumb their nose at everyone until they’re run out of a country again. They have to be stripped of their power, just as the National Socialists did. It’s the only solution.

  4. But they don’t have to be stripped of their power only in Germany- but everywere. They are detroying internationally: the neocons in USA, IsraHell, almost in each country of the world. They destroy from outside- e.g. George Soros and his regime change NGOs, his financing for immigration to Europe. He even proposed that the european countries should take huge sums of credits to feed and house the immigrants. In the meantime the young people are very much missed in their countries of origin. Migration as weapon against Europe and on the other hand making the arab countries free for the jews to occupy.That is the plan we have to resist to.

  5. “The political mood in our society is clearly drifting off to the right,” Schuster told the newspaper.
    Just like the shithole of his 1st loyalty.

  6. Typical of Jews. They create the problems, out sheer greed and hatred for whites, but then complain when whites get tired of their BS.
    As the old saying goes, “The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.”
    ed note–NEWSFLASH–Jews hate ALL GENTILES, not just ‘whites’, and anyone claiming to be working towards the defeat of this common enemy and who focuses solely on their own in this as if they were the only ones being devoured and destroyed is only working in the service of said enemy by engaging in this innaccurate and untrue statement.

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